In an interview on SKAI TV on Wednesday, SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras described GD supporters as having gone "astray" noting that the majority are not neonazis. But immediately he said that his party has a head-on confrontation with GD.
(In other words, to sell a Leftist style ideology, we must call GD neonazis and ridicule them like all the other wannabe parties that are accepted by the establishment, but let us not insult their supporters this Sunday because we need their votes!)
Slamming the move (for obvious reasons) was Prime Minister Antonis Samaras who more or less described it as being extreme and opportunistic.
As for Evangelos (the Large) Venizelos: Well he called on SYRIZA to join the fight against nazis and Golden Dawn and stressed that "it is unthinkable and historically forbidden to flirt in any way with these forces."
In our opinion Mr. Venizelos, should be more concerned about the fact that it is incomprehensible to even be near someone who supports PASOK since most of its MPs have already been convicted of serious crimes!