
October 10, 2013

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Anonymous Call For Global Action Against Golden Dawn on Oct. 26 VIDEO

English: Anonymous Español: Anonymous
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Anonymous released a new video on Thursday which characterizes the Golden Dawn party as murderers and enemies of democracy. "This behavior will no longer be tolerated", says the spokesman in the video, and he appealed for global action against the far-right party on October 26. It would have been wiser if Anonymous called for global action against the well over 1,5 million unemployed Greeks in this country, or the well-over 4,000 deaths that were a cause of the economic crisis, or what about the fact that one third of the population lives below the poverty line and even the rise in crime in this country. And if that was a problem, why not call for global action against the war in Syria and all the other nations that are suffering from similar misery. But they want to simply occupy themselves with Golden Dawn. That should make all of us suspicious.Source - YouTube

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