
July 17, 2013

Suspects Fire Kalashnikovs Against Police Officials In Athens

Unknown assailants using ΑΚ-47 Kalashnikov rifles apparently fired against the a special unit of DIAS officers early on Wednesday (around 8:40 am) when the latter attempted to check their vehicle. Press reports said that the incident occurred on Kedrinou Street, which is located near the Greek police department’s headquarters (GADA), on Alexandras Avenue, in central Athens.

The reports said that immediately after the incident the suspects fled the scene in an unknown car. The automobile was later discovered by police on nearby Achaias Street.

The incident terrorized many witnesses at the scene who began running left and right for cover to escape the gunfire. Thankfully the officers were not injured.

According to defencenet, police officials have now launched a manhunt for these armed criminals in the areas of Ampelokipi and Gizi.

Quoting police officials, defencenet even said that the perpetrators might also be terrorists. For one, they were carrying heavy weaponry and secondly they were thirsty for bloodshed.


Russia Holds Massive War Games - Biggest Since Collapse of Soviet Union

(Tanjug) - Russian President Vladimir Putin was on Sakhalin where he observed a part of the large-scale military exercise staged by the Russian military. It involves 160,000 troops and 5,000 tanks, and represents the largest military maneuvers in Russia since the era of the Soviet Union. Sakhalin is an island in the Pacific Ocean in the Russian Far East, north of Japan. Covering 76,400 square kilometers, it is Russia's largest island.

The maneuvers are part of Russia's recent efforts to improve the mobility and combat readiness of the Russian armed forces. The drills began last Friday and continued over the weekend, and also include several ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet, along with 130 combat aircraft.

The maneuvers are taking place across the country, through several time zones, and some units are deployed in areas thousands of kilometers from their bases.

Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov told foreign military attaches that the exercise was part of regular combat training and was not directly aimed against any one country.

This is the fourth military drill called suddenly since the start of the year.

The previous included military exercises in the Black Sea and in the north of the country, and each saw participation of an increasing number of troops and equipment. At the same time the modernization of the Russian army is continuing - an equivalent of USD 640 billion has been set aside for this purpose through 2020.

For the current exercise, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, on the orders of the Russian president and commander-in-chief, Vladimir Putin, raised the combat readiness of 160,000 officers and soldiers, 1,000 tanks and armored vehicles, 130 military aircraft, including fighter and bomber aircraft, and 70 warships.

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Greek Citizens In Central Athens Petition Against Anarchists & Drug-Dealers

(xaameriki) - Government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou received a petition from the residents of Exarchia denouncing illegal activities in the building IFJ on the road Zaimis 11 which has been essentially given to an Anarchist paramilitary group. In their letter, Greek citizens complained that the building was being used to store contraband cigarettes, a variety of weapons, and illegal drugs.

What is most shocking about this complaint is that only a few years ago, the Ministry of Culture spent 500,000 Euros for the restoration of this neo-classical building. The police in 2010 had raided the building and found gas masks, hoods, gloves, and materials for making Molotov cocktails. Today, the building’s interior has been literally wrecked by the Anarchist squatters.

During his campaign, premier Antonis Samaras had promised the Greek people that he would prosecute the Anarchist arsonists if elected Prime Minister, but as the frightened residents of Exarchia prove, the masked paramilitary groups are not only still alive and well, but have actually expanded into an enterprise of selling drugs and smuggled cigarettes, says the pro-Golden Dawn newsite xaameriki.

The consistent rule, according to this report, is wherever Anarchists take over a building, there is a “sudden” outbreak of lawlessness and destitution, with ordinary law-abiding citizens suffering the most. The “Anti-Fascists” and “humanitarians”, says the same report, even exploit the desperation of illegal immigrants by using them as drug-runners and enforcers against residents, making them do the dangerous work.

Editor's Note - There is a lot of truth in this article, much of this information is well known on the streets, but rarely reported. We here at HellasFrappe also believe that innocent illegal immigrants are being used by the "system" to distribute narcotics all over the country. Take a stroll in downtown Athens, and specifically around the area of Omonia, the only people openly selling drugs (without a care in the world) are illegal immigrants. HellasFrappe may not politically support the Golden Dawn party but we acknowledge good work and certainly this report deserves a round of applause. Bravo paidia. Hope to see a followup.

