
July 19, 2012

Israeli War Ships Conduct Live-Fire Drill Off Of Hydra Island

Israeli warships have conducted a live-ammunition exercise for the first time in the Aegean Sea, Yorgo Kırbaki of daily Hürriyet reported today.

Two Israeli warships, one a Sa'ar 5 and the other a Sa'ar 4.5, conducted firing exercises with live ammunition south of Hydra island within Greek national waters.

The Greek Navy did not take part in the drill in compliance with a moratorium it signed with Turkey. The exercise took place near the Karavia rocks off the eastern coast of the Peloponnese Peninsula, quite far from Turkish coastal border.

Greece and Turkey agreed in 1998 not to conduct military exercises in the Aegean during the summer tourism season between June 15 and Sept. 15. (submarinersworld)

Stylianidis - Some 1.5 mln Legal & Illegal Immigrants Now Living In Greece

At a one-day conference, titled "Double Challenge: Economic Crisis and Migration", Interior Minister Evripides Stylianidis revealed that an estimated 1.3-1.5 million non-EU foreign nationals -- both legal and illegal -- are currently living in Greece. Shockingly he added that from 2005 till the present day at least 550,000 arrests of illegal migrants have been made, many of whom were repeat offenders.

The conference was organised by the Constantine Karamanlis Foundation and the Center for European Studies.

Citing police statistics, Stylianidis added that the largest involvement in violent crimes was recorded by foreign nationals this includes homicides, rapes and armed robberies. They also account for the largest share of violations in terms of intellectual property theft (bootleg CDs and DVDs).

Everyday at least 150-200 applications for political asylum are submitted and currently 30,000 cases are pending.

As for detention centers, he said that facilities are needed to accommodate at least 5-6,000 persons in the Evros region and for at least 30,000 persons both in the Athens and Thessaloniki. For this, he added, mainly defunct disused military camps would be used.
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SPECIAL REPORT - Zigras "Gives" Tsochatzopoulos & Reveals How PASOK "Fixed" 2000 Elections (VIDEOS)

Continuing with his marathon testimony before a Greek magistrate on Wednesday currently investigating a scandalous and massive money-laundering network, Nikos Zigras, the first cousin of former Defense Minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos implicated several more suspects in the case including names such as former Cypriot minister Dinos Michaelides, Mr. Yiannis Smbokos who was the general secretary of the Greek Defense Ministry during Tsochatzopoulos’s run as minister (1996-2001), as well as Fouad Al Fayad, and Vlassis Kambouroglou who are two businessmen that have already been identified as suspects in a prosecutors’ report that led to Tsochatzopoulos’s arrest in April.

Zigras said that the former Cypriot Minister had played a key role in transferring millions of euros in illegal payments which Tsochatzopoulos is alleged to have secured for defense procurements. On the other, Smbokos was said to have pocketed such great sums and apparently still owes money to Tsochatzopoulos.

In his testimony Zigras also revealed that Michaelides had been instrumental in transferring the money from the kickbacks by carrying the money in suitcases and not through a web of offshore firms as identified in the prosecutors’ report. What's more, Michaelides’s son Michalis also helped his father with some of the cash transfers!

The testimony also revealed how PASOK brought Russian-Pontians from Cyprus to vote in the 2000 elections and baptized them Greek (via nationalization) and then paid them to vote for PASOK, and especially for Aki who was running in the city of Thessaloniki. The same method was used with the Roma community as well.

Certainly, this comes as no surprise since it is common knowledge that the elections in the year 2000 were more or less "fixed". Some may recall that roughly 150,000 names suddenly appeared out of no where on the voting lists and allowed PASOK (and its leader Costas Simitis) to win with a slim 75,000 votes over Costas Karamanlis and the New Democracy party.

In fact, reports at the time had said that the number of residents in villages such as Evros and Thessaly and even citizens in the B' Section of Athens had increased five-fold!

The New Democracy party had a "lukewarm" reaction back then even though it had all the evidence against PASOK with illegal nationalizations from people all over the world (or from Pakistan, to Moldova). Till this day it is unknown why they did not react, but a televised report from a Thessaly reporter in 2011 said that the West had asked (and maybe even warned) ND to step back on this issue. Here is the video... listen to what the reporter says at 3,34 minutes into the tape.

