
July 28, 2012

The Fighting In Syria Has Begun - Russian Marines On Standby

In the early morning hours of Saturday, the Syrian army began a dangerous operation to take back specific zones that are currently being controlled by the rebels in Aleppo.

Meanwhile, the first Russian fleet, which has been anchored between Cypriot and Syrian waters, is waiting to meet up with the North Atlantic fleet (or the largest fleet in Russia) on Monday or Tuesday. Moscow has already announced that it will not deploy land troops unless it is only necessary, but reports are claiming that it has moved a great number of troops to the area already. Maybe the Kremlin believes that by doing so it will be in a better position to negotiate with the West "on equal terms" if land forces are eventually used.

The Syrian army used artillery and antitank attacks, and then Mil Mi-17 helicopters were set into operation firing rockets on the rebels, as were Mil Mi-25 guns. The helicopters concentrated on the Salachentin, Al-Azamige, Qasr el-bust, and al-Mashhad al-Soukari districts (phonetic spelling). Two helicopters suffered 12.7 mm. gun shots and returned to base.

The battle in Aleppo is actually going to determine how the conflict will develop. For instance, if the Syrian government manages to regain control of these areas (which consist of eight large building complexes and a University) they will be successful in their offensive against the rebels following the bomb attack that killed several top regime officials more than a week ago because they will have cleaned up the danger pockets in Damascus. If on the other they are not successful in doing so, then the regime will suffer from a great strategic defeat. A report from the Greek military news site defencenet said that several units of British special forces are already scattered throughout these regions, no further details were disclosed.

With this in mind, this is probably why Assad ordered his troops to abandon the Kurdish areas, and he instead sent them to these zones because they are in a better position to battle against these forces. This move allows him to save on manpower as well as resources and at the same time is becoming a "big headache" to Turkey because Syria is now in a better position to reciprocate on the threats from Ankara since the northern area has already become a base for the PKK!

The same report on defencent also revealed that BMP-1 APC and BRDM-2 defense systems are already being moved to the districts followed by T-72 tanks.

From what it looks like infantry assault forces will be put into operation by the end of the day.


Terence Quick Slams Statements By J.Rogge - Greece Is The Birthplace of The Olympics, Not The UK

While speaking at Friday night's opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in London, the President of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge said that the games have come home. This infuriated many people in Greece, and across the globe, who know that the birth land of the Olympic Games is Greece. Of course Rogge was referring to modern sports, but the idea of the Olympics, its ideals, and everything else he mentioned is a Greek patent... and in no way was born in the UK. The statement was totally unacceptable as well as uncalled for and he should revoke it immediately.

"In a sense, the Olympic Games are coming home tonight," Rogge said, to the only city ever to host the Games three times, over a span of more than a century, in a country he called "the birthplace of modern sport."

The statement also angered some members in the Greek government and on Saturday the spokesman for the Independent Greek Party, Terence Quick said that Rogge has no concept of history. Quick described the statements as being very provocative while he also added that Rogge is a worthwhile successor of the tacky commercialization of the Olympic Ideal.

Quick also slammed the Greek Olympic Committee for not reacting to the statements as well. He said that its members Spyros Kapralos and Isidoris Kouvelos did not represent us correctly, while he also criticized Minister for Athleticism Ioannis Ioannidis, who he said was in London watching the ceremony and could have reacted immediately but chose not to!

The Greek Independent Party then called on Jacques Rogge to immediately revoke this statement and ask for a public apology from the Greek people and Greece, which he noted is the mother to the Olympic Games. "I want to also reiterate the proposal from (former prime minister) Constantine Karamanlis to permanently hold the Olympic Games in Greece and specifically in Ancient Olympia. This should be our focus," Quick added.

New Ad For Greece, Making Waves On The Internet (VIDEO)

The buzz on the global web is about a new video which shockingly endorses Greece as a prime tourist destination in a really twisted way. The video, was put together by Theodoris Papadoulakis who wanted the world to stop viewing the Greeks as the "lepers" of Europe. The video which was made to endorse travel to Crete, and Greece, is a brilliant idea and is making waves on the Internet especially during this harsh economic crisis. It features a British tourist who is dumbfounded when he is listening to foreign news agencies continually spreading negative lies about Greece, and how tourists will not be able to find food here, exchange their foreign money or even get about. He gets frustrated when he reads foreign papers claiming that Greeks have lost their world famous hospitality because of anger and disappointment because when he looks around him the only thing he sees and experiences are tourists enjoying the sun as well as the traditional hospitality of the Greeks. He also sees people enjoying life, while the whole world spreads lies about Greece and its people and he then becomes totally disgusted with the harsh reality, throws down the paper, turns off his laptop (and the news) and begins enjoying his vacation.

Is Europe In An Economic Woe Because Of Turkey?

The propaganda of the Muslims and their apologists grows ever more absurd. In this preposterous article in the Huffington Post, the presumably Muslim Zaman Stanizai argues that Europe's economic woes can be explained by the fact that it has failed to let Turkey into the European Union.
    The Turks found an answer in the cause and clause of its European rejection and turned to the Muslim East where its economy thrives along with its many welcoming trade partners. Had Europe treated Turkey fairly and admitted it into the Union, its formidable growth engine would have pulled Europe out of such doldrums. Erdoğan's prophecy at Oxford is coming true in suggesting that "Turkey represents a burden-relieving dynamic for the EU."
Not content with this absurd claim, he goes on to assert that Spain lost its superpower status because it kicked out the Muslims.
    Europe's religious bigotry has also resurfaced in Spain, whose economy, like that of Greece, was saved by the EU's bank bailout, but where Muslim immigrants get targeted for the Spanish police "arrest and fine" quotas. Lest they forget that it was the Reconquista and Inquisition campaigns scaring away the best and the brightest that lead to the decline of Spain as a European superpower. Source: Huffington Post
Of course this is nonsense too. The Reconquista, completed in 1492, ushered in the golden age of Spanish history.

But the propaganda keeps coming. And, in the public sphere, only the multicultists and the Muslims have a voice. Our dissent is confined to the fringes of blogs and comment sections. Even there, the truth is outlawed. I posed a comment politely disagreeing with the author on the Huffington Post site. Censored out.

It is, fundamentally, the practice of censorship that illustrates the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the left. Ideas that cannot survive strong dissent do not deserve to survive. It was the experience of censorship on the Guardian website that originally inspired my own transition from left to right when I saw perfectly reasonable comments come under the censor's scythe.

As a side note, I've noticed that the Huffington Post posts a lot of pro-Turkish propaganda. Isn't that weird, considering it's owned by a Greek? (Source StopTurkey)

Greek Team Kicks Off Parade Of Athletes At 2012 Olympic Games (VIDEO)

Η είσοδος της Ελληνικής Ολυμπιακής ομάδας κατά... από contratv

Greece's Olympic team entered the UK stadium on Friday night standing tall as it kicked off the parade of athletes at the 2012 London Games. Two-time taekwondo silver medalist Alexandros Nikolaidis was the flag bearer. Over 204 nations are participating in the 2012 London Games, with approximately 10,500 athletes. Good luck to our Greek team!

Editor's Note - Our only problem with the games was Jacques Rogge's statement that said that the Olympic Games came home. Specifically, he said "in a sense, the Olympic Games are coming home tonight, to the only city ever to host the Games three times, over a span of more than a century, in a country he called the birthplace of modern sport." We would like to remind Mr. Rogge that the Olympic Games were founded in Greece, not in Great Britain. Shame on him!
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