
May 28, 2012

Earthquakes Shake Up Achaia And Ilia

A fairly shaky earthquake just occurred in the western part of Greece (or at 18.44 local time) and more exactly between the prefectures of Achaia and Ilia. According to reports, from the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center, the earthquake's intensity was registered at 4.4 on the Richter scale and the epicenter was said to be located 9 km southwest of Lower Mazarakis, or 29 km southwest of Patras and 32 km northeast of Amaliada. Several minutes later, and specifically at 19:02 local time, an after shock occurred measuring at 3,3 R on the Richter scale. As of yet no injuries or damages have been reported.

Anarchists Brutally Attack Golden Dawn Member

A candidate for the Golden Dawn Party Mr. Jason Bibas is apparently in very critical condition at the Hatzikosta Hospital in Ioannina after falling victim to a vicious attack by anarchsts. According to the Golden Dawn politician was brutally beaten after three anarchists ambushed the Paralimni area. No further details were given about the state of his present health.

Planet X Fears Grow After Norway Quake Moves North Pole 1,000 Kilometers

Click on red links to cross-reference the story

A new report on this past weeks violent shaking of the Norwegian Sea floor after it was hit by a powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake at the shallow depth of 8.8 km (5.5 miles) states that this event also caused an “unexpected and rapid” shifting of the magnetic North Pole by nearly 1,000 km (621 miles). According to the report, which was reported by the Kremlin, scientists claim that this event can only be attributed to as an yet unidentified planet in our solar system recently confirmed to exist by one of the world’s top astronomers from the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro.

Unknown to most people, and as reported by London’s Independent newspaper, the magnetic north pole is moving faster than at any time in human history, threatening everything from the safety of modern transport systems to the traditional navigation routes of migrating animals.

Scientists say that magnetic north, which for two centuries has been in the icy wilderness of Canada, is currently relocating towards Russia at a rate of about 40 miles a year. The speed of its movement has increased by a third in the past decade, prompting speculation that the field could be about to “flip”, causing compasses to invert and point south rather than north, something that happens between three and seven times every million years.

Already the phenomenon is causing problems in the field of aviation. Tampa International airport in Florida spent a month last year renaming its three runways, which in common with those at most US airports are identified using numbers that correspond to the direction, in degrees, that they face on a compass. “Everything had to be changed; it was a huge project,” Brenda Geoghagan, a spokeswoman for the airport, said.

RAS scientists in this report further warn that this rapid shifting of the North Pole will increase the destabilization of our Earth’s weather systems which has caused historic droughts to occur world-wide, most importantly in the United States, Mexico-Central America and Brazil’s Amazon forest regions.

Confirming the conclusions reached by RAS scientists, London’s Daily Mail newspaper reported this past week that the evidence for “Planet X” - the mysterious hypothesized planet on the edge of our solar system - has taken a new turn thanks to the mathematics of the noted astronomer Rodney Gomes.

Rodney Gomes, an astronomer at the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, says the irregular orbits of small icy bodies beyond Neptune imply that a planet four times the size of Earth is swirling around our sun in the fringes of the solar system.  Planet X - perhaps misnamed now that Pluto has been demoted to a dwarf planet - has been widely hypothesized for decades, but has never been proven.

Gomes measured the orbits of 92 Kuiper belt objects - small bodies and dwarf planets - and said that six objects appeared to be tugged off-course compared to their expected orbits. He told astronomers at the American Astronomical Society on Tuesday that the most likely reason for the irregular orbits was a “planetary-mass solar companion”- a distant body of planet size that is powerful enough to move the Kuiper belt objects.

He further suggested this mysterious planet would be four times bigger than Earth - around the size of Neptune and would be 140 billion miles from the sun, or about 1,500 times further than the Earth.

Though Gomes may have, indeed, found the mysterious Planet X, he was not the first man to suggest that it was hidden behind Neptune, which is 4 times larger than planet Earth and was discovered in the 1840's.

