


March 14, 2013

Golden Dawn Exposes Tsipras, Talks About History Lessons To Students (VIDEO)

Golden Dawn leader Nikos Michaloliakos said in an interview on Wednesday
  • - I will not abandon our children in the hands of the polytechnic generation.
  • - I will give the children of immigrants who were born in Greece the opportunity to learn about this nation which is now their home
  • - Alexis Tsipras secretly met with the president of El Dorado while in the U.S.

The Golden Dawn party is going to begin giving history lessons on “the Olympian gods, the ancient Greek pantheon and the Christian faith". The lessons began last week with children whose parents accepted an invitation at a party office in a small town near Athens, and the party says that it will continue "national awakening" courses for its "little friends."

Meanwhile Michaloliakos threw a MEGA BOMB on the televised show, claiming that SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras met up with the head of El Dorado while in the US. Now, if this is true, then why is SYRIZA is pretending to protest at the gold mines in Halkidiki? No one knows, but several years ago the Avgi newspaper -which 100 percent supports the SYRIZA party- began featuring full page ads from El Dorado.

Well after googling for a while we discovered this story on Antinews.
    "SYRIZA should be more cautious when addressing investing in gold mining in the area of Halkidiki, inciting its peripatetic followers to attack workers."
Antinews posted some common sense questions:

What forced SYRIZA and its President to alter their stance against the mining company when, on 2/5/2010 via the party's official newspaper "Avgi", it featured (and hailed) full-page ads from the "Greek Gold SA" company and the investment in Skouries?"

What about the time when SYRIZA's newspaper "Avgi", featured an article titled "Employment during the crisis", and the far-left party (which today says is against this investment) was proudly hailing this mining project in Halkidiki, describing it as "one of the biggest investments ever seen Greece ", or saying that the company protects "the environment with tangible solutions".

What motivated SYRIZA to make a 180 degree turn and target a particular investment and even instigate unlawful acts?

There are too many questions and the whole issue stinks a mile long!

Here is the video with the interview from the Golden Dawn leader. (the statement on Tsipras is at 24.00 into the first video)

Below are the front page of the Avgi newspaper with the controversial ad, the front page of the special insert and a full-page spread by the mining company.

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