Charakopoulos who is one of 38 Conservative MPs sent a letter to Prime Minister Antonis Samaras to include the persecution and genocides of the Christian populations of Asia Minor in the new bill. The MPs (all Costa Karamanlis supporters) demanded that there be a specific reference to the genocide of Black Sea and Asia Minor Greeks, as well as Armenians and Assyrians.
It should be reminded that the Greek Parliament has already recognized these slaughters as genocide since 1994, therefore the exclusion of these provisions are against the law.
(But then again when did our leaders respect the law?)
Denying the occurrence of the genocide of all these Christians in the East is a crime by itself, but the Greek left (together with some foreign forces) have continued to push for this bill without these specific provisions.
"If you believe that the denial of the Holocaust incites violence then you should be also hold the same belief for those who deny the Genocide of Christians in the East. "He added that if the the Genocide of Christians in the East is not respected, recognized and penalized like the denial of the Holocaust is then for him it "is a matter of conscience" and he openly admitted that he will "not vote" in favor of this bill.
(Thank the heavens for specific MPs from the Karamanlis block who continue not to follow a "politically correct" ideology, that is more Venizelos-Simitis orientated, but rather continue to follow a common sense ideology!)
The anti-racism bill was first submitted to Parliament in November but objections from the former cabinet secretary Panayiotis Baltakos forced the coalition government to withdraw the would-be legislation. Following even more pressure from the socialists and the Left, the bill was then resubmitted to Parliament but did not move beyond the committee stages.
It should be noted that this bill has once again been introduced, in a revised form, and is currently being tabled in a bid to bring Greece’s anti-racism legislation, which has stood since 1979, up to date.
((In other words Greece has an anti-racism bill, but without the fines and with the recognition of these genocides! This upsets Ankara, and various Soros foundations who have worked feverishly via specific Leftist MPs -example Repoussi- to remove these tragedies from Greek life and/or history. Greece's progressive and leftist forces know very well that this bill is sufficient enough, but they don't care and are only determined to force the government to pass a newer version of this bill -without the inclusion of the genocide of these christian minorities in the East- because they want to impress and win over the votes of the various non-Christian minorities across Greece).
The draft law includes provisions that mean parties or associations that promote racism are going to be cut off from state funding of any sort for one to six months. The Minister of Justice is also apparently going to have the right to slap hefty fines of 10,000-100,000 Euros against anyone who does not respect this law.
Also, anyone engaging in racist acts could be jailed anywhere from three months to three years and suffer fines of 5,000 to 20,000 Euros. If their actions lead to another crime being committed, this is then going to carry a minimum six-month prison sentences.
In simple terms, jail sentences will be given to anyone who praises and/or denies “the significance of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, the Holocaust and Nazism” in a manner that could incite racial hate or violence. If, for instance, the perpetrator is a government MP or a leading public official then the jail sentence is going to be even harsher, or between three and five years.
Reference in Greek - Pontos-News
To find out more on this story, then please also read:
HERE WE GO AGAIN - Gov't To Bring Anti-racism bill To Parliament
Anti-Racism Bill From Golden Dawn - To Fight Discrimination Against Greeks!
Kraounakis Slams Repousi - "Why Are You Attacking Our Roots B**otch" (VIDEO)
HALLELUJAH - State Scraps Anti-Racist Bill - Says It's Unconstitutional
SYRIZA, PASOK & DIMAR In Favor Of "Anti-Racism" Bill - Or Else... Turkey: In Full Support!