We hate to tell you we told you so, but a couple of days ago we featured an article here on HellasFrappe warning all of you to absorb the news of the Farmakonisi incident with a grain of salt. Something else was brewing here and we finally have the evidence to prove it.
A new video that was released on the Internet on Friday clearly shows the tactics used by smugglers when crossing illegal immigrants into a country. In most cases they use an inflatable boat which easly capsizes and if the weather is anything like it was on the day the Farmakonisi incident occurred it can result in the death of several men and children. Smugglers use this tactic all the time when trying to cross migrants illegally into other countries, and this is noted by the reporter in the relevant video. Looks like the incident in Greece was no exception.
In fact smugglers advise their clients, or the people they are illegally traffic into other countries, to tear a hole in the lifeboat and fall into the sea so that they can be saved (and in this case force Greek authorities to transport them on dry land where they in return can then begin to cry for asylum).
The video below was presented on STAR channel on Friday night and slams SYRIZA's accusations, which in our opinion are nothing more than pro-Soros and human trafficking propaganda!
Note: In the video you will also notice the hatred of Germany's Deutsche Welle network which talks about abuse from Greek authorities but of course does not present any evidence to back up this claim, nor does it dare to confess that the person in the boat -that is seen in the footage- is a Turkish smuggler. And what is worse... the confrontation seen in the footage with the Greek Coast Guard was used by the German channel in the framework of encouraging its viewers to believe that Greek Coast Guard officials are indeed abusive. Thankfully, that too has now been debunked.
Another thing that should also be slammed is the photo below which apparently displays one of the so called victims of the tragedy. This man, according to the international media supposedly lost his wife and children in the accident, or this is what the media wants you to believe. As it turns out, the photo, which has totally gone viral on the web, is actually from 1999 and it was not of an Afghan national, but of a Kosovo-Albanian citizen. Here is the photo that was presented in the international press, and right under it is the explanation of who this man really is. Politically correct and progressive b**llshit at its best!
(One by one... all their lies will be exposed. This we promise!)
Speaking of the Coast Guard, a couple of days ago its top officials described the situation in the Aegean at the moment as a "theater of absurdity". (Referring of course to the ruthlessness of Turkish smugglers to traffic illegal immigrants into Greece with the help of the Turkish Coast Guard.)
Think this is a strong accusation?
Think again.
In 2012 we experienced a similar event where 61 people drowned. At the time we featured an article here on HellasFrappe from a Turkish journalist who actually went against the status quo and openly questioned his own government's activity in regards to the human trafficking issue. His name is Ezer Caracas and his article was published in Turkey's STAR newspaper. Here is a small excerpt of the article, please click HERE to read all of the article.
"Where and how did these illegal immigrants come into Turkey and how did they reach Smyrna from the southern boarder?This is what Ezer Caracas said in his report, which was re-published in a Sunday edition of the Dimokratia newspaper here in Greece.
Who is helping these illegal immigrants to enter Turkey and who is turning a blind eye? For example let's say they entered Turkey from Antioch and from Keeley, how did these people manage to reach Smyrna?
What is the relationship between the financing of PKK terror with drug smuggling?
Is it possible that such large quantities of drugs are being transported in our country, without the cooperation from certain members of the security forces?
How is it possible that traffickers manage to pass so many checkpoints, and authorities never realize that they are transporting illegal immigrants? How do these smugglers pass these obstacles?
We know that the issue of illegal immigration is an international matter, but we also know that the movement of illegal immigrants would not be possible without the cooperation of a specific few in the Turkish state ....
But SYRIZA is still deaf when it comes to the subject, and totally ignores hard evidence as well. Earlier last week forty-five students -all members of left-wing SYRIZA's youth section- were detained during a protest at the office of maritime Minister Miltiadis Varvitiotis. They blamed the police for ‘attacking them without reason’, and some reporters, and even GREEK media (including articles in the English language) claimed that they were even harassed.
The truth is that the protesters broke windows, wrote slogans on walls and put up posters. One was also later arrested for allegedly swearing at police and resisting the detention process, but of course SYRIZA says that its youth was there to distribute some leaflets.
(Correct us if we are wrong, but paper does not break windows now does it?)
