
May 31, 2013

Cyprus Central Bank Freezes 5 Billion In Ex-Laiki Chiefs' Assets

Court orders were issued on Friday freezing more than five billion euros in assets of three Greek former executives of the island's now defunct Laiki Bank, Andreas Vgenopoulos, Efthimios Bouloutas, Kyriakos Magiras and Marfin Investment Group Holdings.

According to reports that quoted an announcement from the Cyprus Central Bank, the special administrator of Laiki Bank, Andri Antoniades, obtained interim orders (issued by Nicosia District Court) against all three executives and the orders have been served.

The Central Bank clarified that they consist of imperative orders for the global freezing of assets totalling 3.79 billion Euros against Messrs Vgenopoulos and Bouloutas as well as 1.5 billion Euros against Mr Magiras. They also include orders for the disclosure of all the assets of the three aforementioned individuals as well as orders prohibiting Marfin Investment Group Holdings from making any payment or transfer in favour of the three aforementioned individuals.
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Imprisoned Greek CIA Torture Whistleblower Pens “Letter from Loretto”

Former CIA agent John Kiriakou, who blew the whistle on the US government’s use of torture under the Bush administration, is currently serving a 30 month sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution in Loretto, Pennsylvania.

Below is a letter he recently sent his attorney Jesselyn Radack, who shared it (with John’s permission) with Firedoglake based on a pre-existing arrangement. The letter details his life in prison, including an incident in which prison officials attempted setup a confrontation between Kiriakou and a Muslim prisoner, telling Kiriakou he was the uncle of the Times Square bomber, when in reality the imam was in prison for refusing to testify in the Lackawanna Six case. Prison officials also lied to the Muslim prisoner, telling him that Kiriakou had called Washington after they met and had been ordered to kill him.

This letter is the first part in a series inspired by dinner table discussions between Jane Hamsher, Jesselyn Radack and John Kiriakou (and others) before he went to prison. John wanted to have his letters published so that he could still communicate and share his story with the outside world.

If you haven’t already, please consider adding your name to our petition asking President Obama to pardon John Kiriakou.

Transcript after the jump:
“Letter From Loretto”

Greetings from the Federal Correctional Institution at Loretto, Pennsylvania. I arrived here on February 28, 2013 to serve a 30-month sentence for violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982. At least that’s what the government wants people to believe. In truth, this is my punishment for blowing the whistle on the CIA’s illegal torture program and for telling the public that torture was official U.S. government policy. But that’s a different story. The purpose of this letter is to tell you about prison life.

At my formal sentencing hearing in January, the judge, the prosecutors, and my attorneys all agreed that I would serve my sentence in Loretto’s Federal Work Camp. When I arrived, however, much to my surprise, the Corrections Officer (CO, or “hack”) who processed me said that the Justice Department Bureau of Prisons had deemed me a “threat to the public safety,” and so I would do serve the entire sentence in the actual prison, rather than the camp.

Processing took about an hour and included fingerprinting, a mug shot (my third after the FBI and the Marshals), my fourth DNA sample, and a quite comprehensive strip search. I was given a pair of baggy brown pants, two brown shirts, two pairs of underwear, two pairs of socks, and a pair of cheap sandals. My own clothes were boxed and mailed to my wife. The CO then led me to a steel bunk in “Central Unit” and walked away. I didn’t know what to do, so I took a nap.

My cell is more like a cubicle made out of concrete block. Built to hold four men, mine holds six. Most others hold eight. My cellmates include two Dominicans serving 24- and 20-year sentences for drugs, a Mexican serving 15 years for drugs, a Puerto Rican serving [7 ½ years ?] 7 ½ years for drug conspiracy, and the former auditor of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, who’s doing [unintelligible] years a long sentence for corruption. They’re all decent guys and we actually enjoy each other’s company.

The prison population is much like you might expect. Loretto has 1,369 prisoners. (I never call myself an “inmate.” I’m a prisoner.) About 50% are black, 30% are Hispanic, and 20% are white. Of the white prisoners, most are pedophiles with personal stories that would make you sick to your stomach. The rest of the whites prisoners are here for drugs, except for a dozen or so who ran Ponzi schemes. Of the 1,369 prisoners, 40 have college degrees and 6 of us have master’s degrees. The GED program is robust. (Bust when I volunteered to teach a class my “counsellor” [sic] shouted, “Dammit, Kiriakou! If I wanted you to teach a fucking class, I’d ask you to teach a fucking class!”) I’m a janitor in the chapel. I make $5.25 a month.

The cafeteria, or “chow hall” was the most difficult experience of my first few days. Where should I sit? On my first day, two Aryans, completed covered in tattoos, walked up to me and asked, “Are you a pedophile?” Nope, I said. “Are you a fag?” Nope. “Do you have good paper?” I didn’t know what this meant. I turned out that I had to get a copy of my formal sentencing documents to prove that I wasn’t a child molester. I did that, and was welcomed by the Aryans, who aren’t really Aryans, but more accurately self-important hillbillies.

The cafeteria is very formally divided. There is a table for the Aryans whites with good paper, a section of a table for the Native Americans, a section of a table for people belonging to a certain Italian-American stereotypical “subculture,” two tables for the Muslims, four tables for the pedophiles, and all the remaining tables for the blacks and Hispanics. We don’t all eat at the same time, but each table is more-or-less reserved as I’ve described.

Violence hasn’t been much of a problem since I arrived. There have been maybe a half-dozen fights, almost always over what television show to watch. The choices are pretty much set in stone between ESPN, MTV, VH1, BET and Univision. I haven’t watched TV since I got here. It’s just not worth the trouble. Otherwise, violence isn’t a problem. Most of the guys in here have worked their way down to a low-security prison from a medium or a maximum, and they don’t want to go back.

I’ve also had some luck in this regard. My reputation preceded me, and a rumor got started that I was a CIA hit man. The Aryans whispered that I was a “Muslim hunter,” but the Muslims, on the strength of my Arabic language skills and a well-timed statement of support from Louis Farrakhan have lauded me as a champion of Muslim human rights. Meanwhile, the Italians have taken a liking to me because I’m patriotic, as they are, and I have a visceral dislike of the FBI, which they do as well. I have good relations with the blacks because I’ve helped several of them write commutation appeals or letters to judges and I don’t charge anything for it. And the Hispanics respect me because my cellmates, who represent a myriad of Latin drug gangs, have told them to. So far, so good.

The only thing close to a problem that I’ve had has been from the Cos. When I first arrived, after about four days, I heard an announcement that I was to dread: “Kiriakou – report to the lieutenant’s office immediately.” Very quickly, I gave my wife’s phone number to a friend and asked him to call her if, for some reason, I was sent to the SHU (Special Housing Unit) more commonly known as the hole, or solitary confinement. I hadn’t done anything wrong, but this kind of thing happens all the time.

When I got to the lieutenant’s office, I was ushered into the office of SIS, the Special Investigative Service. This is the prison version of every police department’s Internal Affairs Division detective bureau. I saw on a desk a copy of my book, The Reluctant Spy, as well as DVD copies of all the documentaries I’ve been in. The CO showed me a picture of an Arab. “Do you know this guy,” he asked me. I responded that I had met him a day earlier, but our conversation was limited to “nice to meet you.” Well, the CO said, this was the uncle of the Times Square bomber, and after we had met, he called a number in Pakistan, reporting the meeting, and was told to kill me. I told the CO that I could kill the guy with my thumb. He’s about 5’4” and 125 pounds compared to my 6’1” and 250 pounds. The CO said they were looking to ship him out, so I should stay away from him. But the more I thought about it, the more this made no sense. Why would the uncle of the Times Square bomber be in a low-security prison? He should be in a maximum. So I asked my Muslim friends to check him out. It turns out that he’s an Iraqi Kurd from Buffalo, NY. He was the imam of a mosque there, which also happened to be the mosque where the “Lackawana [sic] 7” worshipped [sic]. (The Lackawana 7 were charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism.) The FBI pressured him to testify against his parishioners. He refused and got five years for obstruction of justice. The ACLU and several religious freedom groups have rallied to his defense. He had nothing to do with terrorism.

In the meantime, SIS told him that I had made a call to Washington after we met, and that I had been instructed to kill him! We both laughed at the ham-handedness by which SIS tried to get us to attack each other. If we had, we would have spent the rest of our sentences in the [unintelligible] SHU – solitary. Instead, we’re friendly, we exchange greetings in Arabic and English, and we chat.

