


April 27, 2013

New World Order – Part 5

Never in human history has this wonderful planet and its inhabitants  been subjected to such an evil satanic regime! Never since its creation has an organisation create so much damage to its environment, government, people, finances and it industrial base and kept us all at war chasing non existent terrorists!

Peter Eyre
Broadcaster – Investigative Journalist
Middle East Consultant – Political Analysis
Now that you know that the true enemy lies within and not in some far away Islamic country perhaps you are now asking yourself how do they get their finances and how do they manage to rip us all off year after year and impose these severe austerity measure?

The answer is simple, when our respective leaders and governments are themselves part of the New World Order Cabal and when they have for decades been telling you a pack of lies ranging from non existent terrorist cells such as Al Queda (NWO/CIA derived), global warming scam, raping their own banks/financial institutions, 9/11, 7/7 false flags or that our natural resources are running out you eventually realise that non of it is true and that it all comes down to their own scaremongery,massive fraud, corruption and deceit.

I can assure you all that hope is on the horizon and that soon the  New World Order (as we currently know it) is in an advanced stage of collapse and that this evil satanic organisation will  cease to exist. We are about to see a swing from a western controlled world to a Far Eastern based control that also involves over 160 Non Aligned Nations and I am assured that their will be a much better distribution of wealth and that the thirst for conflict and wars will cease ... too hard to believe you may say but you must admit the world cannot be any worse off than it is now!

The New World Order is in crisis and its main source of funding has already been severed. They say desperate men do desperate things and so in the final stages of their collapse we are likely to see some dramatic efforts on their behalf to stand their ground and create even more suffering, obviously in their eyes WW3 would be a good thing or to simply take out Syria, Iran, North Korea, Yemen, Somalia and maybe Sudan.

Hopefully in the not too distant future I can reveal more as to how things will pan out but for the time being we must be on our guard and remain strong until the cabal is closed down.

I guess you all now want to know how do they get their finances and where is all this stolen money or gold that they have been hiding and using for well over 50 years, or should I say going back to at lease WW1, lets first start with how the Oil,Gas and Mining Industries help in this giant ponzi scheme and prove that our leaders, the key political elite, company CEO’s and the Banking sector are all in bed together.

Their deceit is now so common place that it has almost reach epidemic level and they now openly do it with such confidence and arrogance!!!!

Their frequency of false flag incidents and the quality of those incidents has now gone beyond a joke when they repeatedly keep coming up with such things as a shoe bomber, underpants bomber, soft drinks bomber, ink jet cartridge bomber, maybe we are due for a bra bomber soon (watch out ladies)!!!

I had to laugh when I read that the British have a new boss at MI5,  Andrew Parker,  who according to the media has a  “wealth of experience and knowledge”. That Mr Parker led the security services’ response to the 2005 London attacks, that aspect I find most interesting, especially now that we now know it was an inside job and that the so called 4 Islamic Terrorist were hired as actors for a dress rehearsal that very same morning and the fact that all four missed their train from Luton and could not have been on the Tube Trains at the time of the alleged explosions, and the fact that those on-board the trains (that survived) explained in great detail that the explosion were from beneath the trains and not from within!!

If the vastly experienced Mr Parker was responsible for the security services response perhaps he would like to explain how these so called  four Islamic Terrorist died, was he responsible for their assassinations over in Canada Square – Canary Wharf  where all four were shot (assassinated) and who did not die as “Suicide Bombers” as we were led to believe!!!

He also has another accolade under his belt according to the BBC report:

In 2006, his teams played the lead role in the disruption of Al-Qaeda’s attempt to attack multiple airliners with bombs hidden in drinks bottles, I would have to ask him was that ordinary Pepsi or Diet Pepsi?

Perhaps Mr.Parker would like to explain to those of us that have been in the military how does one get to make a bomb disguised as a bottle of Natural Spring Water, Coke or Chanel No5 perfume and how is it ignited and what is all this fabrication on airport screening for such products when such products are not a threat?

I would also like to mention at this stage that I myself was a Security Manager at a major international airport with responsibility in receiving security updates and taking appropriate action, tarmac security, passenger and baggage screening etc, this led me to later control a VIP Jet reception centre that received the world’s elite, including members of the Royal Family, so I am therefore asking Mr Parker based on my own past experience.

Much of today’s security at international airports is now under the control of Israeli owned security companies and that is why we get so many false flags that are now bordering on becoming pathetic. The classic example is the potential bomber who flew half way round the world before finally leaving Amsterdam bound for the US and did not have a passport or ticket. This is typical of the mass hysteria our governments are pumping into our brains!!

The article went on the say:
    "Mr Parker, 50, a keen ornithologist, has worked for MI5 for 30 years. He has worked on terrorism in the Middle East and Northern Ireland, counter espionage, and serious and organised crime. So as he was a spy himself which birds was he interested in. Obviously not the feathered variety!!
Does this mean his involvement on terrorism in the  Middle East makes him a qualified operative of Al Queda (a western based organisation) and if his other accolade is against serious and organised crime how come massive fraud and corruption continues to exist amongst the political elite in the UK, namely the past and current Prime Ministers (Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron) and many other key members at Westminster and the House of Lords?