The sinking has led to an increasingly heated political debate in Greece, with the government — and Varvitsiotis in particular — coming under criticism. Authorities have ordered an investigation into the accident.
Survivors have said the Coast Guard boat was towing their vessel back into Turkish waters to be abandoned, and that the crew didn't help passengers struggling in rough seas after their boat sank.
The Coast Guard has rejected the criticism, saying it was towing the boat to the nearby Greek island of Farmakonisi when the accident occurred, and that the crew rescued as many people as they could.
Speaking before the parliamentary committee this past week about the incident in Farmakonisi, the head of Greek Coast Guard, John Karageorgopoulos, spoke about the advice that smugglers give to migrants when attempting to illegally cross them into Greece. According to him the migrants must slash the inflatable lifeboats with a knife if they are caught by the Coast Guard so that the Greeks can save them.
"These instructions have been found in the possession of a national from a third world nation. They are told to pretend not to know any English, to repeat the word Palestine and then to say that their name is Mohammed, "added Mr. Karageorgopoulos (referring to the tactics used by Turkish smugglers.)In our opinion, the video totally and without a doubt justifies the Greek Coast Guard and exposes well known "progressive" groups, who always jump the gun when it comes to illegal immigration (or pro-Soros and human trafficking propaganda). Don't you find it just a wee bit suspicious as to why the only talk about the victims, and never, EVER, refer to the crime of smuggling?
Another thing that has also become quite evident to us is that some pro-Turkish Germans, as descendants of the Huns, want to flood Greece with illegal immigrants, so that they can in the future have cheap labor which they can then manipulate in Special Economic Zones.
But certainly the most troubling bit of all, is how the situation has been blown out of proportion from some of our own pro-SYRIZA media outlets, and quite shockingly from many Greek American media news sites as well. Exactly who are all these media outlets serving anyway? We would like to believe that the Greek-American news sites have no deep incite on the matter and rather follow the flow of information, this we accept... but damn the Greek ones for being so bloody blind! The reporters who write up pieces about this tragedy should change their profession, and as we have noted in previous reports, some are not even competent to hand out perfume samples let alone report the news!
The only thing that is obvious is that the whole incident at Farmakonisi is being exploited against the government. We openly disagree with the government on many things, but this incident, in our opinion, does not touch the government but rather wants to weaken our security forces instead. Those who religiously support the theory of open borders are also the ones who attempt to continually create some kind of political crisis in this country. Think about it.
For instance, on Friday the Greek daily Eleftherotypia featured some comments from New Democracy MP Sofia Voultepsi who said that "refugees ... are, ultimately, unarmed invaders, weapons in the hands of the Turks". Her statement was blown out of proportion from some pro-left blogs on Saturday who used this statement in an attempt to discredit the government over its stance to immigrants. Never once did any of these progressive sites care to speak about the illegal aspects of this crime, nor did they care to address the subject of human trafficking.
Thankfully Voultepsi spoke many truths. In the article, and while attacking SYRIZA for its involvement in the case, she said that SYRIZA is driving everyone mad since the Farmakonisi shipwreck.
"They've shut down Athens. They've paraded Afghans, Pakistanis (and) Bangladeshis around (the country in protests). They haven't even published one statement on the Cephalonian earthquake. All day long, they deal with the issue of these so called refugees, who are, ultimately, unarmed invaders, weapons in the hands of the Turks."Voultepsi, who worked as a journalist before being elected, alleged that in 1995 Turkey claimed the island was under Greek occupation and that since then "dozens of landings of migrants" suddenly began to occur.
"These people are brought over by Turkish human smugglers. They don't come by accident," noted Voultepsi.She said that an accident occurred, but that it did not and should not necessarily mean that the Greek Coast Guard was at fault.
And she is right.
Why do we allow ourselves as a society to question whether or not the Coast Guard was at fault when we know that the practise of illegally smuggling people into another country is an INTERNATIONAL CRIME? This is a ridiculous way of thinking.
Anyone who does not condemn this crime, is either helping smugglers and/or is benefiting financially from human trafficking. There is no two ways about it.
If all these people truly want a better life then why not use the proper channels? Why not go to an Embassy and apply for a visa, or ask for asylum there?