The only other problem I’ve had with the COs was about two weeks after I arrived. I get a great deal of mail here in prison (and I answer ever letter I get.) Monday through Friday, prisoners gather in front of the unit CO’s office for mail call. One female CO butchers my name every time she says it. So when she does mail call, I hear “Kirkaow, Kiriloo, Teriyaki” and a million other variations. One day after mail call I passed her in the hall. She stopped me and said, “Are you the motherfucker whose name I can’t pronounce?” I responded “Ki-ri-AH-koo.” She said, “How about if I just call you Fuckface?” I just walked away and a friend I was walking with said, “Classy.” I said to him, “White trash is more like it.” And hour later, four COs descended on both of our cells, trashing all of our worldly possessions in my first “shake-down.” Lesson learned: COs can treat us like subhumans but we have to show them faux respect even when it’s not earned.

I’ll write about COs more next time. If you’d like to drop me a line, I can be reached at John Kiriakou 79637-083, P.O. Box 1000, FCI Loretto, Loretto, PA 15940.

Best regards from Loretto,
John via

Delta Air Lines Relaunches Athens-NYC Flights

English: A Delta Airlines Airbus A330-323E lan...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Delta Air Lines announced that it is going to reintroduce daily direct flights between Athens' “Eleftherios Venizelos” International Airport and New York's JFK International Airport beginning on Sunday, June 2.

The daily direct flights, with a 298-seat Airbus A330-300 passenger plane, are expected to continue for the duration of the summer season and are going to be conducted in collaboration with Delta partnersAir France-KLM.
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Gang Extracting Money From Tourism Sector Busted, Six Arrested

A criminal ring specialising in extracting money from tourism agencies and hoteliers throughout Greece was broken up after the arrest of five Greeks and a Romanian national.

According to a report from the state news agency AMNA the gang called up local government authorities and, by impersonating representatives of European structural funds or of the Ministry of Tourism, collected data on tourism agencies and hotels in the area under the pretense of including them in EU tourism funding programmes. They then contacted the owners of the agencies and the hoteliers and asked for a cash guarantee ranging from 2,000 to 7,000 euros to include them in the programmes. By the time they were arrested, they had collected 46,850 euros.

The report on AMNA said that for the deposit, or so-called "guarantee fees" in banks, they used banking accounts set up by homeless and very poor individuals in the Attica prefecture, whom they paid to open accounts in their names.

Nine travel agencies fell for the trick, in addition to two hoteliers and a public works contractor. Two of those arrested have tried similar frauds, while another two of their collaborators are being sought by the police.

The six were taken to the Athens prosecutor to testify after charges were drawn up involving the founding of and collusion in a criminal ring, fraud, attempted fraud and a violation of the law on money laundering.

Black Cumin Seeds For Cancer? Yes It is a Fact!

Nigella sativa, also known as black cumin, black seed, kalonji and haba al-barakah (Arabic name) has been proven to effectively treat cancer. It has been used in traditional medicine by many European, Middle Eastern and Asian countries. The best seeds come from Egypt where they grow under almost perfect conditions.

Black seed was originally discovered in the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen's tomb (dated about 1325 BC ). This is pretty significant because in the ancient Egyptian cultures only the highest of quality items were placed in the tomb in order to protect the spirit in the afterlife. Thus, Nigella sativa probably had an important role in the ancient Egyptian practices.

It has also been mentioned in the Old Testament and by the prophet Mohammed and was even used by Cleopatra for health and beauty purposes.

The ancient Greek physician Dioscorides used it to treat headaches, nasal congestion, toothaches and intestinal disorders, while the father of medicine Hippocrates, considered it as the most valuable herb/spice for digestive disorders. The black cumin oil produced from the seed of the Nigella sativa plant is so beneficial that there are no other herbs like it.

The Greeks and Romans used Nigella sativa as a condiment and it is still commonly used today as a culinary herb. In Greece the seeds are used on Greek bread, in salads or are consumed as tea.

Basically it contains more than a hundred components such as aromatic oils, minerals, vitamins and enzymes. As such it treats a wide range of diseases, such as diabetes, MS, Alzheimer’s disease, hepatitis C and more. This herb has a rich composition of proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats and almost all of its fat content is in the form of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids - which are very important for good overall health and a sound immune system. It also has around 15 amino acids, the building blocks of protein, 9 of which are the essential amino acids.

Originally, Nigella sativa was used to treat migraines and allergies, but recent discoveries have shown that this little black seed is effective in destroying cancer cells.

In fact more than 200 studies have been conducted in universities and the results are phenominal. Researchers at Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson showed that Nigella sativa could cause cell death when used against pancreatic tumor cells. The results showed an 80 percent success rate. This study on pancreatic tumor cells was only the beginning to many future studies on the effect of Nigella sativa against cancer.

According to Hwyda Arafat, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of Surgery at College of Thomas Jefferson University, "Nigella sativa helps treat a broad array of diseases, including some immune and inflammatory disorders. Previous studies also have shown anticancer activity in prostate and colon cancers, as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects."

The studies showed potential positive results with prostate and colon cancers. Breast cancer has also been studied in separate research showing the ability to eradicate cancer cells and provide excellent health for many women worldwide.

Further documentation from survivors showed testimonies from people who cured their cancers using Nigella sativa for a wide array of cancers, which include brain, bone and stomach cancer.

Nigella sativa has many benefits. It contains strong anti-hypertensive, anti-Inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, and anti-histamine properties. It also strengthens the immune system. Additional benefits are that it promotes lactation and is anti-parasitic.

In the US researchers recently discovered that the herb kills pancreatic cancer cells also and appears to inhibit development of pancreatic cancer as a result of its anti-inflammatory properties. According to data from researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson, Thymoquinone, the major constituent of the oil extract from a Middle Eastern herbal seed called Nigella sativa, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties that reduces the release of inflammatory mediators in pancreatic cancer cells.

Hwyda Arafat, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of Surgery at the Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University and a member of the Jefferson Pancreatic, Biliary & Related Cancers Center claims that this herb helps treat a broad array of diseases, including some immune and inflammatory disorders. Previous studies have also shown it to have anti-cancer effects on prostate and colon cancers.

Based upon their previously published findings that thymoquinone inhibits histone deacetylases (HDACs), Dr. Arafat and her colleagues compared the anti-inflammatory properties of thymoquinone and trichostatin A, an HDAC inhibitor that has previously shown to ameliorate inflammation-associated cancers.

The researchers used pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) cells, some of which were pretreated with the cytokine TNF-alpha to induce inflammation. Thymoquinone almost completely abolished the expression of several inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-alpha, interleukin-1beta, interleukin-8, Cox-2 and MCP-1, an effect that was more superior to the effect of trichostatin A.

The herb also inhibited the activation and synthesis of NF-kappaB, a transcription factor that has been implicated in inflammation-associated cancer. Activation of NF-kappaB has been observed in pancreatic cancer and may be a factor in pancreatic cancer's resistance to chemotherapeutic agents. When animal models of pancreatic cancer were treated with thymoquinone, 67 percent of the tumors were significantly shrunken, and the levels of proinflammatory cytokines in the tumors were significantly reduced.

Inflammation has been implicated in the development of several solid tumor malignancies. Chronic pancreatitis, both hereditary and sporadic, is associated with the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
     "These are very exciting and novel results," Dr. Arafat said.
     "Not only patients with chronic pancreatitis could benefit from this, but also several other groups with risk of development or recurrence of pancreatic cancer, such as high-risk family members and post-surgical patients."
      "These potent effects show promise for the herb as a potential preventive and therapeutic strategy for pancreatic cancer. More importantly, the herb and oil are safe when used moderately, and have been used for thousands of years without reported toxic effects."

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May 30, 2013

BOOK OPPORTUNITY - The Most Beautiful Villages of Greece

From the terra cotta and ocher of the Ionian Islands to the brilliant blues and whites of the Aegean, the villages of Greece and its islands are incomparable. The variety of village life and buildings springs from a multitude of histories and influences, yet these towns are all, in their separate ways, quintessentially Greek.

From north to south through the mainland and the Peloponnese, from west to east through the islands, there is a mixture of intimacy and grandeur. The Ionian Islands are home to belfried churches, pitched tile roofs, and porticoes, reflecting years of Venetian rule. The flat-roofed white houses of the Cyclades, startling against the blue Aegean sea, seem to express the very essence of Greece. And there are many other gems as well, with ancient temples, sandy bays, and cobbled paths. 285 full-color photographs.

Remember when you purchase a book from the list of Amazon books that HellasFrappe proposes for you, then you are also helping out HellasFrappe! So you not only gain a great book, but you also help out our blog! Simply click on the icon above the text and make your order today!


BOOK OPPORTUNITY - Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir

In this startling new memoir, Sibel Edmonds - the most classified woman in U.S. history - takes us on a surreal journey that begins with the secretive FBI and down the dark halls of a feckless Congress to a stonewalling judiciary and finally, to the national security whistleblowers movement she spearheaded. Having lived under Middle East dictatorships, Edmonds knows firsthand what can happen when government is allowed to operate in secret.

Hers is a sobering perspective that combines painful experience with a rallying cry for the public’s right to know and to hold the lawbreakers accountable.

