
September 15, 2011

UPDATED - Athens fears attack on Aegean islands by Turkish forces (VIDEO)

The events in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean are indeed heating up. Press reports in Athens say that Turkish air fighters have been circling over Megisti, Kasterlorizo for the past 48 hours.

In such a context, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and his Israeli counterpart held a telephone conversation late last night to exchange strategies on the situation. According to what was announced, they invoked a mutual defence pact they signed secretly only two weeks ago when Defense Minister Panos Beglitis went to Israel in the light of heavy Turkish sea and air movements in the Eastern Mediterranean. Israeli officials, noted the report on defencenet, recorded many Turkish planes making observation flights in and around Megisti over the past 48 hours and that the flights were apparently escorted by Turkish combat jets.

Press reports also said that Athens raised concerns about a possible attack on the island that has less than 1.000 inhabitants. A separate report on the debka file confirmed this.

Specifically the report said that

    Athens fears a Turkish attack on the island, whose population is fewer than 1,000, and an attempt to damage or seize it. Israel suspects that a Turkish attack on the Greek island will be the signal for Turkish military aggression against its oil and gas platforms located in the Mediterranean between Israel and Cyprus. Papandreou said the Turks are capable of surprise attacks on additional Greek islands near the Turkish coast.

    Ankara would be acting on the pretext that Israel and Cyprus have no right to mark out and exploit the gas and oil zones of the eastern Mediterranean – a fuel-rich region known as Block 12 – without the consent of Turkish Cyprus (the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus – TRNC). Turkey also backs Lebanon’s complaint that Israel is robbing it of its natural resources. Talks between Lebanon and Cyprus to resolve this issue broke down. Beirut refuses any discussion with Israel.

    Neither Jerusalem nor Athens has disclosed in what way they have invoked the new defence pact. Nonetheless, debkafile‘s military sources surmise that in the first stage, Israeli navy and air forces are to be posted at Greek Mediterranean bases. The two intelligence agencies are already sharing input. (The article on defencenet also makes notice of this)

    Up until now, Israel could only respond to a Turkish threat from its own borders. With a presence at Greek military bases, Israel will be able to operate from the rear of Turkish forces in the event of an attack by those forces in the Mediterranean.

Papandreou also said he feared similar attacks in all the islands in the Eastern Aegean that are closer to the Turkish coast.

Papandreou then held an extraordinary meeting with military chiefs so that Greece can prepare accordingly.

A senior official was quoted as saying after the meeting that “we will do what we can, with all that we have, May God be with us”. 


The Turkish government has chartered a Norwegian research vessel for carrying out marine research in a wide region that overlaps the Greek continental shelf south of Kastelorizo. A report on Proto Thema said that issuing a Mariners notice (NAVTECH), the Turkish authorities announced that between the dates September 15 to November 15, the Norwegian ship (BERGEN SURVEYOR) along with three accompanying ships -and possibly by Turkish warships as well- will conduct research in a wide area which includes pieces of Turkish, Cypriot and a little bit of Greek continental shelf near Greece’s Kastelorizo Island. Until late on Thursday night the ships were in Antalya. Ankara and Norway have not asked the Greek government if they can conduct research in Greek territorial waters. The announcement by Turkey prompted the Greek Foreign Ministry in Athens to call on its Embassy in Ankara to make an urgent demarche to the Turkish Foreign Ministry, calling for withdrawal from any research activity that affects Greek territorial rights in the region. A report from the state news agency said that parallel to this, the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs also instructed the Greek embassy in Oslo to contact the company backing the Norwegian research vessel, as well as the Foreign Office of Norway, in order to make the Greek positions on the issue known.

UPDATE 2 - According to press reports the Norwegian vessel M / V BERGEN SURVEYOR and three accompanying ships took off from Antalya in Turkey three hours ago. Military officials in Athens are apparently monitoring their every move. (click here).

UPDATE 3 - Over the last few hours Turkish forces have apparently began preparing a military incident in the Eastern Mediterranean. So far, press reports in Athens say that the Turkish Armed Forces, under the guise of large-scale exercises, are moving army, navy and air force units in the region, in the framework of reinforcing their military presence in the Turkish coast. (click here).



Greater Albanian Thong - Wear what facists wear or just be square!

Make way Victoria Secret... Ladies if you thought the must have item of the autumn season was the latest ensemble at Victoria Secret... hellasfrappe is here to inform you that its not!

