In order to stay safe authorities suggest that:
1. You do not open links contained in emails from unknown senders, or, do not open any hyperlinks at all until the virus becomes a thing of the past. The best thing to do would be to type the URL address directly (our address of course at HellasFrappe is - Please bookmark it so you can stay safe).
2. Only use approved software programs and update them regularly.
3. Use an updated antivirus program.
4. Keep your operating system up to date.
5. Always backup your files and keep that external drive unplugged once you're done with the backup.
For more information, you can contact the Greek police's Electronic Crimes Division at phone: 11188 (if you are in Greece), or via e-mail at:
iOs and android smartphone users can use the CYBEERKID application to stay safe.
Source - enikos