
February 13, 2015

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Kassidiaris Will Testify on Baltakos Case On March 5th

After receiving an extension to prepare for his deposition, Golden Dawn MP Elias Kassidiaris is going to testify on the Baltakos case on March 5th. Earlier this week the former GD spokesman, who is presently detained at the Korydallos prison, said that he told the people the truth and is now "paying the cost", because "instead of examining Baltakos’ accusations, they are sending me to testify, and to prison”.

It should be reminded that Kassidiaris is facing felony charges after secretly videotaping a conversation he had with Takis Baltakos in November 2013. At the time, Baltakos was the former coalition government’s general secretary. In the leaked tapes between the two men, Baltakos appeared overtly critical of the ongoing investigation against the Golden Dawn party's activities.

When the controversial video was publicized on YouTube, Baltakos was forced to resign from his post.

In his testimonial last week, Baltakos said that he was not aware that he was being videotaped during the conversation.

To learn the background to this story, please click HERE  

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