
July 28, 2012

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Greek Team Kicks Off Parade Of Athletes At 2012 Olympic Games (VIDEO)

Η είσοδος της Ελληνικής Ολυμπιακής ομάδας κατά... από contratv

Greece's Olympic team entered the UK stadium on Friday night standing tall as it kicked off the parade of athletes at the 2012 London Games. Two-time taekwondo silver medalist Alexandros Nikolaidis was the flag bearer. Over 204 nations are participating in the 2012 London Games, with approximately 10,500 athletes. Good luck to our Greek team!

Editor's Note - Our only problem with the games was Jacques Rogge's statement that said that the Olympic Games came home. Specifically, he said "in a sense, the Olympic Games are coming home tonight, to the only city ever to host the Games three times, over a span of more than a century, in a country he called the birthplace of modern sport." We would like to remind Mr. Rogge that the Olympic Games were founded in Greece, not in Great Britain. Shame on him!
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