


March 19, 2015

Stathakis: There are forces in EU which want to cancel Eurogroup agreement

During an interview to MEGA Tv late on Wednesday night, Economy Minister George Stathakis said that the promotion of the regulation on the first residence foreclosures is not a unilateral action on Greece's part and added that such a message does not exist on the institutions' part.

Speaking on Nikos Evangelatos' ONline talk show, Stathakis said that his ministry has already started the necessary procedures and had a contact with the European Central Bank as well as with the Greek Banks Union on the government's intentions.

Commenting on the general issue of dealing with the households and businesses' bad loans, Sthathakis pointed out that it is a process that needs time to be completed, but announced that the ministry will be in the position to present a comprehensive regulation that will lead to the problem's solution.

When asked where the necessary capitals to finance these loans will be found, the minister said that they are going to come from the Financial Stability Fund.

He then turned to the government's priorities on the restart of the economy and the invigoration of the business interest and said that the simplification of the licencing procedures is going to continue. He also said that within the next few months the Citizens Facilitation Centers (KEP) for businesses should be ready to operate. The Minister also said that the growth law will change and the new one will offer incentives to the small and medium sized enterprises, the young entrepreneurship and to businesses that can have high added value for the economy.

He then expressed his belief that Greece will reach an agreement with its partners, even though there are 'powers' in the EU that are trying to cancel the February 20th Eurogroup agreement and send the country back to a memorandum.

When asked to comment on the government's red lines (Prime minister Alexis Tsipras' meeting with EU top officials on the sidelines of the EU Summit on Thursday as well as his scheduled meeting on Monday in Berlin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel), Stathakis noted that Greece is not going to accept any additional measures that are aimed at further burdening Greek citizens.

On the subject of privatisations, the Minister underlined that those that have been completed are not going to change, but there will be a negotiation period for the selloffs that are in progress. He clarified that the procedures for privatisations that have not started will not open at all.

Sources: MEGA Channel, YouTube