This new development is not good. It will probably force Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the SYRIZA-ANEL government to make critical decisions over the next few days which might sour a large portion of the population. Tsipras was not successful in forming the alliances he wanted to within the EU and therefore has to now make brave decisions before it's too late.
More precisely, he has to secure Greece’s presence in the Eurozone because any other choice is going to have dire consequences for our nation which could be more destructive than the ones that he is presently attempting to rectify with the negotiations. If this goes against his party's ideology so be it, because at this point political survival should not even be a subject for discussion, the only thing that should matter is safeguarding the national interests of Greece.
As such, the government must prepare and present concrete and smart solutions to our lenders that will offer an equivalent economic result with the measures it rejects and dissolve any doubts and concerns that our partners have about us not achieving our economic goals.
Also, Tsipras must hold a meeting of political leaders and the decisions that will be taken during this meeting must be supported and respected by all political forces, irrespective of any political interests.
Moreover, the inner core of SYRIZA and its image makers must stop baptising this country's misery as something to cheer over and they should stop brainwashing us by baptizing the bailout agreements as simple contracts (and/or a political agreements) or renaming the Troika as "representatives of institutions".
On its part, the main opposition, and all the smaller parties, must support the government during these crucial negotiations without pretence and ulterior motives. All Greek political forces have to realize that what matters above all, are the interests of this country and its people and not their stupid careers. Election speeches must be abandoned and replaced by truths and discussions should only focus on our responsibility as a nation.
The Greek people are not tolerant anymore, and want and thirst clarity and truth, but we also need to change our way of thinking.
Why? Because common sense dictates that you cannot be a little pregnant, you can only be pregnant! We are up to our necks in debt and whether we like it or not we are bound to these agreements. There is no time to cry over spilled milk, the clock is ticking and unless we take drastic action, we will relive the Argentina saga at the end of this month.
No, I am not scare-mongering anyone, but simply stating the facts.
Pride is an important ingredient for a nation which is at the epicentre of the euro debt crisis for the past few years, and the people of this nation have been battered and humiliated on all fronts, but holding up a banner in front of the Greek Parliament is not going to return this dignity back to us. The only thing that will give us back our pride is if we come to terms with reality. We have to accept the bitter fact that no plan (by any party) to revive our economic and industrial self-sufficiency will be pain-free... because it will hurt. That is just the way things are!
When accept these realities and work together as a nation to once again restore our economic and financial independence, then we will gain our pride back. Every other argument is about personal gain.
HellasFrappe does not ideologically support the government because we lean more towards the Right (or have a more conservative ideology), but we are politically mature enough to support a national effort for the good of this nation. (Besides, we always live by example).
Working together, encouraging our political leaders in active dialogue with one another and refusing divisions that have been purposely planted in our communities will help us to find solutions.
I am certain of it.
There will be plenty of time after the negotiations to criticize the government on the U-turns it made towards reality, as well as for all the lies it fed to the Greek people prior to the January 25th elections in order to rise to power, but for now I ask all concerned to remain calm, to start burning the midnight oil, and remain united in this national effort.
Marina Spanos
Editor, HellasFrappe