Spokesman and candidate with the Golden Dawn Party Elias Kasidiaris really gave it to MEGA channel journalist Manolis Kapsis on his nightly talk show "The hour of the Polls" on Friday night. Mr. Kapsis, who has been highly criticized in the past for lacking objectivity over many matters (as well as continually supporting the socialist PASOK party) obviously showed his loathing for the far-right MP and openly admitted that the television channel he works for has purposely ignored the Golden Dawn party. Kapsis also openly admitted that the only reason he invited Kasidiaris to his panel discussion was because the law obligates him to do so. (Wow... what a confession!). Much to Kapsis' surprise, Kasidiaris (who is a very intelligent and young politician) was not afraid to tell it like it is to Kapsis and judging from what happened after this it didn't sit too well with Kapsis. On his part, Kapsis handled the situation much in the way we expected him to. He cut off Kasidiaris on air and even silenced his microphone. As such, Kasidiaris got up and left. (Kai kala ekane!).
Editor's Note - Hellasfrappe does not support the Golden Dawn party, but we certainly do not like the way that the media has treated (and is treating) this party. In our opinion, this is undemocratic. Mr. Kapsis should realize that he is not there to openly and without any shame display who he likes, and who he does not like. His loathing for anything that is non-PASOK is very obvious. We see the same treatment when members of the New Democracy party, or the Independent Greeks party are invited to speak on this television station as well. If MEGA channel allowed the people they invited to their panels to actually speak without provoking their patience, criticizing their every word and cleverly interrupting them so that they cannot be heard, and if their reporters were just a wee bit objective about the news they reported then maybe just maybe they would be a little credible to the viewing audience. No wonder people have turned their backs to this this specific television channel.