
January 30, 2014

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PASOK Offended by New Democracy “Bribe Money” Poster - Why?

PASOK slammed the conservatives over a poster that is circulating on the social networks and that concerns the return of the bribe money to the Greek state. The poster, which says that “By order of the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras 17,700,000 euros from bribes are returning to the Greek people”, apparently angered PASOK’s communication’s officer Dimitris Karydis who said on his facebook profile that “with a distasteful poster (that looks like the advert of a famous pasta company) New Democracy is playing petty political games on the back of the coalition government and Justice’s great effort to return bribe money to public coffers”.

(Question: What did he expect? To return this money to PASOK's coffers instead or to the so-called debt? This money was stolen from the Greek people... and therefore belongs to the Greek people!)

And if that wasn't enough, PASOK’s secretary Nikos Androulakis ironically said on twitter that the promises made at "Zappeio" of 17 billions are vindicated, "if you add  three zeros to the end”, alluding to the 2012 election campaigns of Antonis Samaras.

Article in Greek - Imerisia

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