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credit zoogla.gr |
Following their decline in the polls, their disappointment that they were not able to steer political developments in the case of the subway workers and the teachers, the Greek Left is now placing its poker chips on the issue of ERT in a final effort to gain some momentum with voters.
In a report titled " ERT SHOWDOWN - State Plans To Reclaim Building - Workers Staging New "Polytechnic" Uprising" we wrote:
There are rumors that the former workers are preparing a 'polytechnic' scene, reminiscent to the uprising of the mid 70s, and they will continue to illegally occupy the building, as well as broadcast live via the Internet in order to capture the attention of the international press. There are also rumors that the former ERT employees will continue firing up (and influencing) Greek citizens to rise up against the government as well as ignore any type of attempt to force them out of the building (meaning that they will try and influence Greek citizens to go against the law, partake in chaos and help them to overthrow the government).On Sunday, we discovered some more startling information and we hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but if you think that things are ugly today, then expect them to get even messier in the days to come. According to the AntiNews news site, some old school PASOK unionists and radical left extremists, are planning to turn the issue of ERT into a new Kougi, and what is worse, they do not even rule out the spilling of blood if law officials dare to enforce the law and evacuate them from the premises.
(In case you are wondering what Kougi is: The Fortress of Kougi are the remains of an old fort that was built on a hill near the village of Souli and Samoniva in the Thesprotia prefecture. It is the scene of a heroic resistance of a monk named Samuel and five men from Souli (or Souliotes), against the Ottoman army.)
The same report claimed that in cooperation with leftist factions such as SYRIZA, the Greek Communist Party and other smaller leftist parties there are plans to recreate a new "Kougi". Some news sites claim that the President POSPERT, Mr. Kalfagiannis, who is apparently convicted for embezzlement, is scheming with all these parties to literally create total chaos (or a very serious crisis) if police officials push ahead with plans to evacuate the former workers from the illegally occupied public building.
In fact the answer to a mandate by Minister of Finance Yiannis Stournaras for their immediate evacuation was greeted with a loud "Molon Lave".
SYRIZA, who is always the front runner to any chaotic situation, (either of an anarchist or non-anarchist sort) said in an announcement that any sort of police intervention would just be another extreme expression of authoritarianism and intolerance. Oh, and as predicted they also said that it would be a blow to democracy itself. At the same time the radical left party emphasized its complete solidarity and support to the former ERT workers and pledged to defend them.
On its part, the Greek Communist Party (KKE) said in an announcement that former workers of ERT must fight against the government's policy and the climate of fear that it is generating.
(Chaos, blow to democracy, climate of fear? Police officials who enforce the law, do not create a climate of fear... Only complete chaos does that. So does the phrase "fighting" against the government's policy mean that they plan to create a climate of chaos along with SYRIZA? If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a damned duck!)
Both political parties have in fact been working feverishly all these days from within the illegally occupied building. Some reports claim that they have organized events, created banners and posters, and were the negative force between the former employees and the Greek government.
And all this because of the obvious.
Because the Greek State dared to fire a public sector worker, who incidentally is one of the biggest "clients" of the Left!
As pitiful as it sounds, this is the real face of the Left in Greece.
The public sector is the territory of the Left.
Whoever dares to trample in this area is basically doomed!
Because of this, and with the help of smaller parties such as ANTARSYA, there are now plans on creating massive chaos in Greece.
Why? Simple. The Greek Left feeds off of instability and gains new customers everytime Greece faces economic or political turmoil. When the economy and the political scene is stable, the Left sees its popularity decreasing, and when news reports are not full of misery and suffering, and people are generally happy, the Left is totally ignored. In their world this is tragic, and total destruction. They do not want their company (or political party) to fade away and die so you can bet your souvlaki that they will do everything they can to reverse this tide, by totally exploiting the situation for all the reasons we listed above.
Today these Leftist parties claim that the government wants to wear a muzzle on the press, and speaks about democracy, but the truth is that in the past they used to heavily criticize ERT because according to them it was an establishment that only served the interests of the government in power. Today of course, this is all forgotten because according to them ERT was a "beacon" of democracy. Total hypocrisy. (Yuk...)
We do not even rule out the possibility that they might even want people to get caught in the cross-fire (in a possible forced evacuation), because then they would have more ammo to use against the government. (Their actions are so predictable).
Friends, there are schemers in our society that have worked the "chaos theory" to the core. In fact they are setting the stage as we speak for a new "Kougi" or even a possible "Polytechnic" uprising because they believe that this is the only way they can reverse the decision about ERT, and basically overthrow the government. And for this they will lie, spread lots of propaganda, scheme and attempt to influence a whole society of people to partake in chaos so that the plan to restructure ERT can be placed on the back burner and so that they can continue to operate as before.
The question is, will it work?
