
February 14, 2014

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Debate between Kassidiaris & Valianatos On Triantafyllopoulos Show (VIDEO)

A nice debate was held last night between candidates for Athens mayor Ilias Kassidiaris from the Golden Dawn party as well as Gay rights activist and lawyer G. Vallianatos. The debate was held on the Maki Triantafyllopoulo news show which was broadcasted on Thursday night on EXTRA channel.

The show as separated into three entities.

One third of the show was dedicated to the debate, the second third to a new judicial scandal and the last part aimed at continuing the debate, but it turned out into an interesting conversation on the new -and treasonous- Annan plan that literally aims to destroy Cyprus.

In the first part of the show, the PASOK representative did not wish to take part because Kassidiaris was present, but once the Golden Dawn MP left, he appeared only to receive sharp criticism by one of the panel guests who outwardly slammed the PASOK party and especially its leader Evangelos Venizelos for his stance on the Cyprus issue.

Also interesting to watch is what Athens mayor candidate Mr.Vallianatos said about the Cyprus issue. He and Zouraris begin picking bones and Vallianatos openly admits that if it was up to him then he would have voted in favor of the treasonous first Annan plan that literally wanted to destroy Cyprus and which was rejected by the Cypriot people.

This is not the first time that Vallianatos provokes national sentiment on national issues.

Quite interestingly, Grigoris Vallianatos, was a Media Advisor to former PASOK party president George Papandreou until he expressed his personal views regarding the FYROM issue. Specifically, while stating his personal opinion on Greek national issues on a Greek television show he was asked if "Skopje" should be called "Macedonia". He said "yes" which shocked all those watching the show, and the show hosts asked him the question again to which Vallianatos once again replied "yes" (while he even added that this was his personal opinion.)

Still shocked by his answer the show host then asked Mr. Vallianatos if there was a FYROManian minority in Greece to which Mr. Vallianatos again replied with a "yes"! At this point the show hosts became belligerent, to say the least, and behaved disgracefully towards him demanding that he be immediately fired from his position.

When the news was broadcasted the next day, PASOK´s foreign policy advisor at the time, Andreas Loverdos, attempted to cover up his scandalous comments by denying that Vallianatos had made these remarks, but he was unsuccessful because the public outcry was so strong that Vallianatos was fired from his job at PASOK the very next day.

If you have two hours to spare then watch the video on large screen. It is quite informative.

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