
November 14, 2013

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SDOE Imposes Fines Of 164mln Euros in October Alone!

Fines triple
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Greece's Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE) imposed fines worth 163.6 million euros in October in the framework of its investigation and audits aimed to combat financial crime. The fines were imposed for tax evasion and undeclared incomes, with all significant cases referred to the financial attorney's office.

SDOE carried out a total of 1,942 audits in Attica in October and found 976 illegal cases, imposing fines worth 163,613,532 Euros.

The Ionian Islands department of SDOE revealed a tax evasion case worth 3.4 million Euros in the wholesale of farm products, while the Peloponnese department imposed fines worth 3.0 million Euros on taxpayers who failed to declare their real estate property through off-shore companies and levied fines worth 1.83 million Euros on farmers for issuing fake invoices.

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