
February 14, 2014

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Prosecution proposes unprecedented 100 million Euro Bail for Jailed Lavrentiadis

An unprecedented 100 million Euro bail to the judicial council was proposed by an Athens prosecutor on Thursday for the release of jailed businessman Lavrentis Lavrentiadis. Some may recall that Lavrentiadis is the central figure in the controversial and scandalous Proton Bank case where 701 million Euros were apparently handed out in unsecured loans.

Reports on Friday speculate that Lavrentiadis faces such a high bail due to the nature of the crimes committed and because the prosecutor is probably in the opinion that he is still highly suspect of committing further crimes. Aside from his financial crimes, Lavrentiadis is also implicated in the attempted murder of a businessman.

This is why the prosecutor proposed such a high bail, as well as laid out a series of restrictions, such as not being allowed to leave Attica, having to report to a local police station three times a month and that the funds posted for the bail must not be from any of the defendant's frozen accounts.

On his part, Lavrentiadis' defense attorneys are demanding his release on what they claim are serious medical problems. Unknown till now, Lavrentiadis apparently suffers from bone deformities and his overall health, which has deteriorated during his 15 month detainment at the Korydallos prison, has worsened. The lawyers have rallied on several nightime press shows about this, especially on George Tragas' "Xoris Anaisthitiko" news show.

Article in Greek - newsbomb

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