Tens of chartered flights arrived and departed in Cyprus as well as in Bulgaria, during those elections, as did "suspicious" flights from "shady" airline companies that are commonly used by the CIA, a day before those elections and throughout all of Sunday until the polls closed.

Zigras noted that Akis did everything in his power to get elected and in some cases he would spend more than two million euros to buy votes. In fact he was so determined to become an MP (so as to gain parliamentary immunity) that he would even buy season tickets for PAOK (northern Greek soccer team).

According to him, the ultimate beneficiaries of all this illegal money was Akis, and John Smbokos.

After this revelation, Zigras admitted that he was the founder of Bluebell and Torcaso (off shore companies). The second company received large sums of money from some of Akis' friends which he would in return invest in property all over Greece.

In this movement of money, Zigras also mentioned the name of Oratio Mela (phonetic spelling) which is specialized in opening offshore accounts as well as is known for being crafty in the movement of money through these companies. And it is at this point that Zigras described how the transfers were made between Torcaso, Bluebell and Morelia, which belong to Oratio Mela, emphasizing the role of former Cyprus minister Dinos Michaelides.

Michaelides was the key figure in the case, or the man who arranged for all the deals to be made, the meetings and the decisions between Fouad Al Fayad, Kambouroglou and Akis Tsochatzopoulos. He is also the person who apparently carried the suitcases which were full of money, while he noted that Smpokos also transferred many sums in bags as well.

Zigras emphasized that he was not involved with the Nobilis off shore company -said to be the company which purchased the neoclassical building on Areopagite Street where Tsochatzopoulos and Stamatis lived-, because the Nobilis company was founded by Smbokos on behalf of Akis Tsohatzopoulos. Smpokos says, gave the shares to Tsohatzopoulos, who purchased this property through this transaction.

The purchase was a "virtual" reality underlined Zigras because not a penny was paid on the house itself but only on the taxes and its expenses.

Following the sale of the home, Zigras introduced Asterios Economidis of Arcon to Akis Tsohatzopoulos who is also in custody. Economides was responsible for refurbishing and remodeling the home and had become a good friend to Aki since then.

For the purchase of Komnas Trakas, where the offices of Akis Tsochatzopoulos are located, Zigras said that Akis gave him the money to purchase the property, because he did not want to appear as the buyer. "Later on, when I realized the magnitude of the fraud that was involved, I transferred this property to him," he added.

In his testimony he also referred to an amount of some 2.9 million Swiss francs that was allegedly deposited by MIE in the accounts of Morelia and in Kiprou Mela (for the case of the submarines) and which were then transferred to Zigras' personal accounts in Greece or were given to him in cash.

"Everything is true," he told the judge, "I gave Mr Tsochatzopoulos the entire amount of 2,960,000 francs" and he continued on by saying that the money deposited in the accounts of Morelia, as well as all the cash that was given to him from 1999 up until 2005, all came from Dinos Michaelides.

We saved the best for last, Zigras also implicated Tsochatzopoulos' present and former wife -Vicky Stamatis and Gudrun Montenchaouer, respectively- who he noted knew -very well- about everything that was going on. According to him, Akis never kept any secrets from his wives. He then went on to reveal that his former wife Gudrun Molntenchaouer had consented to divorce him and was paid more than 500,000 euros to do so, while she received 3,000 euros per month.

He also implicated Margarita Terzi who reportedly owned a luxury apartment in Thessaloniki, which Akis Tsochatzopoulos purchased for his daughter. Zigras suggested that authorities should now also check what price was paid for the flat and what Terzi's true relationship is to Tsohatzopoulos and Vicky Stamatis as well as how she suddenly became and adviser at the Greek Department of Defense.

As for his daughter, Areti Tsochatzopoulos, Zigras said that she was "aware" of the situation as well. 

