
May 23, 2013

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Pyrros Dimas Now On Executive Board of IWF

The Olympic winner Pirros Dimas, as photograph...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It was announced that four-time Olympic medalist in weightlifting, Pyrros Dimas was elected at the Executive Board of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF), during its electoral Congress held in Moscow between May 20-21.

The veteran olympic gold medalist, who today is forty-two years old, has had an outstanding career in international weightlifting. He won three gold Olympic medals (Barcelona 1992, Atlanta 1996, Sydney 2000) and a bronze in Athens in the 2004 Olympic Games, after which he signaled his retirement by leaving his shoes on the platform, while an appreciative crowd gave him a standing ovation.

His trophy chest also includes 3 gold medals in World Championships and 1 in European Championships. Dimas is currently the chairman of the Hellenic Weightlifting Federation and a member of the Hellenic Parliament with the PASOK party.

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