
January 28, 2014

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Wife Of New Democracy MP Arrested For Tax Evasion

Greece ‘s Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has vowed to take swift action against any public official that is tied to corruption, tax evasion, etc and it looks like he means it. On Monday the wife and brother of one of his MPs, or Mr. Gerasimos Giakoumatos, were arrested on charges of tax evasion. Dimitris Giakoumatos and Eleni Theodorou (the brother and wife of the New Democracy MP, respectively) apparently operate a family run retirement home titled "Saint Basil" which is located in the northern Athens suburb of Neo Psychico.

The same reports claim that while performing a routine check at the nursing home, the financial police discovered quite a few tax violations.

Asked by the Parapolitika news site to comment on this latest scandal, the ND MP said that its "a small tax offense".

Obviously we disagree Mr. Giakoumatos... When you adopt strict tax measures against citizens in Greece for mere pennies that are owed to the State, then expect to pay the price when you violate the law as well. Anyone who violates the law should pay the price, and your actions, or those of your families, cannot be excused because you are a politician.

Bravo to the Greek police for making these arrests and for making this public, and bravo to Samaras for having the manhood to keep his word. It is time to clean up house in this country!

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