
January 8, 2015

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SYRIZA Lead Over ND Narrowing

According to the latest opinion poll conducted by GPO the difference between the New Democracy party and SYRIZA stands at 3.2%, while according to ALCO the difference is 3.3% – and 2% according to INTERVIEW.

All three polls clearly indicate that SYRIZA’s lead over ND is starting to narrow.

More analytically, SYRIZA reaches 28.5% – New Democracy 25.3% – The POTAMI 5.8% – The Central Communist party KKE 5.7% – Golden Dawn 5.4% – PASOK 5% – ANEL 2.7% – Socialist Democrats movement 2.6% and LAOS 2%.

About 40.3% of respondents said they prefer Antonis Samaras for Prime Minister and only 34.9% prefer Alexis Tsipras.

The good news: All three polls conclude that the newly formed Socialist Democrats movement of George Papandreou, Karatzaferis' LAOS party and maybe even the Independent Greeks party will stay out of the Parliament.

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