
December 9, 2014

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Life Expectancy in Greece Rises Against Other EU Countries, Says New OECD Report

Life expectancy at birth has risen in Greece to reach 80.7 years, as opposed to an average of average of 79.2 years in the EU28, the OECD said in a new report.

The report, titled "Health at a Glance: Europe 2014," ranks Greece in 13th place among its European Union peers, behind nations such as top-ranked Spain (82.5 years), Italy and France but ahead of more recent members such Romania, Bulgaria and Lithuania, the latter at the bottom of the table at 74.1 years.

The rise of life expectancy in Greece reflects a similar trend across the EU, where life expectancy has also risen by more than five years on average since 1990, the report noted. Nonetheless, the gap between those states with the highest and lowest life expectancies remains around eight years.

Check out OECD charts -

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