If You're Greek - Time To Move To Thailand

At 27.4%, Greece's unemployment problem is the worst in the world according to Bloomberg's data, followed closely by Spain and South Africa (though of course youth unemployment is massivley worse). The US is a middle-of-the-road 34th worst if we use the standard BLS-inspired unemployment rate, though jumps to 6th (worse than Cyprus) were we to use the more appropriate U-6 under-employment rate. The good news is, there is hope... At less than 1% unemployment, Thailand offers a warm climate, pretty scenery, and a market for jobs that seems to know no bounds (though we suspect the 'quality' of those jobs will be less - but as we know in the US, that doesn't matter).


St. Theophan the Recluse - 3 Forms of Prayer

One of the Orthodox Church’s many great teachers of prayer, St. Theophan the Recluse, referred to three stages, or levels, of prayer:
  1. Prayer of the lips
  2. Prayer of the mind
  3. Prayer of the heart
This teaching has proven to be very popular amongst Orthodox Christians. However, I much prefer to think of these three things not as levels of prayer, but as forms of prayer. The reason is that although each form is higher than the last, all three are practised by even the most advanced practitioners of prayer.

Prayer of the lips is how we all learn to pray: we say certain prayers, we speak to God in our own words, we read from prayer books. Often this form of prayer will take place at certain times of day, such as morning and evening. There are various levels within this "beginner's" stage. St. Theophan always reminded his spiritual children that they will have times when their prayer would be dry, when it would feel like a chore. He always insisted that they should pray nonetheless and strive to develop a habit of prayer. For the moment we refuse to battle through those dry patches, and instead give up on prayer as something meaningless due to a lack of feeling, prayer dies altogether.

Prayer rope

Prayer of the mind is when the prayers we say become so familiar that we can pray inwardly throughout the day. The prayers become not only words that we have memorised, but also prayers of the Church that have become our own; as personal and intimate as our very own words. Although this is thought of as the second stage of prayer, beginners can and do practice it. But as with prayer of the lips, so too with prayer of the mind, there are many levels within this stage of prayer. Someone who manages to quietly say just the Lord's prayer when they have a quiet carriage on a train, and someone who manages to say all of Compline by heart amidst noise and distraction, are both practising prayer of the mind to a lesser and greater extent.

Another version of the prayer rope

Of all prayers of the mind, one in particular has enjoyed special attention for centuries: the Jesus prayer. There is more than one version of it, but the most popular forms are: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner", and "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me/us". Because this is concise and so easy to remember, it can be repeated over and over again at any time and in any situation. Some like to use a prayer rope (komboskini) to aid concentration: passing a knot of the rope through the forefinger and thumb with each invocation. However, we should remember our Lord's warning about praying in secret, and be mindful that the prayer rope does not become a form of showing off. If there is a need for discretion, one's fingers can do just as well as an aid to concentration.

Prayer of the heart is when prayer becomes not only something we say and do, but something we are; it is when the Holy Spirit prays within us, and accompanies every action. For prayer of the mind we must seek a little privacy or solitude or free pockets of time, but those very few who acquire prayer of the heart are praying even when they are doing other things. It has been said that such people continue to pray even while asleep. Many associate prayer of the heart with the Jesus prayer, and the two have become synonymous. While this prayer appears to be the most tried and tested "method" of acquiring the highest level of prayer, prayer of the heart is much broader than the Jesus Prayer.

When reading monastic literature about such advanced practitioners of prayer, one can sometimes be left with the impression that such holy people need not make any conscious effort to pray any more. I think this is a misconception. Such people continue to “say their prayers”, and they continue to go to church to participate in common worship.

Very few of us will ever acquire prayer of the heart. Indeed, it is not something one can achieve by effort alone; it is a gift from God. But all of us can practice prayer of the lips and prayer of the mind. And in so doing, we keep ourselves in the company of the saints who never abandon such forms of prayer.


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Conspiracy or Truth - Chaos & Panic Spreading Amongst Cabal, More Heads To Roll

The cabal that illegally and surreptitiously seized power in the West knows it has lost the war for planetary control. The result, according to this week's geopolitical analysis by Ben Fulford, is spreading chaos and panic amongst the cabal elite. He claims that the signs of this are everywhere now both in the public realm and in the still secret world of military, spy and gangster agencies.

