
September 10, 2013

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Turkish press hint at return of Cyprus ghost town of Varosha (VIDEO)

Varosha (Photo credit: somiz)

A newspaper from the Turkish occupied area of Cyprus is reporting that the Varosha area, near occupied Famagusta, is to be returned to its rightful inhabitants before the end of 2013. In the early 1970's the Varosha quarter was one of the Mediterranean's most glamorous and popular tourist destinations. Its inhabitants fled during the invasion, and it has remained abandoned ever since.

According to the "Afrika" daily, new UN negotiations, expected to begin in October, will be topped by the Varosha issue as a matter of urgency. The paper notes that the return of the fenced city could revitalize the economy of both Greek and Turkish Cypriots.

In June, Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides said returning Varosha to its lawful inhabitants would be the kind of "game changer" needed to overturn the deep levels of (rightful) mistrust Greek Cypriots have for Turkey.
     "Everyone understands that something is needed that will constitute a game changer," he said, adding, "For us, Famagusta is the great step forward".

famagusta-gazette youtube

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