French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier used Newtonian mechanics to analyze perturbations in the orbit of Uranus and hypothesized that they were caused by the gravitational pull of a yet-undiscovered planet. Le Verrier predicted the position of this new planet and sent his calculations to German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle.

On 23 September 1846, the night following his receipt of the letter, Galle and his student Heinrich d'Arrest discovered Neptune, exactly where Le Verrier had predicted. There remained some slight discrepancies in the gas giants' orbits. These were taken to indicate the existence of yet another planet orbiting beyond Neptune.

Interesting to note about these “modern” discoveries of Planet X by mainstream scientists coincide exactly with the myths and legends of our Earth’s oldest peoples as gathered this past century by the Russian-born American independent scholar and author Immanuel Velikovsky who noted them all in, perhaps, the most controversial book of the 20th Century titled “Worlds in Collision”. 

In his book Velikovsky proposed that around the 15th century BCE, Venus was ejected from Jupiter as a comet or comet-like object, passed near Earth (an actual collision is not mentioned). The object changed Earth's orbit and axis, causing innumerable catastrophes which were mentioned in early mythologies and religions around the world.

Fifty-two years later, it passed close by again, stopping the Earth's rotation for a while and causing more catastrophes, then, in the 8th and 7th centuries BCE, Mars (itself displaced by Venus) made close approaches to the Earth; this incident caused a new round of disturbances and disasters. After that, the current “celestial order” was established. The courses of the planets stabilized over the centuries and Venus gradually became a “normal” planet.

Most critical to note about Velikovsky’s discoveries among the ancient myths and legends was the prophecy that what had happened before would happen again, and if they are to be believed would be happening in our lifetime-namely the early 21st Century.

According to these ancient myths, this mysterious Planet X (upon which live the “gods” who made humans) would once again appear from the South…“the lands of the cross”. The “cross” referred to by these ancient peoples is known today as the Crux which is the smallest of the 88 modern constellations, but is one of the most distinctive and can only be seen in the Southern Hemisphere. Its name is Latin for cross, and it is dominated by a cross-shaped asterism that is commonly known as the Southern Cross, and though it is now associated with Christianity it is, by far, the most ancient and revered of all the symbols of mankind.

Interesting to note is that this past week it was announced in Holland that both Australia and South Africa (both located in the Southern Hemisphere) would share in the building of history’s largest telescope known as the Square Kilometer Array which are a series of 3,000 connected radio telescopes that will scan the southern heavens and cost an estimated $2 billion.

To what will be found in the southern heavens regarding the mysterious Planet X, the most astounding advice on what to release to the public was made by New York Times columnist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman who called for space aliens to invade earth so that the government would spend money to mount a defense thereby stimulating the economy. And as quoted directly from Krugman during his appearance last year on HBO’s Real Time:

“This is hard to get people to do, much better, obviously, to build bridges and roads and healthcare clinics and schools. But my proposed, I actually have a serious proposal which is that we have to get a bunch of scientists to tell us that we're facing a threatened alien invasion, and in order to be prepared for that alien invasion we have to do things like build high-speed rail. And the, once we've recovered, we can say, “Look, there were no aliens.”
To if Krugman will be proved right and “…there were no aliens”, or, should the ancients be proved right and “something wicked this way comes” no one honestly knows…but from all accounts we’re all about to find out soon enough.

By: Sorcha Faal

Memorandum Notes Turkey`s Refusal To Cooperate On The Missing OF Cyprus

The state news agency in Athens and Cyprus said on Monday that Cyprus has submitted a Memorandum to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe which reveals that the Turkish army is in possession of information related to the identity and the burial sites of killed Greek Cypriots during the Turkish invasion in 1974, as well as other concrete references to persons taken alive in custody of the Turkish army and are today still missing. The Memorandum, prepared by the Cypriot Authorities, is entitled "Greek-Cypriot Missing Persons and their relatives – The Need for Effective Implementation of the Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Cyprus v. Turkey".

