
September 15, 2011

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VIDEO REPORT - Taxi owners strike sparks questions about Ragoussis draft bill

Striking taxi owners from across the country held a strong protest outside of the Greek parliament on Tuesday afternoon while Infrastructures, Transport and Networks Minister Yiannis Ragoussis briefed the ruling PASOK party about the definitive clauses in the draft law deregulating the taxi sector. The draft law, which got the cabinet’s approval a week ago, is currently in a public debate process and has caused much debate.

A report on this morning also said that large hotel chains as well as prominent travel agencies have applied for thousands of licenses and one has to wonder…. Is this move by the government just? Why hand out thousands of licenses to already profitable hotel chains, and take them away from people who work 12 hours a day to pocket some 100 Euros to make a decent living?

Ragoussis said that all licenses are “public property” angering middle class taxi workers who have paid 100+ thousands for their licenses.

In mid-July taxi owners launched a three-week strike to oppose a government plan to liberalise the sector.

I agree that many professions, which are currently closed should be liberalised, but taxi owners have paid hefty sums for their licences and this has to be realized by the government.

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