(References, proto-thema, kathimerini, iefimerida, newsbomb, SKAI channel, MEGA channel, defencenet, enikos)

Editor's Note - And this is just the tip of the iceberg... the fun has just begun! The testimony -especially the part of PASOK and the nationalizations- are just one more piece of the puzzle behind the reasons why former leader of ND Costas Karamanlis was -and still is- feared by domestic and foreign oligarchs. His silence is allowing the situation to expose itself for what it really is... one huge sack of sh***t which stinks from hundreds and hundreds miles away.  With each passing day... and with everything that will be unfolding in the weeks and months to come, we are becoming even more convinced that he was totally incorruptible, and the only leader that truly cared about Greece and its people.

MASSIVE FIRES - Achaia Declares State Of Emergency (VIDEO)

A state of emergency has been declared for Achaia which is presently suffering from massive fires. The villages of Ano and Kato Kastritsi and Platani were evacuated following an order by the Greek fire department. Officials were quoted as saying that the fires were burning on three fronts, coming within six miles of the city, which is home to more than 220,000 people. The state of emergency allows Greek authorities to call in the military if they are needed.

In an urgent letter to the Secretary General for Civil Protection T. Boufis, the Western Greece Region commander asked that a state of emergency be declared for five local communities in Achia, or specifically Sellon, Argiron, Ano Kastritsi, Kato Kastritsi, Platani and Drepano. The regional commander stressed that firefighters were facing an extremely difficult and dangerous situation, and currently using all available forces but it was not enough.

The smoke from the fire caused problems at nearby Rio Hospital.

More than 70 firefighters, aided by five water-bombing airplanes, are attempting to put out the blaze, which broke out in the early hours of Wednesday. The front is more than 1 kilometer long, authorities said.

A smaller operation is taking place to put out a fire near the village of Tzialo, also in Achaia.

Greece Issues Travel Advisory For Syria

The Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel advisory cautioning all Greek citizens not to travel to Syria -for whatever reason- on account of the rapid deterioration of safety conditions in the country and the spreading of fighting and suicide attacks in its capital city Damascus." "Greeks working in Syria are called upon to take all possible precautions and be in contact with the Greek embassy in Damascus," the advisory states.
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Australia's Trotskyites Threaten Violence Against Patriots & Focus On Greece's Golden Dawn!

This is a report by an undercover reporter by the name of "Linda" who recently attended a meeting of the Trotskyite ‘Socialist Alternative’in Sydney on July 17, 2012. The meeting, was very preoccupied with Greece's Golden Dawn party and much was said about the urgent need to build a broad movement against it. The investigative reporter said that she heard discussions that the Greek communists would not bloc against Golden Dawn and suprisingly were consequently – facilitating its rise! Moreover, it was also revealed that the alternate Left had to take the initiative but no more details were given. (Maybe the reporter was referring to SYRIZA or ANTARSYA but we are not certain, it could also be another radical leftist party.).

The undercover reporter apparently drew Trotskyites out in private discussion, and came out with a pretty interesting report. At the end of the report an interesting commentary is also included by Dr. Jim Saleam that is worth a read.

Dear Chairman,
Upon your direction, I attended the Socilaist Alternative (SA) meeting ‘Resisting The Far Right’. The venue was the SA offices at 246 King Street Newtown. As usual, I was outfitted and styled in such a way that I melded in with both the usual suspects and the curious. I have been studying Trotskyism and am better able now to appreciate the particularities of Trotskyite organisations\ and can now chit-chat as necessary. I naturally helped myself to SA’s publications, which I provide for the assessment of the party committee.

I would describe the meeting::

The meeting was attended by some 45 persons. I record below certain names and I am currently engaged in putting surnames to them. I will access our photo files for matches and blend in my new data with other records .You have requested previously (where possible) that our section updtaes residential addresses and other useful data. Overall, this meeting was purposful to these ends.

Aside from SA members and other leftists with the usual green hair, gay rights badges, Lenin shirts, there were some Chinese and Indian persons (one of whom was particularly vocal) whom I understand to be university students. I also observed two ASIO agents who on our files and who acknowledged a man in the audience.