Attached to the Memorandum, there is a Note entitled "Eyewitness information from high-ranking Turkish army officers who took part in the 1974 Turkish invasion", pertaining to a book written by professor Erol Mutercimler, a well-known Turkish writer.

According to a letter sent by Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the CoE, Ambassador Theodora Constantinidou, to the Committee of Ministers, the book describes certain cases which give concrete evidence by high ranking officers of the Turkish army, who took part in the 1974 military operations in Cyprus, that the Turkish army is in possession of information related to the identity and the burial sites of killed Greek Cypriots civilians and soldiers, as well as other concrete references to persons taken alive in custody of the Turkish army and are today still missing.

According to Cyprus news agency sources, in the Memorandum, it is noted that Turkey not only has not proceeded to an effective investigation according to the strict findings of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Cyprus v. Turkey, but it has also caused great difficulties and posed many obstacles to the direction of investigations.

It is noted that in the judgment of Varnava and Others v. Turkey (18 September 2009) Turkey is called upon to immediately hand over any official documentation in its possession containing information on the activities of its armed forces or others under its control that may be relevant to investigations and prosecutions for crimes under the law.

"The issue of missing persons is a humanitarian issue with human rights and international humanitarian law implications. It should not be treated as a political issue and consequently its solution should not be influenced by any other considerations. The right to know the fate of missing relatives is a fundamental right of the families concerned and must be guaranteed", it is stressed.

It is reminded that according to the Court's judgment, "the silence of the authorities of the respondent State in the face of the real concerns of the relatives of the missing persons attains a level of severity which can only be categorised as inhuman treatment within the meaning of Article 3".

Furthermore in the Memorandum it is stated that the two-year period during which the Committee of Ministers decided to give priority to the work of the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus (CMP, since March 2009, has long passed, with no conclusion of the work of the CMP in sight.

"When one considers that currently no more than three identifications a month are concluded, it can be estimated that it will take many more decades before all the relatives might be informed of the fate of their loves ones`` it is stressed, adding that without the full and urgent cooperation of Turkey, the efforts to give answers to the relatives will remain incomplete.

It is pointed out that "the very limited yielding of results is attributable to the simple fact that the Turkish authorities do not cooperate with the CMP".

"The CM-DH has repeatedly requested, as a matter of urgency, that Turkey take all necessary concrete measures, including access to all relevant information and places. Turkey's continuing failure to do so has been amply documented by the United Nations Secretary General", the Memorandum says.

It is reminded that the Government of Cyprus has repeatedly requested Turkey to provide the CM-DH with concrete information contained in the reports and archives of the Turkish army, as well as information gathered from clearing the battlefields and burial places in the occupied part of Cyprus.

It is recalled that to date, information on gravesite locations came directly from ordinary Turkish -Cypriots, and not from the official Turkish authorities or the Turkish military.

The Memorandum stresses that in recent years, high ranking officers of the Turkish army who served in Cyprus during the Turkish invasion have published memoirs.

In these, most valuable information concerning battles, persons killed and others detained has come to light while some of this material also includes military reports.

"Such information proves the validity of the arguments of the Government of Cyprus pointing to the importance of this material".

The Memorandum includes an attachment with evidence provided by high ranking officers of the Turkish army, who took part in the 1974 military operations in Cyprus "that reaffirm those acts of violence and inhuman treatment".

The book of the well known Turkish writer Erol Mutercimler, "Satilik Ada Kibris: Kibris Baris Harekatinin Bilinmeyen Yonleri" ("Cyprus: The island on sale - Unknown Aspects of the Cyprus Peace Operation") contains the memoirs of three high ranking officers who took part in the Turkish invasion, serving as commanders and deputy commanders of units of the Turkish armed forces. In these memoirs, there is a wealth of reference to arrests of Greek-Cypriots and the burial of dead soldiers and civilians.

``Unless Turkey cooperates without further delay in order to effectively investigate and solve the cases of the missing by, inter alia, sharing information it has at its disposal and by allowing excavations and exhumations throughout the areas under its control, the fate of the missing will remain unknown and the judgment will remain unimplemented``, it is stressed.

