
March 11, 2015

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Lazard offering services free of charge? Hmmm....

Financial advisory and asset management firm LAZARD is apparently offering its services to the Greek Finance ministry free of charge, according to a document submitted to the Parliament by Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis.

The document was submitted following a question that was tabled by PASOK MP Ioannis Drivelegas asking details on the criteria and the procedures followed in order to appoint the LAZARD group at a time when the government is announcing budget cuts.

(Editor's Note: HellasFrappe hates to admit it but we actually agree with PASOK. Indeed.. this is a first! Why would a renowned advisory firm offer its services to the Greek state free of charge? This should be questioned by all of us. Is it out of good will? Doubt it. Obviously there is some sort of ulterior motive. The corporate world is not known for its generosity, but is rather recognized as being utterly ruthless with greed. Exactly what is Lazard up to and what are they planning to ask the present government in return for advising them on economic issues? Guess we will find out in the days to come Frappers but something tells us that it is not going to be in our interests.)

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