More exactly, in an effort to alter his image to Greek voters, some press reports said over the last few days that Papandreou's allowance was (rightfully) cut in the month of April for non-attendance. The reports said that this was done on the orders of Parliamentary Speaker Evangelos Meimarakis. However, the parliamentary press office -which still works for good old George- issued a statement saying that Papandreou had written to Meimarakis in September 2012, asking that his allowance be cut by 1/30th for each absence owing to his frequent travels abroad.
"Mr Speaker, as you know, owing to my international activities, I'm away from Greece for certain days. I would therefore be grateful, regardless of the fact that (these absences) have been approved by the house, to apply article 63 paragraph 3 of the constitution and to cut my parliamentary allowance accordingly." Papandreou said in the letter.The constitutional article Papandreou was referring to states:
"If a deputy be absent for more than five meetings per month without cause, one thirtieth of his monthly compensation shall be deducted for each absence."What an empathetic soul isn't he?
Greek MPs receive, on average, a monthly allowance of NET 5,805 Euros (excluding expenses and without all the other benefits they receive, as well as the extras from participating in various committees and so on).
So Papandreou asked to be docked for one day's pay for each day he was/is absent from parliament and this has become mainstream news!!!!
Can you comprehend the sheer stupidity of it all?
Frappers, the minimum wage in Greece is presently at about 683.76 Euros a month (GROSS, not Net). Thanks to Papandreou and his friends at the IMF, workers wages have been slashed by about 40% and from what some tabloid magazines claim (true or not true) Papandreou spends this kind of money for just a haircut.
The man who was even charged of helping out his siblings to bank in on the crisis by providing them -and his Wall Street buddies- with insider information, has been president of the Socialist International organization since 2006. When he stepped down as prime minister of Greece he travelled across the world (through the Harry Walker Agency) offering his services (for a very hefty fee) as a speaker at various events that capitalize on the European crisis.
If he gets a smaller pay in May, or June, or even July be certain that he will still bank in ten-fold from all the idiotic and canned speeches he presents at some of these events.