
August 13, 2013

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NOoooo REALLY? - Turkish Terror Against the Greek Muslims In Thrace

The following article appeared in the HuffingtonPost recently. We here at HellasFrappe felt the need to republish it because it is a true-life account about the situation in Thrace. HellasFrappe has been sounding an alarm about the situation in Thrace and how the Turkish Consulate there has a suspicious influence over the people in this area. We have also spread overall awareness about the Turkification of the Pomak people and how they are struggling to keep their language and customs alive. Although this is a cheesy article, it is nonetheless and important eye-witness account about Turkish influence in this part of Greece. For more information on this issue simply look for the search box above the donation button on the side panel of the blog and type in Thrace, we guarantee you that you will get a plethora of stories that will blow your mind. Bravo to the HuffingtonPost for raising awareness of this issue to the world, and especially to North Americans who until today have been in the dark about what is really happening in this area.
In early July 2013, I traveled to  Thrace in northern Greece. This  is still the land of the gods.  Villages and towns try to make a  living out of a natural world of  rivers, valleys, wild mountains  and the sea. The Greeks of Thrace are proud  of their Hellenic culture. I witnessed three days of dancing and music  in Xanthi, the jewel town of Thrace. For a brief time I thought  god Dionysos was leading his  festival.

Forty-five dancing groups from all  over Greece made up of dozens  of young men and women  dressed in ancient traditional  costumes put up the greatest  show on Earth at the center of  Xanthi. Live music became  dancing, the air became  intoxicated with delightful sound  and graceful movement one sees  in ancient Greek vases. Ancient  Greeks came back to life, and I,  dreaming and dancing on the  spot, lived the pleasure of those  precious moments.

But Thrace is also full of pain.  The modernizers are catching up.  In my nine-hour bus ride from  Athens to Xanthi I saw plenty of  fertile land growing industrial  crops but not food for people. The  countryside is largely empty of  rural people. The dread that  comes over me in rural America  was in the back of my mind while  viewing the lonely land of Thrace.  The similarities spoke to me  directly.

In the midst of this agrarian  desolation and, even more  profoundly, on the harsh realities  of Greek economic collapse, the  Turks are rising their ugly  historical brutality towards  Greece. They see the weakness  and silence of the Greek state as  invitations to mischief. They are  emboldened with their ceaseless  aggression of coming back to  Thrace as conquerors.

The Turks may try to convince the  world they are not different than  other people. But, down at heart,  the Turks are different. They still  carry Islam's flag of conquest.

The fifteenth-century Greek  historian Michael Doukas  described them as gangster-like  nomads in search of loot and  plunder. The Turks also used  Islam as a weapon in their  ruthless aggression against  non-Muslims. Doukas said the  Turks were men of violence bend  on enslaving other people for  profit. He knew the Turks  intimately. He penned his  "Byzantine-Turkish History" while  the Turks fought ceaseless wars  against the Greeks. In 1453, the  Turks captured Constantinople  and brought the independence of  Greece to an end.

One can see this Turkish thirst for  plunder unfolding in the Greek  Muslim communities of Mt.  Rodopi, the frontier between  Greece and Bulgaria.

The Greeks of Rodopi date back  to ancient Greece. In medieval  Greece the Greeks of Rodopi  were converted to Christianity.  They remained Christians until  the seventeenth century when  Turkey forced them into Islam.

I visited Myki, one of the Greek  Muslim villages of Rodopi. Driving  from Xanthi, I was stunned by the  beauty and isolation of these  Greek mountain villages.

This bucolic view and pleasure is  marred by a slow-gathering storm,  however.

Many villagers are proud of being  Greek. They say, however, that  the agents of Turkey terrorize  them and those who refuse to  connect themselves to Turkey.  The pressure is so intense that  some women resort to  anti-depressant drugs.

This secret war pits one-third of  the Rodopi Muslim villagers who  say they are Greeks against the  two-thirds who claim openly they  are Turks.

Greece remains invisible in this  secret conflict that is writing the  future of Thrace. Greece is even  funding the teaching of Turkish to  the Rodopi children. Some say  that Greece even pressures the  Rodopi villagers to claim Turkish  origins.

I found no one who could explain  this contradiction, nay, suicidal  course of Greek policy.

Meanwhile, the handsome Greek  Muslims of Rodopi go on with  their daily lives. Most women and  children wear traditional colorful  clothing. Men work in their small  tobacco fields and shepherd  sheep and goats. Women in  particular create works of art in  their hand-made clothes.

Time has come to avoid the  eruption of a Greco-Turkish  volcano in the mountains of  Thrace. The Greek state needs to  be present in Rodopi: stop the  Turkification of the Greek Muslim  population by expelling the  bribing and terrorizing agents of  Turkey from Thrace.

Greece can hardly afford, much  less promote, her own  dismemberment.

Rodopi children need to learn  Greek early on so they can study  in Greece, thinking Greece as  their homeland, which it is.  Greece also needs to support the  institutionalization of the  knowledge of the villagers of  Rodopi. That knowledge and  tradition would be an asset in the  peaceful and prosperous  development of Thrace in a  prosperous Greece. aggelos-vallianatos/turkish-terror- against-th_b_3680130.html

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