The answer is obviously NO.
And this is because of many reasons. Firstly, the Council of State has already ruled in favor of the government's plans and against the workers. Secondly, remember what happened in December 2008 with the death of 15-year old Alexis Grigoropoulos? Indeed there were several days of (a well planned) climate of chaos, but in the end Greek citizens realized that it was all part of an overall strategy to destabilize the country.
We are even in the opinion that there are radicals out there that want to see blood. In fact these extremists are starving for a police intervention, because then they can openly play the role of the victim and hopefully get public opinion to tilt in their favor. The unionists are not very popular today in Greece, especially with the private sector (because they never defended and/or supported them) so this would be an ideal opportunity. This is an old trick, which has been used time and time again by most of the political parties in Greece (as it has probably been used by other political factions all over the globe) and in most cases it is successful. (Yes, people are that gullible and that stupid!). But note that we said "in most cases", not all.
That's why we here at HellasFrappe predict the following two scenarios will happen:
- - either we will experience total chaos (something that should be expected but that will not really have a large impact because people are not that gullible any more)
- - or the conservative New Democracy party will continue with reforms in another sector, so as to draw attention away from ERT and allow the former workers, and their Leftist support factions, to expose the degenerated circus that they have set up.
We believe that we will witness a combination of both scenarios.
This time the mainstream media will play an important role since they will be the only source of information in this cyber-propaganda war.
Radio networks will also do the same, and as such the former ERT workers, together with Leftist parties are already making plans to dominate the airwaves. On Tuesday June 25, and for 24 hours, the producers of the second program of the former Greek Radio program (ERA) are going to broadcast from the "105.5 In Red" studios with their own program. (Everyone who is anyone knows very well that this is a radical Leftist station!) The curator of the program (Surprise, Surprise) will be none other than the program director of ERA itself, Mrs. Marina Lahana. The "105.5 in Red" channel is only planning to broadcast bulletins and news headlines at 14.00 and at 20.00 in the evening.
(So does that mean that everything else that will be broadcasted on this station will be from former ERA employees? You bet your tsatziki it is! This is another way to reach more people, and obviously the former ERT workers, especially the highly paid ones will exploit it to the max!)
And if that wasn't enough, a report on DexiExtreme said that a former technician at ERT said on Saturday that some of his colleagues have expensive machinery in their possession and therefore cannot be forced to leave from ERT until this machinery is paid off!
(Reader: Scratching head... What do you mean they have expensive machinery in their possession?)
(Editor: What the technicians are really trying to say is that the government cannot fire them because the machinery, which was removed from ERT -legally and/or illegally- , is basically used at their second jobs! If they leave then this will be totally exposed!)
And we saved the best for last, ERT even dubbed Sunday June 23rd as the "International Day of Mobilization for ERT". The former workers are calling on Greek citizens, both in Greece and abroad, to join them in their efforts to reopen the former broadcast network. In such a framework, they are inviting citizens to gather in the courtyard of ERT in Agia Paraskevi and get the word out that the closure of ERT was a "blow to democracy"!
(Editor - Vomit bag please!)
Excuse us for being so graphic, but the truth is that the majority of Greek citizens, especially those in the private sector, and especially the 1.5 million people who have lost their jobs over the past three years from supporting a very expensive, unnecessary and mostly incompetent public sector, totally and without a doubt supports the government of Antonis Samaras on the issue of ERT. Indeed there are exceptions, and we are certain that there are plenty of public sector workers who never purposely skipped a day of work, are skilled, were hired on merit and actually did a pretty good job, but the majority totally sucks and anyone who has ever dealt with the public sector in Greece knows this too well!
We believe the following article in the Telegraph explains it best:
"Many Greeks can see that their bloated and corrupt public sector is largely at fault for the financial Armageddon they face. They won’t be “going down to Syntagma” to protest. They are private sector workers who put in very long hours and can only dream of the kind of benefits enjoyed (by the workers) in the public sector. They have to deal with a state bureaucracy that can reduce the strongest to tears of frustration.Indeed, the issue of ERT was a bold decision by the Samaras government, but it was very necessary.
Who can really blame the beneficiaries (meaning the public sector workers) for wanting to keep the status quo? Especially if you work as a cleaner in an out of the way electricity power station and earn more than a hard working businessman in Athens.
So what type of solidarity do they expect from well over 7 million citizens in the private sector who have suffered at their expense? The only people who will probably side with the former workers are other public sector workers, or party supporters of SYRIZA, KKE, ANTARSYA and/or other smaller parties, not the private sector!
And this is because the "Progressive" forces of the past, or the Left of Glinou and Kirkou, that were personalities who actually defended the weak against the rich elites, died when the Greek Junta rose to power and Greek society only knows this too well.