With U.S. citizens increasingly stripped of their rights in a calibrated media blackout, Edmonds’ story is a wake-up call for all Americans who, willingly or unwillingly, traded liberty for illusive security in the wake of 9/11.

Remember when you purchase a book from the list of Amazon books that HellasFrappe proposes for you, then you are also helping out HellasFrappe! So you not only gain a great book, but you also help out our blog! Simply click on the icon above the text and make your order today!


15-Year Old Mirto's Battle For Life - Off To US For Treatement

 One year later, the young 15-year old girl who was raped, and brutally attacked on the island of Paros last summer by an illegal immigrant, continues to give a battle for her life. The press hardly mentions her name, and the media is not making a fuss over her suffering anymore because it might offend some Brussels hotheads who continue to call Greeks racists. HellasFrappe has not forgotten about Mirto's sad story, and we will continue to report on her condition, even though there are many voices that want us to shut up and to forget!

The teenage girl, that was brutally assaulted last July by a 21-year-old illegal migrant from Pakistan, while she was on vacation on the Aegean island of Paros with her family, is finally going to be taken to a rehabilitation centre in the United States. The girl is currently treated in Athens' Evangelismos Hospital.

Following an order by Health Minister Andreas Lykourentzos, National Organisation for Health Care (EOPYY) President Lefteris Papageorgopoulos approved the funds needed for the treatment of the young girl abroad and preparations are underway to be airlifted to the United States.

Mirto, who was 15 at the time of the attack, was sexually assaulted and was found seriously injured on July 23 at a beach on the popular island of Paros, one of the Cyclades islands in the Aegean.

The girl, her mother and her sister were staying at the home of friends for a brief vacation, and after an afternoon swim at the Chryssi Akti beach the mother lost sight of the girl and searched her out, eventually finding the teen unconscious and injured behind an outcropping of rocks. The girl bore several wounds to the head and face, while the lower part of her bathing suit was missing. Subsequent tests confirmed that she had been raped.

The girl was initially taken to the Paros Health Centre but due to the gravity of her injuries was transferred by helicopter to an Athens hospital where she underwent surgery for serious head injuries.

A 21-year-old Pakistani national illegally residing in Greece, who was illegally employed at a Paros hotel, confessed to the sexual assault and brutal attack of the girl. He was positively identified as the perpetrator through DNA testing. (AMNA)

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The Hells Angels, The Trafficking of Cocaine, And the Greeks!

The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club has been in Athens, Greece for many years now. They have opened a chapter in Thessaloniki, Northern Greece and they are also forming other chapters across the country in regions such as Chania, Crete.

Who are They?

The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC) is a worldwide motorcycle club whose members typically ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles and is considered an organized crime syndicate by the U.S. Department of Justice. In the United States and Canada, the Hells Angels are incorporated as the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation. Common nicknames for the club are the "H.A.", "Red & White", and "81" (H and A being the eighth and first letters of the alphabet).

As to why this gang is in Greece is indeed a mystery. One thing is for sure, the powers that be in Greece allowed this "Red & White Machine" to roll on into the country without any violence.

They are after all a gang and as we all know -and has been reported- most of its members all over the world are into a plethora of criminal activity such as narcotics, motorcycle theft, fraud, extortion, murder, assault, as well as many legal business' like tattoo shops, bars, motorcycle shops, etc.

But in some bizzare and twisted way they also do a lot of good. It is rumored that they do bike drives for various issues, and across the world we have seen them conduct these drives for kids with cancer. What's more they even apparently donate their long hair so that children who have cancer can once again gain the hair that they lost during chemotherapy.

If the "Godfathers of the Night" even dared to make a move against the club, then be certain that clubs from all over Europe would unite to back their brothers in Greece against this mafia. Of course, there is also a small chance that Greece would be evacuated to later be re-taken by the "Brotherhood." For now, their closest rival is probably their sworn enemies, the Mongols, who are quite a distance away, or in Italy.

We here at HellasFrappe have not really noted any criminal activity from the chapter in Greece. Quite the contrary, someone on our staff accidentally came face to face with one member in the summer of  2012 and described him as a pretty nice guy!

Nonetheless, this is their website address in Greece -

Any way you cut it, news about biker gangs making house in Greece, or any type of gangs is frightening, but as we stated earlier and as common sense dictates, these boys don't really bother anyone if they are not bothered first.

Besides, the Hells Angels have a history with the Greeks.

(Yes we were being sarcastic).

The Greeks in Canada, and more specifically in Calgary actually have a great relationship with the Hells Angels and a profound reputation of being involved with the trafficking of cocaine. According to the link posted below the Greeks in Calgary are well known in Western Canada for having shady dealings with that city's chapter of the notorious Hells Angels gang. In fact they were involved in smuggling cocaine and heroin. More precisely, the Hells Angels out of Calgary and Kelowna sanctioned Greeks in the area of Vernon to carry out their business and this Greek organization's activity involved homicides, high-echelon level drug trafficking as well as controlling street-level trafficking! Basically they were involved in just about every type of criminal activity imaginable.

Finally in Australia, Greek Australian Hells Angels associate, Peter Zervas, stood trial some time ago over a vicious airport brawl in Sydney’s airport. The brawl led to the murder of his brother Anthony Zervas. Not much information was given about this case, because Peter Zervas refused to give any details in the case, even though he was mysteriously shot -but survived- outside of a relatives home a little after his siblings murder.

International Presence

On July the 30th. 1969 the first European Hells Angels charter was accepted in London, England and today there are more than 125 charters in Europe alone. In the end of the seventies Australian clubs were admitted and in 1984, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil became the first South American charter. In 1993 Hells Angels came to the African continent with a charter in Johannesburg, South Africa. Eastern Europe got its own Hells Angels charter in the new millennium and since then many more countries have been granted the now famous winged death head.

The admission of clubs all over the globe caused changes in the structure of Hells Angels. The small motorcycle club from Berdoo in the US was now mother charter of the world´s biggest motorcycle brotherhood HELLS ANGELS MOTORCYCLE CLUB WORLD.

Today Hells Angels MC World has charters in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bohemia (Czech Republic), Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, United States and Wales. Clubs from new countries seeking admission are to be found in Japan, Lithuania , Latvia and Romania.


Kissinger Calls On China to Form “World Order” (VIDEO)

In the video above, Rockefeller protégé and operative Henry Kissinger calls for the United States and the authoritarian government of China to work together to create a globalist totalitarian government.
     “The challenge is,” Kissinger told the Asia Society last week, “how to build a world order for the first time in history on a global basis. We talk a lot about world community but the fact is there has never been a world community before” and he then suggested China and the U.S. collaborate on such an effort.
David Rockefeller has paid homage to the communist Chairman Mao, the most prolific mass murderer of the 20th century (responsible for the liquidation of between 49-78,000,000 Chinese).

Rockefeller regards Mao as an ideal leader and the communist revolution and its murderous political purges as a template for world government.
     “Whatever the price of the Chinese revolution [an indirect reference to millions killed] , it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose… The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history,” Rockefeller wrote for the New York Times on August 10, 1973.
Rockefeller lavished praise on Mao and the communists three years before the end of the Cultural Revolution in China. Conservative estimates of the death toll exacted by Mao’s cultural purge exceed 30 million people.

Rockefeller’s trusted minion, Henry Kissinger, believes now is the time to export what Mao did in China to the entire world.

Kurt Nimmo -

More Sex Please We're Greek: Exposing The Myth of Platonic Love

Plato lent his name to Platonic love but a new book reveals that the ancient Greek philosopher never advocated love without sex. University of Manchester science historian Dr Jay Kennedy, who hit the headlines some time ago after revealing he had cracked the code in the great thinker's writings, published a decoder's manual that lays bare the secret content of Plato's ancient works.
     "Plato – the Einstein of Greece's Golden Age – was long thought to favour love without sex, or 'Platonic love', but this new research reveals Plato was far from being a prude," says Dr Kennedy, who is based in Manchester's Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine.
     "The decoded symbols in fact show that Plato was not an advocate of Platonic love at all; rather he urged a middle path. For him, morality meant moderation – he wanted people to avoid both promiscuity and abstinence.
     "Before Plato, sex was about rutting and producing heirs. Plato marks a shift in the history of Western sexuality and some say he invented romance, but, for him, erotic passion was a spiritual force that helps us find our true selves within the deepest, human bond. Eros, or love, was a creative force that inspired art, literature, and the sciences."
Dr Kennedy cracked the code within Plato's texts last year when an unexpected insight led him to realise that Greek music was key to interpreting the writings of the Athenian philosopher and mathematician. Kennedy's new book, The Musical Structure of Plato's Dialogues, reports on the hidden doctrines revealed so far, including those in The Symposium, a philosophical text concerned with love.
     "Plato's teacher Socrates famously spent the night alone with the leading sex-symbol of ancient Athens but resisted temptation," says Dr Kennedy.
     "Plato tells the story to show that true love aims at the soul and not the body, so many thought he was anti-sex and the myth of Platonic love spread far and wide. But Plato also celebrated eroticism and homosexuality, and shared the Greek view that naked bodies were beautiful, so historians have long debated his views."
Socrates was later executed for corrupting the morals of young people and Dr Kennedy has now shown that Plato, also fearing persecution, hid his own philosophy using a system of musical symbols.
     "Plato divided each of his writings into 12 parts, inserting a symbol marking a musical note at each twelfth," explains Dr Kennedy. "At harmonious notes he placed positive ideas such as love and goodness, while at dissonant notes he placed negative ideas such as rejection, quarrelling and evil. These musical patterns are a hidden commentary on Plato's stories and tell us which characters and which ideas he favoured."
In The Symposium – Plato's great play about love and sex – cheap attempts to trade sex for profit or favour sit above dissonant notes in the musical scale showing Plato's disapproval. But passages about erotic passion born of an abiding love for another's soul sit on top of some of the most harmonic notes, meaning he accepted sex as a part of true love.

