
February 16, 2015

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Thousands gather at Syntagma Square in support of government

Tens of thousands of citizens headed to Syntagma Square on Sunday night in a cry to support the government in the ongoing negotiations in Brussels. Similar gatherings were also organized in other cities across Greece as well as abroad.

The demonstrations in Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos, Patra and other major cities were primarily organized via the social networks. Public gatherings were also arranged in Berlin, Dublin, Nicosia, Brussels, Paris, London, Rome and even in Brazil.

In Melbourne, Australia, Greek expatriates demonstrated at the Greek festival at Lonsdale Street and according to reports, Vasilis Papastergiadis (the president of the Greek community there) expressed his support and solidarity to the Greek government’s efforts to negotiate a better deal. Also, the leader of Australia's main opposition party, Bill Shorten, even declared that “we are all Greek tonight” and demanded that Greece receive fair treatment.

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