
October 23, 2013

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Could Mystery Blond Girl's Father Be In Bulgaria? Greek Officials Checking New Lead (VIDEO)

Could the father of the mystery blond girl "Maria" be located in Bulgaria? No one knows, but Greek authorities are currently in Sandanski, Bulgaria to follow a lead that claims her father is located near that city. The blond and green-eyed girl "Maria" was found living with a Roma family in Farsala,  near Larissa in Central Greece.

In Greece, Supreme Court prosecutor Efterpi Koutzamani ordered a nationwide investigation into birth certificates issued in the past six years after discovering a huge window in the present system which allowed the Roma couple to illegally register Maria as one of their own. Koutzamani ordered the inquiry into all birth certificates issued after January 1, 2008, amid all the news reports of benefit fraud by families all across Greece. In the report she notes that “the case regarding the young Maria, where a certificate of birth was issued on the basis of false statements, is not an isolated incident.”

On the subject of DNA, Interpol (based in Lyon, France) issued a yellow alert for Maria, which includes a complete DNA profile, a photo of the girl to all member countries of the organization. It also noted that its data base is now available to Greek and international authorities, while it called on all countries that have DNA data bases, to integrate their children in their files.

Alternate Health Minister Leonidas Grigorakos told ANA-MPA in an interview that the measure of DNA and maternity or paternity testing would be established by law and be part of legislation for immigrants, in terms of birth certificates available in their documentation. He noted that this regulation will pass into the new registry regulations and announced that it has already been done for the Immigration Code.

The whole issue of "Maria" opened a Pandora's box in a sick and rotting public sector which for decades has operated as a state within a state. The latest evidence, which is now at the disposal of the national Court of Appeals prosecutors, apparently notes this phenomena proves that the trading of minors and illegal adoptions has taken up alarming dimensions. (Some even speak about a booming 1 billion Euro industry).

Based on relevant case files forwarded to Parliament in late August by Justice Minister Charalambos Athanassiou, which were made public, they refer to more than 40 cases concerning illegal rings engaging in such practices, most of them in the northern city of Thessaloniki and on the eastern part of the island of Crete. Ten lawsuits concerning trading of minors and illegal adoptions cases were filed with the First Instance Court Prosecutor in Thessaloniki, while an equal number of lawsuits concerning illegal adoptions were filed on Crete.

Other case files include a medical doctor in Kavala, northeastern Greece, involved in an illegal adoption and a lawsuit filed against a private clinic in Kozani, northwest Greece, while illegal adoption cases are also pending in courts in Larissa, central Greece and in Athens.

Thankfully, things will finally change (and quick). DNA is now going to be used to establish the identity of a baby not born in a hospital or maternity clinic, legally and formally, prior to registering with Greek authorities.

Meanwhile police raided Roma camps in Mesolongi and Aitoliko, in western Greece, and on the Ionian island of Corfu. Twenty-four people were detained and one was charged with stealing electricity from state power lines.

And finally a report in "Ta Nea" said on Wednesday that the Roma people do not only benefit from huge welfare benefits (because they claim to have many children), but also from the dowry of the daughter when she marries! According to their traditions, when they marry off their daughters -which is usually done between the ages of 12-13- the father of the bride gains a huge dowry from the groom's family which in most cases involves a large amount of money. (Combined Reports)

For More On This Story, Also read:

Mystery Blond Girl Investigation Ongoing, Int'l Media In Larissa To Cover Case, Trafficking Suspected! (VIDEOS)

Mystery Blond Girl (& Other Children) Abducted by Roma Couple To Receive Child Benefits!

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