There are also a number of symbols that reveal that Plato rejected both promiscuity and asceticism. It can now be definitely shown that, for Plato, virtue was a middle path or mean that avoided extremes.

The term "Platonic love" originated only 500 years ago. In the Renaissance, postponing sex was an important step toward the equality of women; the Queen of England even commissioned plays to spread the idea. At a time when women were treated as slaves or baby-machines, Platonic love meant longer courtships and delaying the dangers of childbirth.

Kennedy adds:
     "At the beginning of the modern era, women cleverly used Plato's reputation as a genius to get men to pay attention to their minds. Platonic love was an argument for not settling down and allowing women to participate in arts and culture in the royal court. When sex often meant an early death, Plato was a licence for having more fun.
     "Plato's importance cannot be overstated. He shifted humanity from a warrior society to a wisdom society. Today, because of him, our heroes are Einstein and Shakespeare and not knights in shining armour."

Eat Watermelon It Lowers Blood Pressure - Keeps Heart Healthy!

No matter how you slice it, having a piece of watermelon on a hot summer day in Greece is by far as Greek as you can get. Add a little bit of feta on your plate and you are feasting as a God. Watermelon is sweet, low in calories, high in fiber, and a nutritious fruit that is actually very beneficial to our health. Evidence from a pilot study led by food scientists at The Florida State University suggests that watermelon can be an effective natural weapon against prehypertension, which a precursor to cardiovascular disease.

It is the first investigation of its kind in humans. FSU Assistant Professor Arturo Figueroa and Professor Bahram H. Arjmandi found that when six grams of the amino acid L-citrulline/L-arginine from watermelon extract was administered daily for six weeks, there was improved arterial function and consequently lowered aortic blood pressure in all nine of their prehypertensive subjects (four men and five postmenopausal women, ages 51-57).
     "We are the first to document improved aortic hemodynamics in prehypertensive but otherwise healthy middle-aged men and women receiving therapeutic doses of watermelon," Figueroa said. "These findings suggest that this 'functional food' has a vasodilatory effect, and one that may prevent prehypertension from progressing to full-blown hypertension, a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.
     "Given the encouraging evidence generated by this preliminary study, we hope to continue the research and include a much larger group of participants in the next round," he said.
Why watermelon?
     "Watermelon is the richest edible natural source of L-citrulline, which is closely related to L-arginine, the amino acid required for the formation of nitric oxide essential to the regulation of vascular tone and healthy blood pressure," Figueroa said.
Once in the body, the L-citrulline is converted into L-arginine. Simply consuming L-arginine as a dietary supplement isn't an option for many hypertensive adults, said Figueroa, because it can cause nausea, gastrointestinal tract discomfort, and diarrhea.

Watermelon or watermelon extract is also available in the synthetic form in pills, which Figueroa used in a previous study of younger, male subjects. That investigation showed that four weeks of L-citrulline slowed or weakened the increase in aortic blood pressure in response to cold exposure. It was an important finding, said Figueroa, since there is a greater occurrence of myocardial infarction associated with hypertension during the cold winter months.
     "Individuals with increased blood pressure and arterial stiffness –– especially those who are older and those with chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes –– would benefit from L-citrulline in either the synthetic or natural (watermelon) form," Figueroa said. "The optimal dose appears to be four to six grams a day."
A large percentage of adults are prehypertensive or hypertensive. Prehypertension is characterized by systolic blood pressure readings of 120-139 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) over diastolic pressure of 80-89 mm Hg. "Systolic" refers to the blood pressure when the heart is contracting. "Diastolic" reflects the blood pressure when the heart is in a period of relaxation and expansion.

Findings from Figueroa's pilot study at Florida State are described in the American Journal of Hypertension. A copy of the paper ("Effects of Watermelon Supplementation on Aortic Blood Pressure and Wave Reflection in Individuals With Prehypertension: A Pilot Study") can be accessed online.

May 29, 2013

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SHOCK - Illegal Immigrants Form ""Black Panthers" Militia Warn Of Fighting Back At Greeks! (VIDEO)

A group of illegal immigrants from Africa apparently banded together and formed a militia group called the "Black Panthers" which they say will counter anyone who gets in their way. In a report aired on Britain’s Channel 4 TV, Michael Chege, who says was born in Kenya -but raised in Greece- warned all concerned, and especially (supporters of) the Golden Dawn party that the Panthers would exterminate them if they dared to mess with the African illegal immigrants again.

He even had the audacity to say that he and a group of "friends" formed this militia to protect themselves and their neighbors in areas where immigrants live.
     “I am a member of the Black Panthers and everybody knows that. So I am giving them a straight warning – don’t mess with black people, anyhow. And I mean it,” said Chege speaking to Channel 4 reporter Jamal Osman.
    “We will exterminate them,” he said. “I’m not afraid of this neo-Nazi, stupid, idiotic group. In World War Two, they were crushed. In World War Three, we will exterminate them out of the face of the earth. They want to do what Hitler did. Try it. They will have the same fate and even worse,” he continued.
The Black Panthers apparently use mobile phones and social media to alert each other as well as to record any activity that they perceive to be a threat.

Chege even said he has warred with the Golden Dawn 10 times in a “kill or be killed” battle.

Editor's Note - What can we say here at HellasFrappe. And then they wonder why the Golden Dawn party is rising in the polls and becoming more and more popular with the people. When illegal immigrants force their way into a country, disregard its laws and way of life, and follow their own agendas then it can only spell trouble. Clearly this young man was trained well by unknown interests to formulate a militia, and brigades. What he did not say is that these neighborhoods -especially in Athens- are well known narcotic trade centers, as well as areas where men can find a hooker for a mere 5 bucks -all from Africa of course-. After this video, if we hear the words "Greeks are racist" one more time, we will explode! Wanting a neighborhood free from drug trade and prostitution is not racist it is NORMAL! He should really seek professional help, and stop blaming citizens, but using the excuse of the Golden Dawn party, because they want law and order in their own country! And we warn him, if he -and all those who support him and/or coached him- think for a minute that the Greek people will just sit back and take all of this in stride without reacting, then they really have another thing coming to them. Oh... and  if the Left believes that by supporting these people it will in the long term increase its popularity with voters... Then they too should seek some medical help. As far as we are concerned, they just committed suicide with voters. God help us all.


Hundreds of B2B Meetings Between Greek & Russian Entrepreneurs

The strong interest in further boosting bilateral trade relations between Greece and Russia is highlighted by business meetings held in Moscow in the context of the Go International initiative underway. The two-day Go International mission to Moscow was launched on Monday with the participation of tens of Greek export companies.

It is the fourth business mission organised by Eurobank in the framework of the programme, in collaboration with the Greek International Business Association, the Panhellenic Association of Exporters, the Crete Exporters Association and other export-sector bodies, under the aegis of the foreign ministry.

Some 2,000 B2B meetings with 250 Russian firms have been scheduled during the visit, while a 'Real Estate Workshop' organised in collaboration with Invest in Greece will also take place, allowing Greek companies to make brief presentations of current real estate investment opportunities in Greece.

The internet portal Exportgate set up by Eurobank in collaboration with exporters and the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) with the support of the development ministry will also be unveiled. A partnership with Google is already underway in a bid to promote the portal in Greece and especially in foreign markets, such as Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and Russia.

Greek International Business Association (SEVE) Chairman Dimitris Lakassas noted that the majority of the Russian firms that have expressed interest represent the food and beverages sector, while a strong interest is expressed in the sector's of tourism and real estate.

Most of the participating Greek firms (40 pct) represent the food and beverages sector, 8 pct high technology, 7 pct constructions, 5 pct real estate and 4.5 pct cosmetics. Other sectors are tourism, church supplies and ecclesiastical accessories, services, chemicals and plastics, energy, pharmaceuticals and packaging.

