
February 18, 2014

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Poll On MEGA Channel Profiles Golden Dawn Voters!

MEGA channel is going all out, in its frenzy to help Evangelos the Large to stay afloat in the political scene, it is now claiming that a good portion of the voters of Golden Dawn are in all reality socialists! The station, that has traditionally always supported the PASOK party, on Monday night presented the results of a recent study that more or less profiles the average Golden Dawn voter. The poll, which was conducted by the GPO polling company, claims that the average voter of the Golden Dawn party is of a young age, in most cases it is a male, of low income. and someone who identifies himself as centrist or center-leftist.

(Nice try Evangelos the Large to soak up some votes from the Right but it ain't gonna work.)

The study, which was presented in a late-night evening chat show with Yannis Pretenderis, shows that 67% of Golden Dawn voters are male and 63% are on a low income. About 43% of Golden Dawn voters are aged 25 to 39, 24% are aged 40 to50 and 15% is aged 55 to 64. Perhaps one of the more remarkable findings in study is that 38.3% define themselves as center-leftists and a further 35% as centrists.

The imprisoned Golden Dawn leader Nikos Michaloliakos has also seen his popularity drop from an 18.1% high in February 2013 to 9.4% a year later.

Quite interestingly, 77.3% of those polled said they believe that even though Golden Dawn may be characterized as a criminal organization, it still maintains its presence due to the people’s dissatisfaction with the system as well as the ongoing financial crisis.

Reference in Greek - Imerisia
Video of the show - MEGA Channel

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