
May 1, 2013

Margaret Papandreou Files Law Suits On Claims Of Being Linked To Lagarde list

Margarita Papandreou, has filed law suits against several newspapers and three Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE) officials over allegations that she was linked to one of the accounts on the Lagarde list of depositors. The mother of former premier George Papandreou apparently sued the newspapers To Vima, ProtoThema and Dimokratia. Press reports claim that she is asking for approximately 200,000 Euros in damages from each newspaper as well as the six-month imprisonment of their publishers.

At the same time, the widow of the late Andreas Papandreou is also taking action against several SDOE officials for implying that she is connected to the case. Specifically law suits have been filed against Stelios Stasinopoulos, Evangelos Karamanos and Nikos Lekkas. The publications quoted the SDOE officials as saying that Margarita Papandreou was behind a 550 million dollar account on the Lagarde list.

Margarita Papandreou, who today is 90, dismissed all the claims and said in a statement that this spread of lies is aimed at damaging the reputation of her family.

(Editor's Comment - Her son has already done a good jon damaging the reputation of the family, he really did not need any more help.)

A View On "Hypocricay And Hypocrites" Observed During Holy Week

    "Woe to you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces... You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin... You are like whitewashed tombs..." (Matthew 23:13-29).
What is hypocrisy? It is the pretense of friendship, the God-bearing Fathers of the Church will answer. Hatred hidden under the schema of friendship. Hatred manifested as friendship. Envy characterized as love.

Hypocrisy is fictional and not real life virtue. It is the pretense of justice. It is fraud which has the form of truth, according to Maximus the Confessor.

A hypocrite is a man who from a person becomes a mask. A hypocrite is one who puts forward his ego, and idolizes his own self. A hypocrite is one who plays the actor.

Hypocrisy is when one supposedly cares and sacrifices for others while exploiting them. It is one who pretends to be unhappy, sad, persecuted and complains in order to create impressions and distract the attention of others.

A hypocrite is one who uses various disguises, masks, to reveal the frustrations of his experiences, to externalize the passions which exist in the soul.

This is why it is observed that this phenomenon is not given much importance to what the Church calls a sin, rather considering it as a natural state, and others as a catapult to punish our ruthless fellows.
    "When you see these situations know that there is a problem there and even a schizophrenic situation, and you are to supplicate God for the healing of this man." -  Metropolitan of Katerini Agathonikos
The hypocrite constantly wants to show himself off so people can talk about him, to praise him and receive honors from everyone else. This situation makes him anxious, nervous, and it gets even worse when it is perceived by people. This occurs especially in our era and in the lifestyle we choose that moves away from our tradition.

And unfortunately we all, more or less, are possessed by this passion. Clergy and laity are under the cloak of hypocrisy.

We have been altered from persons to masks and from people who had upon us the grace of God to secularized beings.
    Elder of Chalcedon Meliton: "I criticize hypocrisy", stressing that all of us "pretend that yesterday is today and tomorrow comes without us."
Let us supplicate fervently with tears of repentance and kneeling to come to the Passion of the Savior and Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ to rid us of the terrible passion of hypocrisy.

May He cleanse us from the passions that we may discard the masks of hypocrisy and become real people.
    "O Lord, deliver us from all deceit and hypocrisy" (1 Peter 2:1).
By Metropolitan Seraphim of Kastoria

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ANALYSIS - The Boston Marathon Mysteries

Two weeks after the attacks in Boston, the U.S. authorities continue to release piecemeal the clues they claim to have found. Everything revolves around the Chechen origin of the "guilty" parties and the conclusions to be drawn. Meanwhile, Internet users and the Russian press are depicting a different story, one in which the main "culprit" is a CIA agent.

by Thierry Meyssan

However, nothing is known about the circumstances under which Tamerlane was killed, or about those surrounding the arrest of Dzhokhar. The two accomplices are said to have succumbed to the "Oswald syndrome" and wanted to distinguish themselves by killing, without reason or witnesses, a university campus police officer. Then they are supposed to have hijacked a Mercedes with its anonymous driver and allegedly forced him to withdraw $ 800 from an automatic teller. This man testified to the police that the brothers had acknowledged to him responsibility for the attack.