Deputy Foreign Minister Dimitris Kourkoulas attended a forum on Tuesday representing the Greek government.


Eat Greek Feta Cheese - It Has Natural Anti-Food-Poisoning Properties

Eating Feta cheese made from raw milk in small seaside tavernas when you are on holiday in Greece is a great way to combat food poisoning. Researchers claim that they were able to isolate lactic acid bacteria found in raw sheep milk from small farms in Macedonia, northern Greece.

"Several of these friendly bacteria naturally produce antibiotics that killed off dangerous food-poisoning bacteria like Listeria,” says Panagiotis Chanos, a researcher from the University of Lincoln.
     “Interestingly, we identified these friendly bacteria as enterococci, more commonly recognised as virulent and/or antibiotic resistant bacteria in hospitals. We found some strains could produce up to three different natural substances to fight different food pathogens.”
The unique taste of many local cheeses, especially from Greece and other parts of the Mediterranean, is mainly due to the enterococcal bacteria they contain. Apart from their sometimes sinister role when antibiotic resistant strains cause hospital infections, enterococci are important in the food flavouring and manufacturing industries.

Listeria is one of the most dangerous food poisoning bacteria because it can survive in places and conditions that other bacteria cannot. It can be found in foods made from animal products as a result of poor heat processing or mishandling, which causes post-production contamination, for example when butchers or retailers fail to wash their hands between touching cooked pies and raw meats.
     “We hope that this work will lead to ways of fighting foodborne pathogens, using the naturally produced compounds called bacteriocins made by other bacteria,” says Mr Chanos.
     “We discovered that all the useful strains of bacteria that produced bacteriocins were able to grow in extreme conditions resembling those commonly found in foods, including the low temperatures found in our refrigerators and the salty conditions found in some cheese.”
Instead of putting additives and synthetic preservatives in foods, scientists hope they can harness the properties of the useful bacteria to use them as micro-allies against disease-causing bacteria like Listeria.

Listeria is particularly dangerous, causing food poisoning or even death in vulnerable people like children and the elderly, and in pregnant women where it commonly triggers miscarriages.

Patients on medication for cancer or HIV, or with heart, liver or kidney transplants are also particularly at risk as their immune systems are weakened.
     “It is known that enterococci in general may have the same properties as good gut bacteria. We hope our bacteria possess these properties too, so they could colonise our small intestine and fight Listeria from within the body,” says Panagiotis Chanos. “If we can ensure the safety of these useful bacteria, they could guard us humans by killing foodborne pathogens,”
Researchers hope that they will soon minimise the use of ‘not-so-friendly’ synthetic preservatives in foods by replacing them with naturally produced bacteriocins, which may open up new opportunities for organic food production.

YES! Kissinger Confronted And Called “Mass Murderer”! (VIDEO)

Henry Kissinger.
Henry Kissinger. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was confronted and labeled a “mass murderer” by We Are Change’s Luke Rudkowski during an event at which Kissinger was awarded a medal for his role in promoting “freedom and democracy.” The confrontation took place after Kissinger gave a speech at the “Salute To Freedom” event which took place last week at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York.

Paul Joseph Watson

Filming the exchange via a spectacle-mounted camera while Kissinger sat down to dinner, Rudkowski asked Kissinger what he meant by the quote which emerged recently via a Wikileaks:
     “The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer”.
After a garbled response, Kissinger remarked, “What are you doing this for?”

Rudkowski then asked, “We want to know what the agenda of the Bilderberg Group meeting’s going to be,” to which Kissinger responded, “Oh come on, get lost please, I said get lost!

Rudkowski continued: “How does it feel winning the freedom award when you’re wanted as a mass murderer and wanted in many countries and butchered millions of people?

Kissinger responded: “You coward! You self-serving coward – get lost!

Rudkowski remarked: “You know this freedom award’s a lie and you’re wanted for mass murder in different countries – you know it’s a lie.”

Kissinger’s involvement in war crimes was best documented in Christopher Hitchens’ 2001 book The Trial of Henry Kissinger.

After examining the evidence of Kissinger’s involvement in directing massacres in Vietnam, Bangladesh and Timor, as well as assassinations in Chile, Cyprus, and Washington, D.C., Hitchens concludes that Kissinger should be prosecuted “for war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offenses against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture.”

Hitchens also asserted that Kissinger is “a stupendous liar with a remarkable memory.”

A number of countries in South America and Europe have sought to question Kissinger about his actions during the Nixon and Ford administrations and several individuals have also attempted to make a citizens arrest.

This is the third time that We Are Change confronted Henry Kissinger.

Conspiracy or Truth - Tide Now Turning Against Cabal But More False Flags Expected

According to this week's geopolitical post by B.Fulford, there are indications everywhere now that the tide has turned decisively against the Satanic Sabbatean cabal and its plans for a family controlled fascist New World Order global dictatorship. For example, Pope Francis is expected to make a speech on the subject of financial tyranny and the global collateral accounts when he visits South America in June, according to a senior P2 Freemason Lodge member.

President Obama, meanwhile, made a speech last weekend where he basically admitted the US government had gone rogue and was getting ready to mend its ways.

However, the Sabbateans have still not given up and may pull off a few more nasty tricks before their final defeat. The recent mass burning of cars in Sweden, the “beheading” in the UK, the stabbing in France etc. all seem part of a desperate cabal effort to somehow provoke their long planned Muslim/Christian war. There is also the matter of Israel that still needs to be settled.

In Japan, too, cabal “economic hitmen” have been on the rampage causing volatility in markets in an attempt to derail Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Abenomics. This is part of a still unfinished battle for control of Japan. There are also indications that the recent Japanese election was stolen for Abe by the Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, Council on Foreign Relations faction of the cabal. The vote counting in the recent Japanese general election that gave Abe a dictatorial 2/3rds control of parliament was all done by machines created by a company called Musashi. According to research by a Japanese right wing activist that we have only been partially able to confirm, the ownership of Musashi has been traced through a bunch of shell companies to an outfit called “Forrest Asset Management” run by a former Goldman Sachs employee and CFR member by the name of Peter Greiger. What we can confirm though from multiple sources is that the last election was stolen in favour of Abe by a coalition including young officers of the Japanese Defense Ministry.

What all this means is not certain but it is clear from other sources that Japan is split right down the middle between two factions. One faction is linked to the Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs and CFR and wants the Crown Prince Naruhito and Rockefeller Trilateral Commission member Hisashi Owada’s daughter Princess Masako to take over the role of Emperor and thus control over Japan. The other faction wants younger brother Prince Akishino (who has a male heir) to take over and keep the throne purely Japanese.

The Rockefeller faction does not want a normalization of relations with North Korea and reunification of the Korean peninsula because that would eliminate the cabal’s secret financial control. That is why the cabal has been trying so desperately to provoke war in East Asia.

Despite this, the push for reunification of the Korean peninsula and peace in North East Asia is going ahead. The North Korean generals and Japanese right wingers bribed by the cabal into staging provocations have been removed.

Nonetheless, the battle to free Japan is far from over and the effects of 67 years of brutal military occupation are still being felt. The quislings who benefited from this occupation are understandably very reluctant to lose their power and allow the Japanese people to learn the truth.

What is still not clear in Japan is if Abenomics is about saving the Japanese economy or saving Goldman Sachs interests in East Asia. The recent market turbulence featuring a plunging Nikkei Index, rising interest rates and a strong yen appears to be orchestrated by the Bush faction of the cabal and features Texas based hedge fund manager Kyle Bass as a kind of anti-Abenomics cheerleader. His logic is that if the Bank of Japan buys all the more than 1 quadrillion yens worth of Japanese government bonds in the market the result would be “financial tyranny.”

It is true that if this happened the Bank of Japan would take over much of the control of the financial markets from private financial institutions (other than the BOJ) but it is also true that doing so would eliminate Japanese government debt. The question at the end of such a scenario would be of course if the BOJ was then a transparently run public utility or a private monopoly. That outcome depends on the ongoing factional war in Japan.

In any case, changes in the United States, Europe and the rest of the world make the ultimate defeat of the Japanese quislings a matter of time.

As mentioned above there are obvious signs the US military is no longer following cabal orders. The speech over the weekend by Obama.

admitting US war crimes, and promising to stop such crimes, is a clear example. The fact the pentagon refused to send troops or weapons to help Israel overthrow the Syrian government, despite being ordered to do so by the State Department and Senate, is another clear sign. Instead Russia sent its Pacific fleet towards Israel and made it clear to the Israeli government they would find themselves in a war with Russia (and no US help) if they did not back down.

Then we have reports that the King of Saudi Arabia, a secret Israeli ally, is dead.

This is a clear sign the cabal that forced the world to buy oil from Sabbatean kingdoms and deposit the money in cabal controlled banks, is on the ropes.

