


March 19, 2015

Greek parliament unanimously approves bill to tackle poverty

With a majority vote, the Greek parliament approved the bill to tackle poverty early on Thursday, following a two-day heated debate. Brussels has voiced strong concerns about the new bill and a second one on settling arrears towards the state which is set to be approved on Friday, noting that they have not been approved by Greece's creditors.

During his speech, Prime Minister Alexis vowed that his government is going to stick to what it has promised the Greek people, despite pressure for doing otherwise from the EU.

It should be noted that the first four articles concerning the provision of free electricity, food allowance and housing to households living in extreme poverty were voted unanimously by the plenary. Nonetheless the fifth article that authorises the government to identify beneficiaries was not approved by the far-right Golden Dawn party, the Potami party as well as the Greek Communist Party (KKE).