The meeting was chaired by “Josh”. I describe him, as a late 20’s male with light brown hair in a pony tail and beard. The main speaker was Jordan, 20’s, glasses and beard, another Trotsky look-alike. An assistant was “Zoe”. A slight, pale, blone, with the customary ring through the nose who wore a ‘Boycott Israel’ T-shirt, a matter I find. Patrick, 20’s beard and brown hair was on the door and ahelped by “Cathy”, 20’s, glasses, light brown hair. My main feast of the night was “Diane” who I identify as Diane Fieldes, a long-time Trotskyite, regarded by a couple of meeting-participants to whom I spoke as a guiding star of Sydney Trotskyism.

The main talk was delivered by Jordan; it was a long address on the nature of fascism as it presented in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Jordan presented the usual Trotskyite argument that the middle class was feeling squeezed by economic criisis and became militant against the workers and that the main left party of the time, the Communist Party, failed to build a united front with social democrats and other worker groups to keep fascism out of power. Fascism was – of course – always the tool of the capitalist class agianst the workers. Fascist parties were said to have overwhelmingly middle class memberships who were utilized by the capitalists as the violent activists.

Upon your advice to draw Trotskyites out in private discussion, I have read into some aspects of fascism that showed it was equipped with a very large working class base in some countries and peasants in others. I used my knowledge to interpret some of the remarks made as the speaker moved into the present. Indeed, it seems that the Trotskyites do not conceive of Australian nationalism as a movement of the traditional ‘workers’ and other working people and they retain their narrow focus on the “middle class”.

The meeting was very preoccupied with the Greek party, Golden Dawn, and much was made of the urgent need to build a broad movement against it. Ironically, very little was said about Australia, save a reference to the extreme “violence” of the former 1980’s National Action and how Pauline Hanson was defeated in the streets. It was said that the Greek communists would not bloc against Golden Dawn and were consequently – facilitating its rise. It was said that the alternate Left had to take the initiative.

The question time and discussion drew out much more.

A clear threat of violence came from Diane Fieldes. She said (adopting Trotsky’s phrase) that it was “necessary to introduce the heads of the fascists to the pavement.” It seemed she was also speaking about Australia. Diane spoke with vehemence. Her view was endorsed.

One speaker said that Hansonism provided the lesson which had drawn on how the earlier British National Front was supposedly defeated in the 1970’s. Mobilization and confrontation was said to be the key.

Of course, some suggested it was theTrotskyites who had provided the main street level oppostion to Hanson and other patriotic formations. II know that we both accept that this was true.

An official from the Teachers’ Union, “Heidi”, who said she was involved in the pro refugee campaigns said unions had to get involved.

I did find it amusing that one speaker said that Gina Rinehart would fund a future Australian fascism. But that seemed to add to their sense of iurgency.

The meeting did not end with any specific proposal to demonstrate or “mobilize” against Australia First Party and other groups (Sydney Forum? One Nation? etc). However, it is clear that the intention is there and it is only a matter of time. It is equally clear that the Trotskyites wish to play at violence.

Upon your advice, I shall be attending other Socilaist Alternative meetings from time to time.