Also last week, China’s number 2, Li Keqiang, went to India, Switzerland and Germany in what appears to be a move to formalize relations between the 180 nations BRICS alliance and the European Union using the Swiss as intermediaries.

China and Switzerland signed a Memorandum of Understanding to start a free trade agreement, the first between China and a Western country. In addition, both countries agreed to “a bid to jointly promote the establishment of a new international financial order featuring fairness, justice, inclusiveness and orderliness” according to Xinhua News.

By contrast with this sort of productive and friendly diplomacy, the cabalists were busy doing things like burning cars in Sweden in an attempt to start a race war. In England, the beheading of a soldier was real, according to MI5 and it was part of a plan to start a race war in the UK too. However, the operation is not producing the expected tumult and instead the high level planners are being rounded up. “Prime Minister Cameron’s response was to go on a holiday to Ibiza, his days as Tory leader are numbered,” is how MI5 summed up the situation.

One last note, a colleague of ours has just endured a month of incarceration in a Japanese mental hospital where he was forcibly drugged. He is now free again.

Source - YouTube

Scandinavians Prefer Crete, And Especially Chania

According to the "TUI Nordic" tour operator group, the city of Chania, on the island of Crete, is the most popular summer destination for Scandinavian tourists. TUI Nordic has over 120,000 arrivals in Chania airport, and they claim that the reasons the Scandinavians prefer Greece and particularly the island of Crete are the high quality of the hotels and the accommodation, the hospitality, the education and the people.

So much so that in the first quarter of 2013, the arrivals from Scandinavian countries at Chania airport posted a 22 percent increase in comparison with the same period in 2012. Let us hope that this trend continues throughout the summer season.

Bank of Greece Report on Monetary Policy 2012-2013

The Residence of the Bank of Greece at the cor...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Today, in accordance with its Statute, the Bank of Greece submitted its Report on Monetary Policy 2012-2013 to the Speaker of the Greek Parliament and the Cabinet.

The economy is rebalancing

In recent months there have been stronger indications, both at home and abroad, that the economy is rebalancing. These indications can be summarised as follows:
  • - The possibility of a Greek exit from the euro area is now remote, as widely acknowledged by analysts and international organisations.
  • - Confidence in Greece’s economic prospects is gradually being restored, as shown by the sharp decrease in the yield spread between Greek and German ten-year government bonds.
  • - The Greek banking system has weathered the storm and proved resilient to the severe crisis; it is currently undergoing a process of restructuring on new, healthy foundations. This is the first crucial step towards restoring normal financing conditions in the real economy. It is worth noting that the stability of the banking system was shielded from the tangible risk of a spillover from the Cyprus crisis. Thus, the peak in uncertainty triggered by the developments in Cyprus proved short-lived, putting a halt to the outflow of deposits observed in April 2013.
  • - The twin deficits (fiscal and external) have declined considerably: fiscal consolidation has made remarkable progress, and a primary surplus seems likely to be achieved in 2013, while the external balance has also improved substantially.
  • - The implementation of the stabilisation programme is judged to be well on track, and disbursements under the loan agreement are continuing smoothly.

However, output continues to contract and unemployment is still rising

These indications are decidedly positive and, if sustained, herald a future improvement in the real economy. However, the recession and the rise in unemployment continue. Adjustment has taken a heavy toll in terms of output, employment and disposable income -- the reason being that it was necessary to address, within a short space of time, accumulating chronic problems and imbalances that, if left unchecked, would surely have led to a default and an exit from the euro area. In the end, the default was averted thanks to substantial progress in the area of fiscal adjustment, which made possible the continued financial support from our partners. The extent and duration of the recession could nevertheless have been lessened, had structural reforms to promote the efficient functioning of the public administration and markets been pursued more energetically and boldly.

An economic recovery is possible in 2014 if the improvement in economic sentiment takes hold and structural reforms are speeded up

If the implementation of structural reforms can be speeded up and the improvement in economic sentiment takes hold, it is plausible to expect that the results will soon be felt in the real economy as well. A prerequisite for recovery is the continued steadfast and faithful implementation of the stabilisation programme.

According to the Report, GDP is expected to contract at a rate of close to 4.6% this year, and unemployment to stabilise at around 28%. A return to positive growth is anticipated for 2014, while unemployment should start to decline in 2015.

Inflation is projected to turn out at about -0.3% in 2013 and core inflation at -1.1%. At the same time, it is estimated that the loss of competitiveness over the period 2001-2009 will be more than recovered by end-2013.

Finally, based on available evidence, the current account deficit is expected to narrow further to below 3% of GDP in 2013 and to hover around 2% in 2014.

The banking system has proved resilient to the crisis

Until recently, the banking sector had been facing serious problems with liquidity, loan portfolio quality and capital adequacy. These problems, though still present, are gradually being mitigated. It is particularly worth noting that, despite the extremely adverse conditions, the government and the Bank of Greece took effective action and succeeded in safeguarding financial stability and fully protecting depositors. This was confirmed again recently when, starting in late March, Greek banks had to tackle the negative fallout from developments in Cyprus. Following swift and effective action on the part of the Greek authorities, the risk that shocks from the Cypriot banking system would be transmitted to the Greek financial system was minimised, as deposits with Greek branches of Cyprus banks were fully excluded from the bail-in imposed on deposits in Cyprus. The former Cypriot bank branches operating in Greece continued to serve their customers smoothly after their acquisition by a domestic bank. The risk of contagion from the Cypriot to the Greek banking system was thus nipped in the bud.

The recapitalisation of core banks will soon be completed

Following the transitional recapitalisation of the core banks by the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) in May and December 2012 using EFSF debt securities, recapitalisation is nearing its completion within the specified timeframe.

Recapitalisation will mark the starting point for a restructuring of the banking system based on a comprehensive long-term strategy. A noteworthy number of mergers and acquisitions have already been completed, while the consolidation in the banking system has also been supported by the bank resolutions that took place without any disruption to market stability and with full protection of all depositors.

In the months ahead, the banking system will face new challenges. Once banks’ capital base has been strengthened, they will be expected to manage their new entities with a focus on achieving the maximum possible synergies, in the context of the regular (quarterly) funding plans that they are required to submit to the Bank of Greece for assessment. At the same time, banks will need to prepare for the new stress test exercise to be conducted by the Bank of Greece by end-2013. Special attention will be given to the more efficient management of non-performing loans. Moreover, by end-September 2013, the institutional framework of cooperative banks must be aligned with the best international practices.

The return of deposits, the fall in funding costs, as well as the completion of the restructuring and recapitalisation of the banking system (both of which are structural reforms of crucial importance), will all contribute decisively to the restoration of confidence in the prospects for the Greek economy and are prerequisites for economic recovery. The Bank of Greece will continue to take action with a view to maintaining the stability of the financial system, protecting depositors and creating a sustainably sound and well-capitalised banking system; these goals are a sine qua non for supporting the real economy.

Uncertainties and risks still remain

These encouraging developments, however, leave no room for complacency, as risks and uncertainties still remain which could jeopardise stabilisation and undermine the prospects of economic recovery:
  • - Despite progress in several areas, the functioning of public administration remains weak. This weakness leads to shortfalls as regards the implementation of measures previously passed by the Greek Parliament and effectively delays reforms that could mitigate the intensity of the recession.
  • - The protracted and deep recession, combined with the lack of liquidity, could increase the number of – essentially viable – businesses that are forced to shut down.

Policies to support the recovery

Nevertheless, the climate is more favourable today for the speedier pursuit of policies aimed at translating the improvement in expectations into real economic activity. For this to happen, there are a number of prerequisites:

First, to press ahead with the fiscal consolidation programme, fully adhering to the timetable and targets set. Meeting the budgetary targets both fully and on time is the first and essential condition for the continued smooth disbursement of funds under the loan agreement. Top priority should be given to achieving a primary surplus in 2013. Achieving the budgetary targets would bolster confidence in the Greek economy, while also eliminating the need for additional across-the-board measures. In fact, the progress made so far with fiscal adjustment has been crucial to ensuring continued financial support to the Greek economy.

Second, to accelerate structural reforms, especially in the public sector. In particular, emphasis should be given to:
  • - finalising the tax reform agenda, which should create the conditions for reducing the tax burden of those who already pay taxes. This requires a broadening of the tax base, through the effective curbing of tax evasion;
  • - improving the efficiency of tax administration, in order to boost public revenue. Of major importance in this respect is the upgrading and effective functioning of the General Secretariat of Public Revenue Administration;
  • - taking steps to rationalise the functioning of the public sector, by utilising the opportunity for staff renewal opened up by the recent decision to replace some 15,000 civil servants who are expected to leave service under mandatory exits by 2014. New recruitments should be strictly merit-based and targeted to cover pressing needs in key areas (e.g. tax administration, health).

Third, to carry through the privatisation agenda with greater resolve and at a faster pace, assessing each privatisation in terms of its potential to create jobs and foster a shift in the Greek economy’s growth model.