On the public side, says Fulford, the head of Homeland Security and 15 top Sabbatean agents within that department were fired last week, joining the 26 generals, CIA head David Petraeus, Senate Intelligence Committee Chief J. Rockefeller, Pope Maledict, Queen Beatrix of Holland, Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia, King Albert II of Belgium and many others in a purge of cabalist operators. Only Eric Holder now stands, and probably not for long, between President Obama and the legal moves to remove him from office.

On the yet to be made public side of things, Italian P2 freemason lodge members say former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is planning to seek political refugee status, maybe in Russia. In Japan, public security police sources say that cancer-stricken Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has only a few months left to live and that a replacement has already been chosen from within the current ruling clique.

There are also ongoing secret negotiations between representatives of the Gnostic Illuminati, the heads of the world’s martial arts societies, the White Dragon Society, the government of Russia, the dragon family and the Green and Blue among others. According to several key negotiators there is a broad agreement on the need to replace the current ruling structure of the planet with something more benevolent. There is disagreement however between hardliners, mostly in the Western military intelligence apparatus, who want to completely eliminate the 13 Sabbatean bloodlines and the moderates, including the White Dragon Society and various Asian groups, who favour a truth and reconciliation committee, a jubilee and a general amnesty.

In any case, discussions about what comes next are still taking a back seat to the ongoing efforts to remove the cabal from power in the G7 countries.

The cabal has been fighting tooth and nail to keep that power. In the US, the firing of DHS head Napolitano helped derail a plot to use the highly propagandized Zimmerman trial to trigger race riots as an excuse to declare martial law in the US. The involvement of US Attorney General Eric Holder in attempts to stir up race turmoil is now being investigated.

In other cabal moves, a bombing attack on a Russian naval base in Syria is being reported as having involved Israeli planes flying out of Turkey. This is a clear attempt to provoke a Russian military reprisal against NATO member Turkey, triggering World War 3 and thus the Sabbateans’ long awaited “Armageddon.” Of course nobody is being fooled any more by such false flag operations.

Russia responded by holding emergency military drills in the Far East, on the opposite side of Russia from Turkey, sending the signal that “we will retaliate but not when and where you think.” Instead of being fooled into war, Russian and Gnostic Illuminati agents say they will be targeting Sabbatean mafia leaders and top family members in Europe.

Credible threats were also received from MI6 sources of another nuclear terror attack against Japan. In the latest plot, a nuclear device is supposed to be smuggled into Tokyo through a network of secret underground canals via the US airbase in Yokota in Western Tokyo. The source for this warning is the same one that told the Japanese before March 11, 2011 that Japan was about to be hit with a nuclear attack.

The cabal is also trying desperately to stave off bankruptcy in the face of a growing global boycott of cabal income sources. In Japan, they have bribed Shunichi Tanaka, the head of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, to prevent the re-opening of Japan’s nuclear power plants, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. Reopening the plants would mean Japan would import $35 billion less oil per month from cabal controlled oil exporting countries.

As a part of this campaign, various gangsters and agents have been spreading radioactive cesium around Fukushima, according to Japanese police sources. The cesium is mostly industrial waste from the oil and medical industries. The public relations office of the Nuclear Regulation Authority refused to comment on these allegations when called by this reporter.

Despite such moves, cabal control of the oil industry is ending. For example, Australia has announced it has discovered more oil than in Iran, Iraq and Venezuala combined.

Combined with Canada and Russia, it means the world will no longer have to go to the volatile Middle East for oil.

Meanwhile, a boycott aimed at bankrupting the cabal government in the United States is gathering momentum. Purchases of US wheat, rice, beef and other commodities are being curtailed by multiple countries including China, Russia, South Korea and Japan. In addition, the ongoing fires and crashes of Boeing jetliners is apparently part of a successful campaign to shut down the exports of largest US exporter.

The death of US financial criminal Mark Rich has also exposed him as the head of an operation started in the 1990’s during the Clinton administration that has been replacing US gold supplies with tungsten coated bars, according to MI5 sources. Most US gold supplies have already left the country meaning the US dollar has no gold backing inside the US. The gold was apparently stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board in order to stave off bankruptcy.

The Chinese communist government, meanwhile, has bailed out Goldman Sachs in South Korea, according to an executive of a Japanese securities company. In return for continued bail outs of this sort, US corporate government spokesperson Obama informally offered the Sandwich Islands to China, according to a source close to the US/China economic negotiations that took place last week. The Sandwich Islands were renamed Hawaii shortly after the US invaded and took them over in 1900. Russia has also been offered the Aleutian Islands, according to FSB sources.