Move over leather and lace

Ta ta ta ta... We present the "Great Albanian" thong! 

In my quest to find more and more offbeat news, I came across a gem. Taking well advantage of the marketing world, a North American company is now apparently offering strings/thongs with the map of the "Great Albania" printed on them. 

Just imagine, with prices that start from $12.50 CAD  you too can begin your "nationalistic" style and rebel your way all day. 

Come on girls... wear what facists wear... or just be square! 

Not into thongs? That is ok, the same company also offers an array of T-shirts, mugs, bags and other such items for any rebel heart! Click here to make your order right now... from what the site says... they even ship to Greece!

Kounia pou sas kounage!

Languagesel>en YahooCE

The life of a Greek politician in simple mathematics… Oh how I wish I was a politician!

The members of the Greek Parliament are people’s representatives. How did they get so rich?. Can this increasing disparity between representatives’ income profile and the average electorate that they represent be healthy?With a salary of 6,100 euros a month, rent allowance, cars, chauffeurs, bonuses and a list of other benefits it is no wonder why people everywhere want to suddenly become politicians. Oh how I wish I was a politician....

Primary Benefits of Greek MPs 

  • Monthly salary is 6,100 euros.
  • Pension after 4 years of parliamentary service. Amount of pension per month 4,880 euros.
  • To participate in committees, 250 per day (debatable).
  • Members of the provinces receive an additional 1,000 euros a month for rent in Athens.
  • All members receive 1,500 euros for an office
  • They also receive an extra 1,000 euros in bonus for holidays because of increased communication with their constituents.
  • Christmas, Easter and holiday bonus checks are separate and equal to that of their monthly salaries.
  • They are entitled to 104 flights a year and free and unlimited travel on Trains and Buses.
  • They are provided with a luxury car
  • They are also given a fuel allowance of 600 euros per month
  • They are provided with a policeman to guard them
  • They are given 4 hi-tech and top technology mobile phones.
  • And best of all they enjoy complete immunity for any crime committed during their term of office.

But wait… there are also secondary benefits for all Greek MPs as well!

  • They do not pay tax on a portion of salary or pension.
  • They are entitled to a staff of no more than four workers for the political offices. (All this is paid by the Treasury, or in simple terms by the average Greek citizen).
  • They are entitled to interest free loans.
  • They are given access to free gym, sauna and day care services for their children.
  • They are given free entrance to archaeological sites, museums and galleries.
  • And when they are abroad they are given free airfare, hotel and meals!

Nobel Energy rig on its way to Cyprus’ area 12

The Noble Homer Ferrington drilling rig slowly began its 100 nautical miles (185 km) route from the drilling point at NOA block of Israel, towards the Cypriot drilling position in block “Aphrodite”(Goddess of Cyprus). After giving the green light, Noble Energy began the moving process by lifting its anchors with the help of newly built Norwegian special support Skandi Saigon. The process of stabilizing the rig using underwater robots will begin immediately so that the planned drilling will begin at the end of the month.

According to Cyprus’ “Phileleftheros” newspaper Noble Energy is well prepared with three different courses of action in the event that Turkey begins to materialize on her threats, and is ready to face any kind of challenge. For now there are no disturbing movements but the situation is closely being monitored, especially the movement of various naval vessels in the region.

Meanwhile, Israel, issued a directive to all ships to distance themselves for at least five kilometres from the area except for the platform’s support ships, Cyprus is expected to do the same in the following few days.

VIDEO REPORT - Taxi owners strike sparks questions about Ragoussis draft bill

Striking taxi owners from across the country held a strong protest outside of the Greek parliament on Tuesday afternoon while Infrastructures, Transport and Networks Minister Yiannis Ragoussis briefed the ruling PASOK party about the definitive clauses in the draft law deregulating the taxi sector. The draft law, which got the cabinet’s approval a week ago, is currently in a public debate process and has caused much debate.

A report on this morning also said that large hotel chains as well as prominent travel agencies have applied for thousands of licenses and one has to wonder…. Is this move by the government just? Why hand out thousands of licenses to already profitable hotel chains, and take them away from people who work 12 hours a day to pocket some 100 Euros to make a decent living?

Ragoussis said that all licenses are “public property” angering middle class taxi workers who have paid 100+ thousands for their licenses.

In mid-July taxi owners launched a three-week strike to oppose a government plan to liberalise the sector.

I agree that many professions, which are currently closed should be liberalised, but taxi owners have paid hefty sums for their licences and this has to be realized by the government.

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