Fourth, to urgently address the issue of unemployment, by inter alia strengthening active labour market policies. This can be achieved by making more effective use of resources available from the Structural Funds to support social cohesion.

Fifth, to complete pension reform in practice, by developing the occupational and private life insurance pillars, which, under certain conditions, could help offset the declines in main, first-pillar pensions. This would require eliminating existing obstacles and rigidities.

Sixth, to enhance liquidity in the short term, by accelerating: (i) the payment of public sector arrears to the private sector; and (ii) the utilisation of available resources of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) and the European Investment Bank to support investment and relaunch infrastructure projects.

Key to restoring normal liquidity conditions will also be the strengthening of the banking sector, which – along with the completion of structural reforms – will help to rebuild confidence in the economy and increase both the supply and demand for bank financing.

In the long term, however, given that domestic savings are not sufficient to finance growth via bank lending, alternative sources of financing the economy need to be tapped, complementing bank credit and EU funds. In this respect, as the economic and business outlook improves, Greece must seek to attract foreign direct investment through privatisations and to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the corporate bond market.

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May 29, 1453: Anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople - TRIBUTE

Today HellasFrappe remembers one of the seminal events in history, the Fall of Constantinople on May 29th, 1453. Constantinople, which is also known as Istanbul, was arguably the center of medieval Christian civilization. It was the largest and richest urban center in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea during the late Eastern Roman Empire, (mostly as a result of its strategic position commanding the trade routes between the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea) and contained the most beautiful churches in the world. It was also the center for the longest-lived empire in history: The Byzantine Empire.

It remained the capital of the eastern, Greek speaking empire for over a thousand years and it was the richest and largest European city, exerting a powerful cultural pull and dominating economic life in the Mediterranean. Visitors and merchants were especially struck by the beautiful monasteries and churches of the city, particularly Hagia Sophia, or the Church of Holy Wisdom.

This city was especially important for preserving manuscripts of Greek and Latin authors throughout a period when instability and disorder caused their mass destruction in Western Europe and North Africa. The influence of the city on the west, over the many centuries of its existence, is incalculable. In terms of technology, art and culture, as well as sheer size, Constantinople was without parallel anywhere in Europe for a thousand years.

On the day after Orthodox Easter in 1453, the Ottoman siege began. HellasFrappe believes that the horror of the fall of the City is best described by the following two citations. The first is an eyewitness account from George Sphrantzes, a close friend of the Emperor Constantine and one of his ministers.
    “As soon as the Turks were inside the City, they began to seize and enslave every person who came their way, all those who tried to offer resistance were put to the sword. In many places the ground could not be seen, as it was covered by heaps of corpses. There were unprecedented events: all sorts of lamentations, countless rows of slaves consisting of noble ladies, virgins, and nuns, who were being dragged by the Turks by their headgear, hair, and braids out of the shelter of Churches, to the acompaniment of mourning. There was the crying of children, the looting of our sacred and holy buildings. What horror can such sounds cause! The Turks did not hesitate to trample over the body and blood of Christ poured all over the ground and were passing his precious vessels from hand to hand;
    “Christ our Lord, how inscrutable and incomprehensible your wise judgements! Our greatest and holiest Church of Saint Sophia, the earthly heaven, the throne of God’s glory, the vehicle of the cherubim and second firmament, God’s creation, such edifice and monument, the joy of all earth, the beautiful and more beautiful than the beautiful, became a place of feasting; its inner sanctum was turned into a dining room; its holy altars supported food and wine, and were also employed in the enactment of their perversions with our women, virgins, and children. Who could have been so insensitive as not to wail Holy Church? - This account comes from “The Fall of the Byzantine Empire A Chronicle by George Sphrantzes 1401-1477 Translated by Marios Phillipides
The following passage pertains to the horrible fate suffered by the Grand Duke Lukas Notaras and his family. The quote comes from Franz Babinger’s Mehmed the Conqueror and his Time:
    “…the Sultan prepared a great banquet near the imperial Palace. Drunk with wine, he ordered the chief of the black eunuchs to go to the grand duke’s home and bring back his youngest son, a handsome lad of fourteen. When the order was transmitted to the boy’s father, he refused to comply, saying he would rather be beheaded than allow his son to be dishonored. With this reply, the eunuch returned to the sultan, who sent the executioner to bring him the duke and his sons. Notaras took leave of his wife and accompanied by his eldest son and his son in law Cantacuzenos, followed the executioner. The sultan ordered all three beheaded. The three heads were brought to the Sultan; the bodies remained unburied. Notaras, popularly known as the “pillar of the Rhomaioi (Romans) had once declared “Rather the Turkish Turban in the City than the Roman miteir”. His wish had been fulfilled”.
Before reading our article on the Fall of Costantinopole, and/or watching the two documentaries that we have posted  (the first is in the Greek language with English Subs, and the second is in the English language with Greek Subs.) it would be wise to remember that on this sad day for Greek Orthodox Christians, Turkish citizens celebrate with glamorous festivities (while there have also been discussions on declaring this day a National Day for Turkey.)

After centuries of decline, the Byzantine Empire finally fell through a new weapon called gunpowder. At the time Islamic janissaries, who were baptized Christians converted to Islam, and they shattered the famous gates of Constantinople and brought an era of the world to an end five hundred and fifty odd years ago.

The Ottoman Turks were originally based in western Anatolia and had risen to prominence as a frontier principality on the eastern borders of the Byzantine Empire during the thirteenth and fourteenth century. By the mid-fifteenth century, the Ottoman sultanate had conquered much of Anatolia, Greece, Thrace, and the Slavic-speaking regions south of the Danube; in effect, they had replaced the Byzantine Empire as the dominant power in the Balkans and the Aegean. The culmination of Ottoman expansion in southeastern Europe was the conquest of Constantinople on May 29th 1453, which was accomplished after a fifty-four-day siege by Sultan Mehmed II (r.1451–1481), known as “the Conqueror” following his capture of the Byzantine capital.

The conquest of Constantinople had a tremendous impact both on the Ottoman sultanate, which was transformed into an imperial state with far-reaching aspirations and claims to legitimacy, and on Christian Europe. Most Latin Christians viewed the fall of Constantinople as a devastating blow to Christendom and as an event far more worrisome than the fall of the last Crusader stronghold of Acre in 1291. Not only did the symbolic and religious significance of the city resonate deeply with many Christians, but its capture by a strong expansionist Islamic power provoked anxiety within Europe. Almost immediately there were renewed calls for crusades against the Ottomans. Although similar initiatives were earlier organized by the Papacy and defeated by the Turks, first at Nicopolis in 1396 and then at Varna in 1444, there was an increased sense of urgency associated with the post-1453 crusades. Fears of the extension of Ottoman power deeper into Christian Europe were confirmed when Mehmed II besieged Belgrade (unsuccessfully) in 1456, Negroponte (successfully) in 1470, Rhodes (unsuccessfully) in 1480, and, more alarmingly, launched an assault on the Italian peninsula, capturing Otranto in 1480.

Although the Ottoman threat to Europe eventually subsided, the memories of the conquest of Constantinople remained as powerful as ever and the event itself—which terminated the last remnant of the Roman Empire as far as most Europeans were concerned—was lamented as one of the great tragedies in history. Alternatively, there are some—notably in the Muslim world—who have taken May 29th 1453 to be a day of celebration and victory since it marked a transformative development in the history of the Ottoman Empire. I personally find it abhorrent that anyone would celebrate conquest—any conquest—let alone one which was carried out with such brutality. I believe that to combat these trends of idealization and chauvinism, it is imperative to present facts about the events in question and demonstrate that while there are a whole range of emotions and reactions which once can have to the conquest of Constantinople, celebration or happiness should never be one of them. As will be seen, even Mehmed II himself lamented upon entering the city and seeing it in ruins.

The following account was written by Michael Kritovolous of Imbros (d. 1470)—a Greek Christian governor who was in the service of Mehmed II—shortly after the events described. His account is vivid, embellished, and detailed. It is modeled upon the writing styles of the ancient historians Thucydides and Josephus. Although dedicated to the Ottoman sultan and praising many of his accomplishments, the account captures the sense of loss and devastation felt by many European Christians following the conquest of Constantinople in 1453. As a former subject of the Byzantine Empire himself, Kritovolous represents the conquest as an important event which signified the end of the nearly 1100-year old Byzantine Empire. Overall, his account of the city’s fall reflects his contradictory feelings about the event, in that he openly admired the sultan’s military ability (which he called “in no way inferior to those of Alexander the Macedonian”), while lamenting the final disappearance of the Byzantine Empire. On this event of the conquest of Constantinople, I have provided some excerpts of the work in order to provide ample material for all to reflect upon the events which brought about the end of the Byzantine Empire, one of the greatest civilizations in history. The excerpt I have chosen from the work (which is rather long) deals with the Ottoman entrance into the city:
     “Sultan Mehmed, who happened to be fighting quite nearby, saw that the palisade and the other part of the wall that had been destroyed were now empty of men and deserted by the defenders. He noted that men were slipping away secretly and that those who remained were fighting feebly because they were so few. Realizing from this that the defenders had fled and that the wall was deserted, he shouted out: “Friends, we have the City! We have it! They are already fleeing from us! They can’t stand it any longer! The wall is bare of defenders! It needs just a little more effort and the City is taken! Don’t weaken, but on with the work with all your might, and be men and I am with you!”
So saying, he led them himself. And they, with a shout on the run and with a fearsome yell, went on ahead of the Sultan, pressing on up to the palisade. After a long and bitter struggle, they hurled back the Romans from there and climbed by force up the palisade. They dashed some of their foe into the ditch between the great wall and the palisade…the rest they drove back to the gate.