Needless to say, once the criminal corporate government in the US is bankrupted and removed, the restored Republic of the United States of America will declare all such agreements null and void.

Meanwhile Russia’s move to control the Middle East and thus European energy supplies, combined with the pentagon’s refusal to intervene, has sent shock-waves through European corridors of power. President Obama called Russian President Putin about this issue last week but all Obama can do is wring his hands. The Germans have taken a more robust response to Russian oil power politics by vastly increasing solar power generation and allowing the sale of 200 mile per gallon vehicles.

In any case, expect pressure on the cabal to increase steadily until humanity is finally freed.

Source - Youtube

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Rothschild & Goldman Sachs - Main Bank Advisers of Greece

“Rothschild’s long history of working with governments dates back to the origins of our firm more than 200 years ago.”
Hellenic Motorways S.A.: The HR will proceed to the sale of its participation in the Hellenic Motorways Co or in its subsidiaries which will hold rights on the concessions with Aegean Motorway SA, Nea Odos SA, Kentriki Odos S.A., Olympia Odos S.A., Moreas S.A., Attiki Odos S.A. and Gefyra S.A., as well as any other rights which may derive from future concessions that the HR may decide to implement in road transport infrastructure, including Egnatia Odos Motorway. For that purpose Ernst & Young, Rothschild & Sons LTD and Barclays Bank PLC have been selected to act as HR’s financial advisors.

Natural Gas Storage “South Kavala”: For the privatisation of a newly established special purpose company in which the HR has decided to assign its rights in the Natural Gas Storage “South Kavala”, HSBC Bank PLC and EFG Eurobank Equities SA have been selected as HR’s financial advisors.

Frequency Spectrum: The HR has selected Analysys Mason Limited and Aegis Systems LTD as its technical advisors for the exploitation of its rights in the frequency spectrum”

“Greece hires Rothschild, Goldman for Proton, TT bank sell-off”

“Rothschild-made Financial Crisis”

“Rothschild engineered financial crisis”

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Do The Rothschilds Control all The Central Banks Of The World?

Controversy continues to rage about Central Bank ownership. Most major Central Banks, except for the Fed, are publicly owned. However: this is not really important. Control is what matters and Central Banks are controlled by the Money Power, i.e. the Rothschild syndicate, whether private or publicly owned.

The shocking realization that the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned by its member banks is one of the defining moments in any truthseeker's life. Eustace Mullins, coached by the indefatigable Ezra Pound, wrote 'The Secrets of the Federal Reserve', listing the banks owning the system. Ed Griffin then infamously plagiarized this book with his 'Creature of Jekyll Island', to push the John Birch/Libertarian Gold Standard. We're still dealing with this today, as seen in the 'End the Fed' movement.

The FED itself is now starting to move against its critics, claiming they ARE a Government institution, although partly independent. As Central Banks should be, which is today's conventional wisdom in the Mainstream.

Here's some text from the link, from the Fed itself:
     "The 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by the Congress as the operating arms of the nation's central banking system, are organized similarly to private corporations-possibly leading to some confusion about "ownership." For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year."
So while the Fed tries to downplay private ownership, it does not deny it. Its stock cannot be traded, but this is not a limitation; it's a sure way of keeping outsiders out. After all, it's a club, and we're not in it. Furthermore, a dividend of 6% per year is not bad.

On the other hand, after paying its shareholders, the Federal Reserve returns what remains to the US Government, so it's not entirely fair to say that the Fed is printing money and then has the State pay interest on it. It refunded $89 billion in interest in 2012 after taking its 6% dividend cut. The private banks do most of the money creation by far.


It becomes even more complicated when we realize that all European central banks are completely publicly owned. They are corporations with 100% government ownership. They do operate as 'independent' entities, though. Before the ECB, they set interest rates and managed the volume without Government interference. Nowadays, this is done by the ECB, which in turn is owned outright by the national Central Banks.

Before the Second World War, all European Central Banks were owned privately. But the massive upheaval caused by the Great Depression and the powerful monetary reform movements that shook the Money Power had raised awareness about private ownership of the financial systems of the West and nationalizing the Central Banks was a handy way of diverting attention. After the war all major European Central Banks became publicly owned.

