


April 27, 2013

100 Million Unaccounted For At PASOK - Wasted Under Papandreou Regime

credit newspost
PASOK is at war with itself. Not one, not two, not three, but more than 100 million Euros of party finances are unaccounted for!

After the news hit the media, current leader Evangelos Venizelos decided to clean up house, and went on a rant trying to convince all concerned that this occurred during George Papandreou's term. Was he convincing? Not on your life! Nonetheless he is now pressed against a corner now to come clean and most importantly clean up house.

Venizelos appointed five accounting firms (Grant Thornton, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Deloitte & Touche and PWC Greece) to audit the party, whose debt apparently stand at 114 million Euros. According to the Efimerida ton Syntakton newspaper, their report would show that 114.5 million Euros had been spent between 2007 and 2010 without proper records being kept. (Meaning that they were spent under George Papandreou's leadership).

Not surprising, PASOK did not confirm the report, but reports said that they did note that an audit had been carried out on financial records between 2004 and 2010 and that those findings would be discussed by the appropriate party bodies. (In other words, general mambo jumbo, known PASOK tactic).

The newspaper claims that accountants found that spending approved by former leader and ex-Prime Minister George Papandreou, as well as ex-secretary Nikos Athanasakis and general secretary Rovertos Spyropoulos, did not have the necessary paperwork. When the news made it to mainstream Spyropoulos issued a statement claiming that this revelation bore “no relation to the truth."

So what is the truth? The truth is that PASOK is at war with itself, because there are too many MPs openly criticising Venizelos' leadership. So the audit could provide an opportunity for Venizelos to distance himself from the party’s record under Papandreou.