So far, the press has not met the suspect, or interviewed the witness. It simply relays the statements of his parents and friends who are all surprised to see the suspects involved in this case.

Anyway, Judge Marianne B. Bowler indicted Dzhokhar for "use of weapons of mass destruction", namely pressure cookers packed with nails. This is the first time the term "weapon of mass destruction" is applied to a common household appliance.

For his part, Democratic leader of the House Intelligence Committee, Dutch Ruppersberger, said, after a closed-door meeting with officials from three intelligence services, that the Tsarnaevs had used a toy remote control to detonate their two bombs. He saw this as proof that the suspects had learned to make their devices by reading Inspire, the online magazine reportedly published by "Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula." However, if the first issue of the magazine (dated "Summer 2010") contains a detailed recipe for how to build a bomb from a pressure cooker, at no time does it show how to use a toy remote control to set off the explosive material inside the closed pot.

All this hubbub revolves around a single conclusion: the Chechen origin of the Tsanaev brothers places Russia at the heart of the debate. President Vladimir Putin discretely dodged questions on the subject at a long public answer session held last Thursday. There are Chechen terrorists in Syria who just kidnapped two Orthodox bishops. And it is likely there will be some in Sochi during the Olympics. It is in Russia’s interest to strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation with the United States, especially if she really intends deploying troops from the Organization of Collective Security in Syria.

Meanwhile, Internet surfers are split between those who align themselves with the FBI and those who challenge its narrative. There are two major counter-arguments circulating on the Web.

The first accuses the security services of contriving a scenario with characters with emotion-charged histories. Images extracted from a video show two individuals trying to manipulate the body of Jeff Bauman, whose legs were allegedly amputated. The person in question would actually appear to be Nick Vogt, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army who lost his legs in Kandahar in November 2011. Indeed, one can only be amazed by the fact that "Jeff Bauman" always carries his head high and does not seem to suffer from hemorrhage when carried on a wheelchair without his thighs being strongly secured. The whole thing is all the more significant because it is the testimony of "Jeff Bauman," which enabled the identification of the suspects (press conference April 18, 5:20 p.m.).

he second relates to the presence of a private security team, probably from Craft International LLC, which seem to wear the same backpack that was displayed by the FBI as having contained one of the pressure cookers.

But what is most astounding lies elsewhere. A bombing drill was conducted at the Boston Marathon two hours before the tragedy at the exact location where the real bombs exploded. But when a reporter asked about this at the press conference, FBI special agent Richard Deslauriers refused to answer and sought another question.

Finally, according to Itzvestia (April 24), Tamerlane Tsarnaev participated in a Caucusus Fund for Georgia seminar, a front for the Jamestown Foundation, created by the CIA. He underwent training to "increase instability in Russia." In a protest letter, the Fund denied the reports, alleging a case of mistaken identity.

It is too early to conclude what actually happened in Boston. One thing is certain however: the police version is false.

Should We Allow Our Children To Fast For Easter?

The question of the title concerns many parents who want to fast during these days, but do not know what to do and more so, if a young child can follow the fast. In the scientific article below you will be informed about whether a child could and should (from a medical standpoint) fast, from what age, and if there is any risk. Lastly you will read about the benefits of fasting for the organism of a child.

By Chrysanthis Lathira

We are in the days of Lent and many Greek families are fasting, that is, they are abstaining from meat and anything derived from animals. When asked if children can fast and if this habit can cause health problems, I say yes, children can follow the fast of their parents, especially during school age, that is, after the 5th or 6th year of their life.

