
January 14, 2013

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PROVOCATION - FYROManians Bury Greek Flag Again At Tacky Carnival

The town of Vevtsani in FYROM once again held their annual carnival where a bunch of dimwits decided to once again drape the Greek national flag on a coffin and parade it through town. Continuing a provocative tradition which they began in 2012, and which was condemned by many international authorities, these buffoons not only draped the Greek flag on the coffin, but they also wrote the words "Yunanistan" and "Hell ass" on a headstone and then held a full-fledged funeral ridiculing our country, and especially our national flag.

As seen in the photos which were posted on the history of macedonia news site as well as olympia, there are people who are holding a map of a "Greater" FYROM in the background. And what is more, one can also see the old flag of Macedonia with the symbol of the Sun of Vergina.

There are thousands of Greek news sites in Greece and abroad that will probably feature this story, and next time our country is dragged to the Hague for whatever reason, we can just send them a digital library of photos such as these as well as data bank of information to ponder over. These tacky events certainly screw up their obvious argument about not having expansionist designs on Greek territory since they will find it very difficult to once again explain why they have the flag of Macedonia in the background with Greek national symbols implying that they do. And this is because the Skopje government has already been warned about this via the interim agreement in 1996.

Aside from expressing our shame, our disgust and our dismay, we here at HellasFrappe honestly believe -and insist- that these people not remove their clown outfits, because it suits them perfectly!

Ou na xatheite.

Article and photos in Greek - olympia

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