Commentary by Dr. Jim Saleam
Our agent has identified the essential point that the Trotskyites preserve their fascination with ‘fascism’, a category into which they lump Australia First and related formations. Without acceding to their descriptions, we can still learn much about their reaction to ourselves by ‘accepting’ their logic. They will attempt to mobilze immigrants from the Third World, leftist parties of all sorts, anti racist (sic) groups, certain liberally minded church groups and the trade union bureaucracy (which substitutes for the real workers) against us. In their rhetoric, there’ll be a lot about Hitler and Mussolini and the workers being drowned in blood and war and the Nazis’ campaign on the Jews. All that was historic Trotskyism.
Yet it is also part of the cultic myth of Trotskyism. If only Saint Leon (Trotsky)
had been calling the shots in world communism and not Joe Stalin, he would have defeated the fascists with his clever strategies. It seems that the Trotskyites are ahistorical, winding history back to another time and place and fighting a dead fight to prove how right they were – and they then impose that construct on modern circumstances. No wonder they fail to understand the Australian nationalists and no wonder they are ‘useful idiots’ (if I can steal Lenin’s phrase).
I found it also ‘amusing’ that someone at the meeting thought that Gina Rinehart would fund ‘fascism’. Great, a phone call and the millions ,might folow. But alas, once Gina asked, “what is your programme?” and I said, “to nationalize your wealth and expel your contract workers”, one could imagine that a romance might not bloom.
However, let us take a dialectical approach (excuse too, my use of this marxist phrase). I could also see a scenario that it is possible for any group or individual to fund groups or persons with whom they have fundamental disagreements if their aim is a different one. The German General Staff funded Lenin and the CIA funded Osama bin Laden. Perhaps a Rinehart might fund a party that simply created a certain chaos around issues, to sidetrack oppositon to her other plans and so forth.
Why did I say that? Because the bosses’s flag is red!
The Australian capitalists want globalism and open borders. They want the multiracial and multicultural society and the free-movement of capiral and labour. They want the ultimate creation of a world system that creates a world culture and which merges humanity into one brown man and one future. The Trotskyites agree with that vision. Of course, the capitalists want to keep the dollars and the Trotskyites want to ‘share’ it, but ideologically they are quite close together. That allows for a peculiar nexus beneath the folds of the red flag.
Could capitalists see Trotskyites as useful idiots agianst the workers who have a country? Who want to keep their ‘racist’ (sic) identity? Who want to protect Australian industry? Who want to close borders and develop an economy for Australians?
During the Hanson furore, it was the capitalisr media and the capitalist Labor Party which encouraged the Trotskyites. In times past, Trotskyites have even bloc with the Zionists against Australians accused of fascism (so much for Boycott Israel). They will do just about anything to live out their anti fascist cultism.
In other words, it is the Trotskyites who are the fascists by parts of their own definition. It is the Trotskyites who will gather up the dross of society and their coteries of middle class students and public servants and throw them into the streets at the people’s cause which is ultimately to win Australian independence.
The Trotskyites threaten the nationalists with our heads colliding with the pavement. So far, we have not threatened them. The Trotskyites demand action. Are we on the edge of a new era of confronational politics? If that is so, it is a duel that we must win. Thankfully, through our understanding Trotskyite anti fascism we know the game plan – and who pays the bills.
Once again, 'Linda' is to be commended for her work.

The Aftermath of The Scandalous Report From Reuters On The Piraeus Bank

This article is from Yanis Varoufakis a Greek-Australian economist who heads the Department of Economic Policy at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
You may have read the shocking story by Reuters on the ponzi scheme three (or more) Greek banks concocted in order to seem to raise more capital, without diluting the bankers’ stake in ‘their’ bankrupt banks.
I have nothing to add to this excellent report by the folks at Reuters (except perhaps to suggest that insider trading rules may have been breached by Mr Sallas who traded in Piraeus Bank shares at a time when he was engineering a fresh issue of them). No, this post’s purpose is to inform those outside of Greece of the impact of this brilliant, and shocking, report on the Greek polity: on our government, our system of justice and, lastly, on our finest of journalists: Deafening silence!

In a country where, supposedly, a new conservative, pro-European, ‘sensible’ government was freshly elected on a mandate of bolstering the nation’s credibility (at least in the eyes of Europe), this blatant attempt to bend the rules of bank recapitalisation (by means of a ponzi scheme where one bankrupt bank provides loans to another so that the latter’s ‘owners’ can inject the loans as capital into ‘their’ bank) went spectacularly unnoticed. 

Workers’ pay is reduced to sub-Saharan levels, hospitals are starved of chemo-drugs, ‘respected’ journalists lambast unionists who are trying to defend the starvation wages of unskilled labour but, when such a scandal directed at misleading the EBA, the ECB, the troika itself, is revealed, SILENCE. And as if that were not enough, the troika itself, the ECB, the EBA, whose will and directions are being usurped, also remain SILENT.

All I can say, at this point, is that there is something terribly rotten in the southeastern flank of the Eurozone’s Bailoutistan. And, curiously, the troika seems to care not one bit. yanisvaroufakis

Read more about this NEW BANKING SCANDAL in a previous post by hellasfrappe by clicking here
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