Fasting is an excellent opportunity to participate in a vegetarian diet even for a few days, in which they will include among their foods legumes (a rich source of protein of high biological value), vegetables (a source of fiber which helps in the smooth functioning of the intestines), olive oil rather than animal fats, raw nuts and dried fruits, seafood (rich in proteins and minerals), and abundant fruits (a source of vitamins and antioxidants). Besides the nutritional benefits of fasting, a child can also practice restraint and put limits on what they want.

Probably some parents wonder whether their child is getting enough protein and calcium during fasting. Meat (red or white) is the most abundant protein food, but it can be replaced during the days of fasting with legumes (ex. lentils) combined with cereals (rice or quinoa), thereby increasing the absorption of iron. Protein-rich foods are nuts and grains such as oats, rye and soybean products. Calcium can be ingested with seafood, almonds, sesame seeds, tahini and halva.

After fasting comes the celebration of Easter and the kids in the spirit of the holidays consume eggs, plenty of meats and lots of sweets. The sudden change of diet from fasting to the uncontrolled consumption of Easter meals can cause gastrointestinal issues in children as well as adults. The adjustment of foods from fasting must be done with caution. Children and adults do not have to eat everything in one day they were deprived of during fasting. Particular attention should be given to children who suffer from juvenile diabetes and are overweight.

The traditional mageritsa (lamb) soup in the late evening of the Resurrection of Christ helps to prepare the digestive system to feast the next day. On Easter day at the holiday table there should be present a prevalent amount of fresh vegetables to accompany the lamb. For young children it would be better to consume the lean part of the lamb (the leg). The meat of the lamb can be enriched with an abundant amount of oregano which is rich in antioxidants and protects from dangerous nitrosamines which produce in meat. Also, do not forget the lemon which helps in the absorption of iron. It is good for children not to consume animal offal but fresh salads and measured quantities of roasted meat. Easter eggs should be limited to just one a day since their overconsumption increases blood lipids. A child can safely consume three to five eggs a week. Measure is needed regarding the sweets that fill most homes, with the traditional tsoureki having a special honor in the days of Easter.

Let us not forget that most sweets contain hundreds of calories and cause weight gain, because they are rich in sugar and fat. Consuming chocolate eggs of course are a temptation especially for young children, which can cause weight gain and food allergy.

In summary, the transition from fasting to festive diet should be done in moderation and with small quantities. Otherwise it will cause digestive discomfort such as vomiting and diarrhea, as well as food allergies, weight gain and the onset of metabolic disorders such as increased blood sugar and high cholesterol levels, hyperlipidemia. The eating habits of parents are a role model for children teaching their children the extent and quality of a diet so they may be healthy adults.


Call For Establishment Of European Spaceport In Kalamata

A Greek space researcher has called for the establishment of a space research and high- technology center and a space port to be built by the Greek city of Kalamata, which is the southernmost port on the Peloponnese. In the Schiller Institute's Marshall Plan for the Balkans, this port is to be developed as an entry point from Africa where goods can be transported north by a proposed railway. The proposal was made by Dr. Periklis Papadopoulos, a former NASA researcher and currently professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at San Jose State University in California.

"Kalamata is ideal for creating a European Spaceport because of its geographical position," said Papadopoulos. Claiming that it could generate a trillion dollars a year in revenue, he made the statement at the 1st Peloponnese Development Conference held in Tripoli. He said the general manager of NASA is due to visit Greece next July in order to sign a memorandum of cooperation with the Greek government, although no further details were reported in the media.

With this project the Peloponnese can become a center for space activity. The Schiller Institute's Marshall Plan referenced the NESTOR project, which is a neutrino telescope and undersea laboratory near the Greek village of Pilos, not far from Kalamata. The "telescope" which is an array that has been placed offshore in the deepest part of the Mediterranean to detect neutrinos. Also in the Northern Peloponnese is home to Greece's two telescopes of the National Observatory including a 1.2m Cassegrain telescope, located at the Astronomical Station Kryoneri, in the Northern Peloponnese and the new 2.3m Aristarchos telescope, a Ritchey-Chretien reflector, is located on the top of Helmos mountain (2350m) also in the Northern Peloponnese.

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