In the Memorandum Member States are called upon to urgently call on the Turkish authorities to inform the Committee of the measures it will take and of the specific timeframe, with a view to the effective investigations required by the judgment, to ensure access to all relevant information, including, as a first step, information from battlefield reports contained in the reports/archives of the Turkish army and to allow immediate and unconditional access for exhumation purposes to actual military zones in occupied Cyprus (including fenced camps), where it is believed that persons whose fate is unknown have been buried.

They should also call on the Turkish authorities to inform of the location of the remains of Greek - Cypriots secretly removed from mass burial sites in the occupied part of Cyprus by the Turkish army and the CM -DH could invite the Turkish retired military officers whose names appear in the book of Prof. Mutercimler and/or the author himself to share valuable information and respond to the questions of members of the CM-DH. (AMNA, CNA)

Lefteris Kosmidis Wins Gold At European Gymnastics Championships (VIDEOS)


Greek gymnast Lefteris (Eleftherios) Kosmidis won the gold medal on Sunday May 27th in the European Gymnastics Championships at Montpellier, France. Alongside Kosmidis, three more Greek athletes partcipated in the individual finals. Another Greek athlete, Vlassis Maras, won the bronze medal. Kosmidis, who unfortunately has not qualified for the 2012 London Olympics, gave it his all at Montpellier, as this was his main challenge for the year. He got the top spot in floor exercises with 15,766 points. The second athlete had 15,300 points. This was the first European gold for Kosmidis, who had already won a world gold medal before. At the 2011 World Cup in Cottbus he won the gold medal in floor exercises, having scored 15.525 points. That same year, in another World Cup in Moscow, he won the silver medal in floor exercises with 14.500 points on May 14, 2011. Maras executed a challenging routine at the horizontal bar and ended up third with 15,266 points. This was the seventh European Championship medal for Maras.(AMNA)



Gov't Freezes Payments, EU/Berlin Take Over Athens

Facing the threat of a delay in the disbursement of bailout installments from the Troika, Greece’s caretaker government has suspended rebates and payments to suppliers of the public sector. All loans by banks to any business, regardless of viability, have been stopped. In the absence of safe ways to sell, 74% of Greek companies are focused on debt reduction. And foreign companies importing to Greece are demanding money up front. The Troika’s crazy austerity and repayment schedules demand a Greek economy going at Full Ahead Both. It is now on Silent All Stop.

Thanks to cut-off threats from Berlin-am-Brussels, the Athens government has stopped paying suppliers, foreign importers will not ship until upfront cash has been received and confirmed, and banks have been instructed to lend nothing to either domestic or business borrowers.

The personal loans ban has been framed in the light of a rush for ‘credit’ alongside massive withdrawals. Loans by banks were running at €11bn euros a month. From here on they will be zero.

Meanwhile, the insolvency and supply problems for drugs at retail level in Greece has predictably backed upstream. Greek GPs are owed €620m. The provision of primary medical care and medicines to about 9 million people is very close to collapse due to the accumulated debts of the National Organization for the Provision of Health Services (EOPPY), as the government has reneged on its promise to settle all arrears to private suppliers of the old insurance funds (that now make up EOPPY) by the end of March. The money involved – a total of around €1.7 billion – spookily isn’t there any more: it went to pay off the last of the bondholders.

For damned are those who will not pay The Bondholders.

As the Mad Woman of Monetary Funding launches nanny-fury at Greek citizens, even New Democracy’s Antonis Samaras is now saying that he wants the Troika bailout schedule suspended. 

But weigh these up as a measure of the disconnect between the financial sector, Brussels, and Real Earth:
‘Stocks rise as Greek euro exit fears wane’ (FT at 8.20 am).  
‘The euro bounced off two-year lows on Monday after Greek conservatives topped opinion polls ahead of another general election’ (Reuters at 7.17am).

