


April 26, 2013

Roma Clash In Serres, One Injured From Stab Wounds

An all out brawl broke between members of a Roma community in the municipality of Irakleia in Serres, in northern Greece, leaving one person with stab wounds. The clash was prompted by a personal dispute, and escalated into an all out war amongst community members. So much so, that shots were fired and knives were drawn.

Im 2012 Greek authorities began cracking down on illegal Roma settlements around the country after police suggested that many operate like Mafia-style gangs. The main areas of activity are said to be drug trafficking and the illegal trade in scrap metal. They do not like police checks and/or raids, and in the past when when such an operations took place, they even drew their own guns on authorities.

Interestingly, the Roma in Greece live scattered on the whole territory of the country. Notable centres are Agia Varvara which has a very successful Roma community and Ano Liosia (both areas of which are in Attiki, or near Athens).

Although a large number of Roma has adopted a sedentary and urban way of living, there are still some communities that definately differentiate themselves from the rest of the population.

For instance, they face several problems including high instances of child labour and abuse, low school attendance, police discrimination and as we mentioned earlier, drug trafficking. Combine this with theft, and its all about crime!

But certainly, the most serious issue is the housing problem since many Roma in Greece still live in tents, or on properties that are not their own, and illegally consume electricity and water. Money of which is then paid by the Greek tax payer.

What is interesting to note is that both the UN and the EU overlooks all the above, as well as the fact that entire bridges are being dismantled every day and sold for their metal by this community and instead slams Greece, and Greeks, for being too racist to them.

Moreover Greeks cannot accept communities that act like a state within a state. Aside from the drug trafficking, theft and illegal scrap metal trade, these people also illegally and unlawfully allow their children to marry at a young age, and this is obviously a form of child (and sexual) abuse. And this is still practised until today!

So if the EU and the UN overlook this, then why campaign around the globe about child abuse? It is kind of hypocritical.

As is calling Greeks racists since they are always victimized by this community. On the other, the Roma that live in organized communities in Piraeus and other areas of Greece have begun integrating with the Greek community and they are widely accepted. These people have their own businesses, are law abiding citizens and send their children to school.

Greeks cannot accept and/or tolerate crime, and certainly this is something that the UN and EU cannot (or is rather pretending not) to see.