
January 14, 2014

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Die Welt Says Greece Is Turning Everything Upside Down (For the Better)

According to Germany's Die Welt newspaper, everything is changing in Greece and everytime someone visits this country they are discovering this more and more. From the economy, the public sector and even to everyday life, Greek citizens are beginning to shed off their old negative habits and today they are beginning to embrace change. Die Welt chose to feature 50 characteristic changes, HellasFrappe has only listed a few.

Receipts: Everywhere you go, transactions are made, and receipts are finally given to clients.

Taxes: The government continues to set more goals to collect even more taxes than initially predicted.

Corruption & Bribery: The Greek government has taken measures in order to confront these issues.

Public Sector Layoffs: Incompetent public sector workers will finally be suspensed.

State Expenditures: The State has finally begun to reduce its expenses. One such example is during its six-month EU presidency. Only 50 million euros will be spent on the lodging of VIP guests and their frequent transfer between Athens and Brussels. (Not much one would say, but it is a good step).

Tourism: At least 17 million tourists visited Greece in 2013, an unprecedented number for this country's capabilities, (and it is expected that 2014 will be even better).

Purchasing power: The efficiency of the Greek economy has lessened during the years of recession while the living standards have been dramatically reduced.

Slight Economic Recovery: The newspaper predicted a 0.6 percent of economic recovery in 2014.

Imports and Exports: Imports have dropped while exports have shown a significant rise.

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