Today, the Greek Left is nothing more than a generation of people who drink Champagne, live in the posh northern suburbs, ride around town in fancy cars, fly off to Mykonos for beach parties on the weekend and go on shopping sprees in London!
(In other words, Lefists with a conservative and a 101 percent pro-capitalism pocket...)
When former PASOK leader Andreas Papandreou began to exploit community grants and open the public sector doors to incompetent people in the 80s, so as to gain more voters, he sealed this death.
But, some forces were able to survive because the unions in the public sector are governed by present or former PASOK unionists.Most of these unionists remained with PASOK but the majority moved to smaller parties such as SYRIZA.
Of course, the same "recipe" which was used by Papandreou was also at some point used by some conservatives as well, but certainly it was not exploited in the same way because the unions are still governed -at least 70 percent (minimum)- by leftist parties even today.
The famous line "both parties" are to blame for the present condition of the Greek state is a load of CR****P. A ratio of 70-30 obviously throws more weight to one side and allowing ourselves to even repeat the above line only lifts responsibility off of the Left.
Yes, ALL the political parties that are in Parliament are to blame, but certainly PASOK is most responsible. This does not however excuse the conservatives who followed suit and certainly it does not excuse SYRIZA, KKE, etc... Clearly all the smaller parties, especially those of the Left, have a huge responsibility for the present state of affairs in this country because they always governed the unions and therefore always had the upper hand!
Accept it, there is no Left...
There is no such progressive force in this country.
Every single one of these parties, from the far left, to the far right are out to make money! Did you actually believe they wanted to serve us the people? Reality Check: A political party is a company, and it needs money to maintain itself.
Progressives sell ideologies (tou kolou) and trick people into believing that they will support and/or defend democracy and freedom (but all the while live as crypto-conservatives) and conservatives sell the image of stability because they never know when enough is enough.
Editor - Question: Since when did democracy become the ownership of the Left? Democracy belongs to all of society, not the Left!
Greece needs reforms if we want to press ahead as a nation. So our advice to our readers would be to filter the news they hear over the next few days, weed out the propaganda from the truth, ignore the voices that support and encourage chaos, and only focus their energy on supporting change and reform.
Greece must never return to the sins of the past which brought the nation to the condition it is in today, or we will pave the road for more George Papandreous to enter our lives!
Greek citizens must never allow anyone to place this country in a vulnerable position again, especially now that we are getting ready to explore our energy reserves and when so many sacrifices and efforts are finally beginning to stabilize the economy.
As for ERT, let it be known that it did not shut down permanently. It will operate in several weeks again, with a fresh staff and innovative minds that are determined to work. And just for the record, if you believe this was a decision by the Samaras government, it would be wise to remember that the closure of ERT was planned in 2011 by the George Papandreou government! A simple googling will vindicate this last statement. In fact Papandreou agreed to its closure when it decided to bring the Troika to Greece to help the West destabilize the Euro through Greece!
So who will benefit if the present government is overthrown?
The only forces that will benefit from overthrowing the government are the same forces that are currently facing the wrath of the Greek justice system and want to gain political immunity (example George Papakostantinou). If elections are held now, then his crimes against the Greek State will be filed (as stipulated in the Greek Constitution). Also, shady characters such as George Papandreou and Mrs. Angelopoulou-Daskalaki who want to make a comeback (with the blessings of the war-mongering Clintons) and create a new political faction will also benefit since they will automatically gain momentum with voters (all the while blanketing their own sins against the Greek nation)
Who is defending the former workers of ERT?
The Leftist parties and especially SYRIZA most of the party of which is supported by Papandreou's supporters who are totally against Evangelos Venizelos, (and most of the party of which suspiciously aligns itself with George Soros' philosophies about internationalism!)
So let's sum it up. Who were the masterminds behind the chaos we experienced in Greece several years ago, which eventually toppled the Karamanlis government, reversed Greece's energy policy, purposely destroyed our economy and eventually led our nation into the arms of the IMF?
Answer - George Papandreou, SYRIZA (George Sorros) and all their friends.
Wake up Ellada!
Now that you have a better grasp of what is at stake here you must agree that this type of hysterical chaos (when exploited politically) never yields a state of normality, in fact it has the opposite effects and our country can suffer grave repercussions because of it.
So supporting any action of chaos means that you are supporting forces who want to politically, socially and economically destabilize Greece.
Supporting a status quo that only benefited off of the backs of all Greek tax payers means that you do not believe in the power of the people (meaning the remaining 70 percent in the private sector).
And supporting an ideology that might sound attractive in fairy tales, but which is far from being practised, and which died in the early 70s, means that you are nothing more than a fortune hunter, crypto-capitalist and hypocrite.
Society thirsts for stability and economic recovery, we have come to far to toss it all in the air.
It is that simple!