When will all the sheeples out there fully understand that it is the New World Order who form and fund our security services along with the drug cartel who also play a major role because they are also the cabal!!

Sorry I drifted off the topic a little, I simply could not let this go without comment. Now back to how the New World Order obtain their finances:

The financial King of the world himself 
Baron David de Rothschild who runs the Rothschild Banking Business today and who sees a New World Order in Global Banking Governance – Yes Folks that’s what he said – His Exact Words - The Rothschild’s have helped the British government since financing Wellington’s army to fight the French in 1815 and continue to pull the strings of the world today.

This single family controls, and owns most of, every aspect of the world’s economy – and most importantly, its media.

The true “Axis of Evil” – The City of London

The citizens of the world have been warned we could face decades of painful austerity measures in order to get our respective  countries back into surplus and we all continue to sit back and accept what our extremely corrupt governments tell us.

It is time for all the sheep to become shepherds and start asking some serious questions as to how this state of affairs occurred and who was behind it. You would be shocked to learn the truth. I have always believed it is our duty of care to expose any form of corruption but when one points a finger at past and current leaders or any of their corrupt cabal it becomes increasingly difficult for obvious reasons and you are certainly not likely to see any of this appear in the Zionist controlled media.

Why is it that when you do write an article on such topics the American, British, European and Australasia, public simply carry on with life as usual and allow the corrupt Leaders, Congress,  MP’s and Members of the House of Lords etc to continue ripping them off?

The world’s financial meltdown in 2008 continues to haunt us to this very day. This catastrophic event was no accident but a well orchestrated plan by the Zionist controlled New World Order with many of  its key players pulling the strings in the heart of London and Rome.

I guess you may be asking just how big and powerful is this evil satanic family? Hopefully these articles will satisfy your curiosity.

As I said before -  No doubt you are thinking that it’s all over and the world will return to normality in the not too distant future but believe me this is far from the truth as there will be a much bigger financial tsunami over the next 12 months, this next one will focus on the European Union and possibly take out the Euro and dismantle the EU as we currently know it! Having said that however help will soon be at hand which I touched base with in an earlier chapter!

I will now use the Oil, Gas and Mining sectors as an example as to how they rape each and every country of billions if not trillions of dollars each and every year:

First you need to understand just how easy it is to create your own scam or virtual company.

Pretend you are a leader or a very senior political figure and you want make yourself and your associates an awful lot of money. First you must find yourself a group of potential directors who already have a track record of well concealed fraud and corruption. A few names that come to mind would have to be George Bush Snr and Jnr, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Lord Michael Howard the list is endless.

Now create or invent some attractive name for your oil or mining company with an elaborate sounding address. Find some disused or derelict historical mine that produced small quantities of gold back in Victorian days. obtain obsolete data such as yield per ton and very old out of date topographical charts showing the location etc. The more remote or isolated the better (this stops your potential investors from checking it out). A jungle locations somewhere in the Congo would be perfect. Now you are almost ready to go.

Register your company and its directors at some fictitious address where many other non existent companies operate from (this is called a Boiler Room), put someone in their to take company calls and now go about creating a wonderful presentation to dupe your potential investors.

You take video’s or photographs of the location and in the foreground you place a couple of impressive drilling rigs and trucks etc. Then make up a power point presentation showing your intended phased project, what you expect to find in your initial exploration followed by some very impressive figures as to future growth and predicted yields etc. Now you are all set to spoof or should I say rape those that wish to invest in your project.

Just to drift off the topic for one moment I remember seeing one such picture in Africa that showed a massive mountain backdrop with a line up of new trucks and drill rigs etc. The only mistake they made was the the scenery was fake and you could actually see the shadows of the vehicles etc on the scenery backdrop!

To continue – you then go off  on a world tour to London, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, New York etc to raise billions of dollars for this mammoth phased mining project. You wine and dine your potential investors (more wine than dine as this tend to free up more money). By the end of your tour you have raised maybe 3 billion or whatever and you immediately put your stolen funds into many offshore outlets and other virtual subsidiary companies that is far beyond the prying eyes of the government fraud office (not as they do anything about it anyway) and then having got your exploration permit you drill the required hole which is normally at least one per annum.

Over the next five years you have to convince your investors that things are going along nicely i.e. in the first and second year you have started your drilling schedules and results are pleasing etc etc. Then around year three – four you have to throw in a couple of set backs such as heavy rains in the Congo has caused flooding in the area or that some militia has taken up arms in the area and causing delays etc etc. Then possible between year 4-5 you start to give them some very bad news that because of the above or the fact that the initial findings have now proved that the yield per ton is not commercially viable or because of the conflict you have decided to close down the operation etc etc and hey presto you have raked in massive funds compared to your very small outlgoings.