And the final (if predictably) irony. the IMF’s cheeky minx Pristine Lowgrade told Bloomberg she was ‘sensitive’ to the plight facing Greece, and she was misheard by those who didn’t catch her real meaning, viz – that the wealthy must pay their fair share of taxes.

Well Prissy, the wealthy Greeks are buying London properties, the Eurozone is sinking fast, and Greece is close to anarchy. It’s a little too late for mendacious, back-handed apologies.

The Slog

The Attendees Of The 2012 Bilderberg Meeting Are....

This year's Greek "Bilderberg group" is apparently going to be composed of none other than chairman of Coca Cola George David, former finance minister and now simple PASOK member George Papakonstantinou,  President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) Loukas Tsoukalis, as well as this foundation's prized member (Kathimerini and SKAI tv) reporter Alexis Papachelas, etc.. The 2012 Club Bilderberg meeting is scheduled to be held between May 31-June 3 in Shantilly, Virginia in the US.

Also invited to attend the meeting are Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, the elite of Brussels will be headed by Joachim Almunia, Javier Solana, the chairman of Deutsche Bank Josef Ackerman, Chairman of Microsoft Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger as well as many, many others. The Bilderberg Club belongs to the same network of influence such as Tripartite Commission and the Council on US Foreign Relations, etc.
The 2012 list of Bilderberg invitees this year include:

BEL Davignon, Etienne Vice President, Suez-Tractebel
BEL Huyghebaert, Jan President Board of Directors, KBC Group

NLD Halberstadt, Victor Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Ex-Honorary Secretary
NLD Hommen, Jan HM President, ING Group
NLD Beatrix, queen of the Netherlands
NLD Rinnooy Kan, Alexander HG President Social Economic Council (SER)

US Altman, Roger C. President, Evercore Partners Inc.
US Arrison, Sonia Author & policy analyst
US Collins, Timothy C. Senior Managing Director & CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
US Ferguson, Niall Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University
US Feldstein, Martin S. George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University
US Gates, William H. (Bill Gates) Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & President, Microsoft Corporation
US Gordon, Philip H. Assistant Secretary of State for European & Eurasian Affairs
US Graham, Donald E. President & CEO, The Washington Post Company
US Hormats, Robert D. Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs
US Johnson, James A. Vice President, Perseus, LLC
US Keane, John M. Senior Partner, SCP Partners
US Kissinger, Henry A. President, Kissinger Associates, Inc
US Kleinfeld, Klaus President & CEO, Alcoa
US Kravis, Henry R. Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
US Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc
US Leer, Eric S. President & Director, Broad Institute of Harvard & MIT
US Mathews, Jessica T. President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
US Mundie, Craig J. Chief Research & Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
US Naím, Moisés, Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy
US Orszag, Peter R. Director, Office of Management & Budget
US Parker, Sean Managing Partner, Founders Fund
US Pearl, Frank H. President & CEO, Perseus, LLC
US Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
US Rose, Charlie Producer, Rose Communications
US Rubin, Robert E., Co-President, Council on Foreign Relations; Ex-Secretary of Treasury
US Schmidt, Eric CEO & President Google
US Steinberg, James B. Deputy Secretary of State
US Summers, Lawrence H., Director, National Economic Council
US Thiel, Peter A. President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
US Varney, Christine A. Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust
US Volcker, Paul A. President, Economic Recovery Advisory Board

UK Agius, Marcus President, Barclays Bank PLC
UK Kerr, John Member, House of Lords; Deputy President, Royal Dutch Shell plc.
UK Micklethwait, John, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
UK Oldham, John National Clinical Lead for Quality & Productivity
UK Taylor, J. Martin President, Syngenta International AG

ESP Alierta, César President & CEO, Telefónica
ESP Botín, Ana P. Executive President, Banesto
ESP Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime Managing Director, Advent International
ESP Cebrián, Juan Luis CEO, PRISA
ESP Cisneros, Gustavo A. President / CEO, Cisneros Group of Companies
ESP Entrecanales, José M. President, Acciona
ESP León Gross, Bernardino Secretary General, Office do Primeiro Ministro
ESP Nin Génova, Juan María President and CEO, La Caixa
ESP Polanco, President, Grupo PRISA
ESP Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías Executive Vice Presidente Grupo Santeer
ESP Queen of Spain

