
February 6, 2015

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Varoufakis and Tsakalotos meet with American Treasury officials

The Minister of Finances Yanis Varoufakis and the Alternate Minister of International Economic Relations Euclid Tsakalotos would meet with the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia Daleep Singh and the head of the Office for Europe and Eurasia of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Lea Bouzis.

According to a report on the To Vima news service, Varoufakis and Tsakalotos would present the Greek government’s proposals regarding the public debt and Greece’s funding needs. The American officials are also going to be briefed on the outcome of the recent meetings that the two Ministers held in Paris, Rome and London.

On Thursday, Singh and Bouzis met with government Vice President Yannis Dragasakis, who outlined SYRIZA's plans to tackle the humanitarian crisis in Greece, along with the new fiscal framework, national reform program and public debt strategy. The report on To Vima claims that the Americans were very interested in the Greek government’s proposals.

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