The final stage is to close the company down and restart another bogus company at another bogus location with your bogus friends and the whole process starts again. What the investors do not realise is that from the very moment they parted with their money it was stolen and gone forever.

This gives you all an insight as to how the New World Order, the politicians, CEO and Bankers carry out their massive rape of many countries around the world. Try to imagine this activity in every major city in every country and then multiply it by the amount of fake companies in those cities and you can see that.the theft amounts to billions if not trillions each and every year. That is fraud and corruption on a massive scale and remember all this money goes offshore in places like the Bahamas, Virgin Islands etc and that also deprives each country of taxes. Some banks actually give unsecured loans to these thugs which means when they intentionally close down the bank ends up with a toxic debt. Then the bastards have the audacity to come along and ask for a bail out using your tax payers money. It does not stop there because that money is also siphoned off into their own hidden lucrative scams.

As an example the US moved US$ 15 trillion (in three $5 trillion tranches) over to the HSBC bank in London, it was then passed onto the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), that was in financial difficulty, where it simply disappeared. Can you even imagine that an amount of money equal to the total US National Debt was stolen from the citizens of the United States?

You also do note realise that the banks themselves intentionally offload vast sums of money ahead of their very well planned collapse and before they ask for their respective bailouts.

This  was the case more recently in Cyprus when over 40 million Euros was transferred from the Laiki bank to another account leaving them to then raid what was left of someone else’s money.

Then along comes the New World Order bank (IMF) to take over their country and impose harsh austerity measures.

Come on you guys this is a scam that has been going on for decades all over the world. The financial meltdown in 2008 was their own master plan to do what they are very good at doing.
    "To pull the wool over the sheeples eyes”
They also created the “Arab Spring” and the current “Western Spring”.

Fraudster – Illegal Arms Dealer – War Criminal

Here is as extract from one brief that contained that some extremely sensitive information such as the illegal purchase of battlefield ready nuclear bombs from South Africa, compliments of the governments of Israel and the RSA. The same report revealed how British Tax Payers money was abused when it was channeled via the private sector (a consortium of high ranking politicians) to purchase these weapons whilst UN sanctions were in place.

It revealed the fact that many existing and past senior MP’s and senior members of the House of Lord’s benefited in a private capacity in this highly illegal – under the radar operations and how £17.7 million just so happened to end up in the Tory Party Funds in an attempt to save the neck of the Iron Lady herself, Maggie Thatcher.

So you may ask who were some of the “Ace Team” that pulled of this total farce. Well folks non other than our current Prime Minister, David Cameron who was only 24 at the time and still attached to the apron strings of Dear Maggie!! He was accompanied by Sir Kenneth Warren and the late Dear Dr. David Kelly was also involved, not to mention Peter Lilley MP who also had his finger in the pie, as did many other MP’s etc. Basically this means that those involved should now be in prison under the “Nuclear Explosions Act” and also serving time for massive fraud!

Let’s just take a look at what happened during this deeply flawed, under the table deal. Maggie wanted to take some of the nuclear bombs (that the RSA were not supposed to have) and have them on standby to drop on Saddam if he did not toe the line! Ten bombs were made in conjunction with Israel and one was tested on Prince Edward Island south of the mainland.

It became an extremely serious matter for the RSA Government, the British Government and the US when it became clear that there would soon be a changeover from white to black. Maggie was alarmed at this possibility and so a decision was made to send the remaining nine to Chicago for decommissioning etc.

Dear Maggie in all her warped wisdom wanted to buy three of the nine and store them in Oman. They were sent to Omen totally unsecured and were stored in a unsecured private compound that was owned by a friend of the arms dealer, John Bredenkamp. It was this man who then switched the bombs for concrete blocks in standard shipping containers and drove them out of the compound.

The British and US Governments could not say anything as the entire deal was highly illegal.

Because of this gross neglect the US went to war with Iraq and to this day the fact that missing nukes are still out there somewhere continues to bring conflict to the region, especially from Israel who know about the weapons in fine detail because it was their technicians that help build and test them.

In my next article will give you some classic examples of major fraud to prove that what I have explained above continues to rape our respective countries. The governments, fraud office and intelligence agencies all know about it and do nothing! Why you may ask? Because they are all in it together along with the drug cartel that they also support.

All the proceeds of drugs and fraud keep them very wealthy and then they have the audacity to start taxing you more, reducing the public services that your taxes are supposed to pay for and finally feed you bullshit about global warming and impose even more tax. Come on wake up folks!!

You may be interested to know that a new super drug is about to hit the world’s markets, the ingredients of which come out of Australia and are then sent to New Zealand for manufacturing before distribution. This falls right in with the New World Orders philosophy of making you all drug induced “Dumb F” but remember you do not need to listen to me, just keep watching your favorite TV programs such as the X Factor, Home and Away or whatever and simply let the world drift by. Your kids and your grand-kids will be so proud of you!