DEU Ackermann, Josef President Management Board and Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG
DEU Enders, Thomas CEO, Airbus SAS
DEU Löscher, Peter President Board of Management, Siemens AG
DEU Scholz, Olaf Vice President, SPD

INT Almunia, Joaquín Commissioner, European Commission
INT Gucht, Karel de Commissioner, European Commission
INT Kroes, Neelie Commissioner, European Commission
INT Moyo, Dambisa F. Economist e Author
INT Sheeran, Josette Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme
INT Solana Madariaga, Javier Ex-Secretary General, Council of European Union
INT Stigson, Björn Presidente, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
INT Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude Member Executive Board, European Central Bank

SWE Backstrom, Urban Director General, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
SWE Bildt, Carl Minister of Foreign Affairs
SWE Renström, Lars President & CEO, Alfa Laval

PRT Balsemao, Francisco Pinto President & CEO, IMPRESA, SGPS; former prime minster
PRT Rangel, Paulo Member, European Parliament
PRT Teixeira dos Santos, Former Minister of State & Finance

ITA Bernabè, Franco CEO, Telecom Italia SpA
ITA Conti, Fulvio CEO & General Manager, Enel SpA
ITA Elkann, John President, Fiat SpA
ITA Monti, Mario President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
ITA Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso Ex-Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe
ITA Rocca, Gianfelice President, Techint
ITA Scaroni, Paolo CEO, Eni SpA

FIN Blåfield, Antti Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat
FIN Katainen, Jyrki Minister of Finance
FIN Ollila, Jorma President, Royal Dutch Shell plc
FIN Wahlroos, Björn President, Sampo plc

NOR Bretzæg, Svein Richard CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
NOR Magnus, Birger President, Storebre ASA
NOR Myklebust, Egil Ex-President Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA

AUT Bronner, Oscar Publisher e Editor, Der Steard
AUT Fischer, Heinz Federal President
AUT Scholten, Rudolf Member Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

FRA Castries, Henri, President Management Board & CEO, AXA
FRA Lauvergeon, Anne President Executive Board, AREVA
FRA Montbrial, Thierry de President, French Institute for International Relations
FRA Ramanantsoa, ​​Bernard Dean, HEC Paris Group

CAN Clark, W. Edmund President / CEO, TD Bank Financial Group
CAN Campbell, Gordon Premier of British Columbia
CAN Mansbridge, Peter Chief Correspondent, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CAN McKenna, Frank Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group
CAN Prichard, J. Robert S. President / CEO, Metrolinx
CAN Reisman, Heather M. Chair e CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

GRC David, George A. President Coca-Cola HBCSA
GRC Papakonstantinou, George former Greek Minister of Finance
GRC Tsoukalis, Loukas President, ELIAMEP
GRC Alexis Papachelas, Member of ELIAMEP

DNK Eldrup, CEO, DONG Energy
DNK Federspiel, Ulrik Vice Presidente Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A / S
DNK Nyrup Rasmussen, Ex-Prime Minister

IRL Gallagher, Paul Attorney General
IRL Sutherland Peter D. President, Goldman Sachs International

TUR Gürel, Z. Damla Special Adviser to the President on EU Affairs
TUR Koç, Mustafa V. President, Koç Holding A.?.
TUR Çakir, Ruben, Journalist
TUR Özilhan, Tuncay President, Anadolu Group
TUR Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan President, Akbank

CHE Vasella, Daniel L. President, Novartis AG
CHE Voser, Peter CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
CHE Waldvogel, Francis A. President, Novartis Venture Fund

Two journalists from the "The Economist" Magazine will also attend:
GBR: Bredow, Vendeline von, Business Correspondent
GBR: Wooldridge, Adrian D., Business Correspondent

source in greek
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