Death of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos

He had opened this gate in the great wall, so as to go easily over to the palisade. Now there was a great struggle there and great slaughter among those stationed there, for they were attacked by the heavy infantry and not a few others in irregular formation, who had been attracted from many points by the shouting. There the Emperor Constantine, with all who were with him, fell in gallant combat.

The heavy infantry was already streaming through the little gate into the City, and others had rushed through the breach in the great wall. Then all the rest of the army, with a rush and a roar, poured in brilliantly and scattered all over the City. And the Sultan stood before the great wall, where the standard also was and the ensigns, and watched the proceedings. The day was already breaking.

Great Rush, and Many Killed

Then a great slaughter occurred of those who happened to be there: some of them were on the streets, for they had already left the houses and were running toward the tumult when they fell unexpectedly on the swords of the soldiers; others were in their own homes and fell victims to the violence of the Janissaries and other soldiers, without any rhyme or reason; others were resisting, relying on their own courage; still others were fleeing to the churches and making supplication — men, women, and children, everyone, for there was no quarter given. The soldiers fell on them with anger and great wrath. For one thing, they were actuated by the hardships of the siege. For another, some foolish people had hurled taunts and curses at them from the battlements all through the siege. Now, in general they killed so as to frighten all the City, and to terrorize and enslave all by the slaughter.

Plunder of the City

When they had had enough of murder, and the City was reduced to slavery, some of the troops turned to the mansions of the mighty, by bands and companies and divisions, for plunder and spoil. Others went to the robbing of churches, and others dispersed to the simple homes of the common people, stealing, robbing, plundering, killing, insulting, taking and enslaving men, women, and children, old and young, priests, monks—in short, every age and class.

Here, too, a Sad Tragedy

There was a further sight, terrible and pitiful beyond all tragedies: young and chaste women of noble birth and well to do, accustomed to remain at home and who had hardly ever left their own premises, and handsome and lovely maidens of splendid and renowned families, till then unsullied by male eyes — some of these were dragged by force from their chambers and hauled off pitilessly and dishonorably. Other women, sleeping in their beds, had to ensure nightmares. Men with swords, their hands bloodstained with murder, breathing out rage, speaking out murder indiscriminate, flushed with all the worst things—this crowd, made up of men from every race and nation, brought together by chance, like wild and ferocious beasts, leaped into the houses, driving them out mercilessly, dragging, rendering, forcing, hauling them disgracefully into public highways, insulting them and doing every evil thing.

They say that many of the maidens, even at the mere unaccustomed sight and sound of these men, were terror-stricken and came near losing their very lives. And there were also honorable old men who were dragged by their white hair, and some of them beaten unmercifully. And well-born and beautiful young boys were carried off. There were priests who were driven along, and consecrated virgins who were honorable and wholly unsullied, devoted to God alone and living for Him to whom they had consecrated themselves . . . Tender children were snatched pitilessly from their mothers, young brides separated ruthlessly from their newly-married husbands. And ten thousand other terrible deeds were done.

Plundering and Robbing of the Churches

And the desecrating and plundering and robbing of the churches — how can one describe it in words? Some things they threw in dishonor on the ground—icons and reliquaries and other objects from the churches. The crowd snatched some of these, and some were given over to the fire while others were torn to shreds and scattered at the crossroads. The last resting-places of the blessed men of old were opened, and their remains were taken out and disgracefully torn to pieces, even to shreds, and made the sport of the wind while others were thrown on the streets…And holy and divine books, and others mainly of profane literature and philosophy, were either given to the flames or dishonorably trampled underfoot. Many of them were sold for two or three pieces of money, and sometimes for pennies only, not for gain so much as in contempt. Holy altars were torn from their foundations and overthrown. The walls of sanctuaries and cloisters were explored, and the holy places of the shrines were dug into and overthrown in the search for gold. Many other such things they dared to do.

Those unfortunate Romans who had been assigned to other parts of the wall and were fighting there, on land and by sea, supposed that the City was still safe and had not suffered reverses, and that their women and children were free—for they had no knowledge at all of what had happened. They kept on fighting bravely, powerfully resisting the attackers and brilliantly driving off those who were trying to scale the walls. But when they saw the enemy in their rear, attacking them from inside the City, and saw women and children being led away as captives and shamefully treated, some were overwhelmed with hopelessness and threw themselves with their weapons over the wall and were killed, while others in utter despair dropped their weapons from hands already paralyzed and surrendered to the enemy without a struggle, to be treated as the enemy chose.

In the same manner [as described above], the Ottoman naval forces streamed into the City victoriously through the other gates, smashing them and throwing them down. Thus, the whole naval force, scattering through the whole City, turned to plunder, robbing everything in their way, and falling on it like a fire or a whirlwind, burning and annihilating everything, or like a torrent sweeping away and destroying all things…Churches, holy places, old treasuries, tombs, underground galleries, cisterns and hiding places, caves and crannies were burst into. And they searched every other hidden place, dragging out into the light anybody or anything they found hidden. Going into the largest church, that of the Holy Wisdom (Aghia Sophia), they found there a great crowd of men, women, and children taking refuge and calling upon God. Those they caught as in a net, and took them all in a body and carried them captives, some to the galleys and some to the camp.

Surrender of Galata to the Sultan

Upon this, the men of Galata, seeing the City already captured and plundered, immediately surrendered en masse to the Sultan so as to suffer no ills. They opened their gates to admit Zaganos [Pasha] and his troops, and these did them no harm. The entire army, the land and naval force, poured into the City from daybreak and even from early dawn until the evening. They robbed and plundered it, carrying all the booty into the camp and into the ships…Thus, the whole City was emptied and deserted, despoiled and blackened as if by fire. One might easily disbelieve that it had ever had in it a human dwelling or the wealth or properties of a city or any furnishings or ornaments of a household.  And this was true although the City had been so magnificent and grand. There were left only ruined homes, so badly ruined as to cause great fear to all who saw them. There died, of Romans and of foreigners, as was reported, in all the fighting and in the capture of the City itself, all told, men, women, and children, over four thousand, and a little more than fifty thousand were taken prisoners, including about five hundred from the whole army.

Entry of the Sultan into the City and His Grief

After this, the Sultan entered the City and looked about to see its great size, its situation, its grandeur and its beauty, its teeming population, its loveliness and the luxury of its churches and public buildings and of the private houses and community houses and those of the officials. He also saw the setting of the harbor and of the arsenals, and how skillfully and ingeniously they had everything arranged in the City—in a word, all the construction and adornment of it. When he saw what a large number had been killed, and the ruin of the buildings, and the wholesale ruin and destruction of the City, he was filled with compassion and repented not a little at the destruction and plundering. Tears fell from his eyes as he groaned deeply and passionately: “What a city we have given over to plunder and destruction!”

Kritovoulos’ Personal Lamentation for the City

With the conquest, the City’s possessions vanished, its goods summarily disappeared, and it was deprived of all things: wealth, glory, rule, splendor, honor, brilliance of population, valor, education, wisdom, religious orders, dominion—in short, of all. And in the degree in which the City had advanced in prosperity and good fortune, to a corresponding degree it was now brought down into the abyss of misfortune and misery. While previously it had been called blessed by very many, it now heard everyone call it unfortunate and deeply afflicted. And while it had gloriously advanced to the boundaries of the civilized world, it now filled land and sea alike with its misfortunes and its ignominy, sending everywhere as examples of its misery the inhabitants—men, women, and children—who were scattered disgracefully in captivity and slavery and insult.

And the City which had formerly ruled with honor and glory and wealth and great splendor over many nations was now ruled by others, amid want and disgrace and dishonor and abject and shameful slavery. While it had been an example of all good things, the picture of brilliant prosperity, it now became the image of misfortune, a reminder of sufferings, a monument of disasters, and a by-word for life.”

(Kritovoulos, History of Mehmed the Conqueror, trans. Charles Riggs, pp. 70–80. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954)

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