(Voultepsi has said many truths, and has the b**lls to really tell it like it is. In the past she had even said that the BBC was owned by arms dealers and that the international press had been sold to "Rothschild, bankers". Too bad she didn't say anymore!!!!)
Her comments on Friday came day after Public Order Minister, Nikos Dendias spoke about the "quality" of migrants that were arriving in Greece, describing it as "tragic". He left it to be understood, that immigrants of the former Soviet Union, that migrate to Sweden for instance, have some sort of educational level, but the migrants that are illegally entering Greece stem mostly from countries such as Bangladesh and/or Afghanistan, and although some may have some sort of education, most are uneducated, and have no clue what it is to live in a democracy.
"This is our misfortune," he noted.It should be noted that trafficking concerns men, women and children. It takes the form of forced labour, sexual exploitation, trading of human tissues and organs, recruitment of children into armed conflicts or even the trade of children into sex tourism industry. The victims are victims of slavery deprived of their fundamental rights, freedoms and dignity.
Trafficking is usually transnational and directly connected to organized crime. And do not be fooled for a minute, this billion dollar industry and these criminal organizations show an amazing flexibility in finding new routes, new modi operandi and new ways to overcome the law. Most importantly, they are supported by progressive forces who for some reason only speak of the victims and never of the damn crime!
From Wikipedia:
Greece is a transit and destination country for women and children who are subjected to human trafficking, specifically forced prostitution and conditions of forced labor for men, women, and children. Female sex trafficking victims originate primarily in Eastern Europe and former Soviet bloc countries. Traffickers use various forms of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse as tools of coercion. Greece's EU membership, coupled with a shared border with Turkey, means the country sees massive flows of illegal immigrants looking to enter the EU; traffickers also use Greece not only as a destination but a transit stop on the way to Western Europe.Imagine what those figures are today!
A large number of trafficked persons are trafficked through Greece on their way to Italy or other Western countries. From the 1970s onwards, migrants from Asia and Africa began to enter Greece as a temporary stop on their way to other, more developed Western European countries. Since then, immigration into Greece, legally and illegally, in order to gain access to the rest of the European Union has dramatically increased, and traffickers have taken advantage of this as well.
There are two main trafficking routes that go through Greece in order to reach the European Union. The first is the Balkan Route, through which victims are moved from the Balkans into Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, and Greece, and from there to the rest of the EU. The second is the Eastern Mediterranean Route, which moves victims from Turkey through Greece into Bulgaria and Romania.
Some accounts have estimated that Greece’s border with Turkey serves as the “back-door” entry point for close to 90% of the illegal immigrants to the European Union, and this number includes those transported illegally for purposes of sexual exploitation.
Greece’s European Union membership, coupled with its geographical location between East and West, also contributes to its role as a transit nation in trafficking routes. As a gateway to Western Europe, victims are often trafficked through Greece in order to reach other EU countries.
From 1991–2001 over 2.2 million migrants who had entered Greece illegally were deported, and the vast majority of these had arrived in Greece through Turkey.
Friends, we need informed and active citizens who will recognize the problem, who will not be passive and tolerant to people who speak about the victims, but not of the crime! And we need to debunk all the junk we hear from various parties that only want to maintain this crime.
To end the crime... we must speak about the crime and we here at HellasFrappe will continue to do so come rain or shine!
Change will happen after we raise awareness about this issue. So what can you do? Keep doing what we are, raise awareness, bring trafficking to people’s attention, and pray for change to keep happening!
References in Greek:
- http://www.tanea.gr/news/greece/article/4566020/?iid=2
- http://www.naftemporiki.gr/story/759202
- http://news247.gr/eidiseis/politiki/voultepsh_kata_syriza_
- http://www.enet.gr/?i=news.el.article&id=412640
- http://www.skai.gr/news/politics/article/250871/varvitsiotis-politiki-ekmetalle
- http://www.defencenet.gr/defence/item/%CE%B2%CE%AF%CE%BD%CF%
- http://www.ethnos.gr/article.asp?catid=22768&subid=2&pubid=63952509
- http://www.tovima.gr/politics/article/?aid=562190
- http://thesecretrealtruth.blogspot.com/2014/02/blog-post_4896.html
- http://www.lse.ac.uk/europeanInstitute/research/hellenicObservatory