


March 19, 2015

NEW POLL - SYRIZA holds 20pct lead over ND

SYRIZA holds a 20 percentage point lead over main opposition New Democracy, according to an opinion poll conducted by Marc for Alpha Tv. More precisely, when participants were asked who they would vote for if general elections would be held now, 40.2 of respondents said SYRIZA and only 21 pct said New Democracy.

The Communist Party (KKE) was third with 4.9 pct followed by the far-right Golden Dawn party with 4.8 pct, the Independent Greeks (ANEL) party with 4.5, the Potami party with 4.3 pct and (yes... miracles can happen) the PASOK with 2.5 pct; while George Papandreou's Democrats Socialists Movement only gained 1.8 pct.