


April 26, 2013

Latest VPRC Public Opinion Poll - 2.5% Lead For SYRIZA

A new public opinion poll which was conducted by VPRC on behalf  of the (leftist) "In the Red" radio station reported that SYRIZA has taken a lead over the New Democracy party by 2.5%. Quite surprisingly and given all the bad rap that they have received over the past month, the Golden Dawn party increased its percentage and came in third with an average of about 13%!

The poll also indicates that PASOK and the Communist Party also increased their percentage, while DIMAR marked a decline.

Asked who was the most appropriate prime minister, a whopping 60.3% said "no one," while present Prime Minister Antonis Samaras came in second with 16.6%.

The results are as follows:

New Democracy: 25.5 - 28.5%
SYRIZA: 28 - 31%
Golden Dawn: 11.9 to 14.1%
PASOK: 6.2 - 7.8%
Independent Greeks: 5.2 - 6.8%
DIMAR: 3.8 - 5.2%
KKE: 6.2 to 7.8%
Other party: 5.2 - 6.8%
Included are: Dimourgia Xana party, LAOS, the Ecologist - Green Party, ANTARSYA, The Union of Centrists, NO (Rep. Renaissance - EPAM), Association of National Unity, etc.

Reference only in Greek -  naftemboriki