Therefore, it is incorrect to state that Rothschild owns all Central Banks! This is important, because getting straightforward facts like these wrong is clearly damaging the credibility of conspiracy theorists.


Central Banks were created by the banks for the simple reason that Fractional Reserve Banking is incredibly unstable. There is an incentive for the banksters to loan out more than they can cover with fractional reserves, leading to all sorts of busts. This was hurting the Money Power's control over the money supplies of the world and central banks were created as 'lenders of the last resort.' In case of a panic, a Central Bank could keep busted banks afloat, maintaining sufficient confidence in the system.

Furthermore, they were useful tools for Sovereign borrowing. The basic contract between national governments and central banks was that the central bank would always provide the state with all the money it would ever need, in return for guaranteed interest payments through taxation.

Also important was the monopoly on national currency. In earlier days, both in Europe and the US, free banking and local Sovereign money created a diverse monetary environment, more difficult for the Money Power to control. By 'legal tender' laws their units became the sole accepted way of paying taxes, giving the banking units a massive advantage in the market place. These were the early steps in further and further monetary centralization in ever fewer units, with World Currency as the final goal.

Finally Central Banks 'regulate' banks. This is a simple trick: make regulation incredibly complex and expensive, and it becomes impossible for the vast majority of market players to comply. It's the same deal as the Pharma Mafia has with the FDA: new drugs are so incredibly expensive to test that it is impossible for low cost natural cures to go through the process. Exit competition and another excuse to keep prices artificially high for the cartel.


Public vs. Private is just another dialectic. It matters not whether money is managed privately or publicly. What matters is whether we have stable and cheap (interest-free) money. If a private interest-free mutual credit facility can provide it, grand. If Government can do it, fine. A mixture of both is probably the way forward.

Central banks are a mixture of both: they have public and private aspects. But the bottom line is that central banks do the bidding of the Money Power. It originated in Babylon and spread through the world. It hides within proxies, most notably Freemasonry and the Vatican. And of course the Banking Cartel, which is a global, monolithic bloc. Through banking it also controls all major industries. This power base allows them to control every Government and every Nation on the Globe and they are looking to externalize the Hierarchy in a New World Order.

Central banks are staffed by Goldman Sachs alumni.  They keep competition out of the market. They prop up busted banks, maintaining some kind of 'stability'. They oversee private usurious credit creation and maintain the banks' ability to rake in trillions per year in interest. They allow the banks to create the boom/bust cycle.

It's high time for a new paradigm.

by Anthony Migchels


Following Public Outrage - Petraeus' NYC Teaching Salary Drops to $1 !!!

Former CIA director David Petraeus will take a teaching post at the City University of New York on an annual salary of $1, after the public institution was hit with a barrage of criticism over news its initial plans to pay him a six-figure sum.

Bringing on the former commander of the Allied Forces in Afghanistan was meant to give CUNY’s Macaulay Honors College a huge PR boost this fall, but instead it turned into a scandal once Petraeus' salary figure of $200,000 surfaced. This at a time when an Associate Professor’s salary at the institution averages around $90,000, according to

Documents showing negotiations over the former military boss' salary dating back to April were originally reported by Gawker. According to initial reports, Petraeus would conduct a seminar and two lectures per academic year for “$200,000 per annum, supplemented by funds from a private gift,” CUNY chancellor Matthew Goldstein wrote. The salary was still being negotiated at that time.

Petraeus then wrote to Ann Kirschner, the dean of CUNY's Macaulay College, telling her “The truth is that I could have had gotten more money or more prestigious places.”

The university eventually landed on the slightly lower sum of $150,000 as Petraeus' annual salary.

As public outrage at the publicly-funded educational institution flowed, Republican city assemblyman Kieran Michael Lalor wrote a letter to CUNY's administration asking them to “reconsider” spending six figures on a “celebrity”. Bill de Blasio, a left-leaning candidate for mayor of New York whose bid has been endorsed by the CUNY faculty’s union, asked Interim Chancellor Bill Kelly to replace Petraeus’ contract with a salary comparable to what other instructors receive. Brad Lander, a New York City Council progressive, also started a petition against the high salary, arguing the money would be better used to cover the “30% tuition increase that CUNY has been implementing over five years.”

On Monday, it was announced by Petraeus' lawyer that the general would fill the post for just $1.

(Question: Couldn't Greek citizens complain in the same way about George Papandreou?)

Read more - RT

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