
July 16, 2012

Samaras Urges Drastic Changes to State And Public Administration

Prime minister Antonis Samaras called for drastic changes to the State and Public Administration, instructing his ministers to drastically reduce bureaucracy and pointless, time consuming procedures and ensure transparency and meritocracy, in a letter to Cabinet members on Monday. In the letter, Samaras stresses the need for rationalization of cost and upgrading of services provided and called for coordinated cooperation among the Cabinet members.
"One of the fundamental changes our government must introduce is reform of the State and Public Administration. Our chief aspiration is the creation of an efficient and functional administration that is rid of its chronic problems and which will contribute to the country's growth and be close to the citizen, a Public Administration worthy of an EU member-state."
He noted that the Administrative Reform and e-Governance ministry, in collaboration with the European Commission Task Force on Greece "and the precious contribution of our own personnel", would in the next few days begin an evaluation of the structures of the ministries and the agencies they oversee, aimed at their restructure.
"Thus, we will pinpoint and neutralize the weaknesses and dysfunctions in the Public Administration. The result of the evaluation will be the restructure of the services through the merger of abolition of inactive units and services, with the aim being the rationalization of the operation of the ministries and the curtailment of unnecessary expenditures." AMNA
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Huge March In Florina Sends Loud Message To FYROManians and Anti-Hellenes


Tens of hundreds of Greek citizens made their way to Florina on Sunday in order to take part in a protest march against a planned event in the city from FYROManians on July 20th. The city of Florina was flooded from patriots from all over Greece who raised the blue and white sending a loud message to all those interests that want to destabilise the region, that Macedonia is, was and will always remain Greek. The event was endorsed by the stoxo newspaper and many members from the Golden Dawn party also took part, as did Prefect Michael Tsakiris and Serres MP Nikitas Siois.

Why Florina? Well, every year on July 19-20 the town of Meliti in Florina organizes a series of festivals (that supposedly celebrate Saint Elias Day) but over the past few years it has also hosted musicians and dance troops from FYROM, who literally flood the area to spread their "good-will" propaganda.

The town is very close to the boarder with FYROM and some of its residents also speak a local dialect which is very similar to the Slavic language. Unfortunately many FYROM extremists use this as a tool against Greece and say that the region -and the wider Macedonia area- is illegally occupied by the Greeks! 

That is why the protest march was held on Sunday in order to send a loud -and clear- message to the organizers that anti-Hellenistic tactics will not be tolerated on Greek land any longer. Indeed international folklore festivals are welcome, but should not be used as a tool by provocateurs so that they can "all be Macedonians" for the day. What we mean by this is that one of the reasons the march was organized on Sunday July 15th was because a radio broadcast was recorded and then uploaded to YouTube earlier in July inviting local residents to join in on the festivities so that they can all become "Macedonians" together for the day. Listen to the audio... and judge for yourselves.

Its common sense really, and has nothing to do with extremism and being a fanatical nationalist as some would probably say. The radio invitation you just listened to would be fruitless, and laughable if it wasn't for all the other things that have provoked Greek sentiment about this issue and this includes the countless provocative maps by FYROM officials that show their country extending to the Thermaikos Gulf in Thessaloniki, the symbol of the Vergina Sun on their national flag, the elements they have used to construct a three-ring mythological circus in their capital city which features Alexander The Great -whom they claim is a direct descendants of theirs- and lets not forget the recent statements by this nation's officials who claim that Macedonia -from Thrace to Epirus- is illegally occupied by the Greeks!

The participators of the march on Sunday simply and democratically showed their dissatisfaction as well as sent out a warning that this will not be tolerated any longer. But the message was not only aimed at the visitors from across the boarder, but also to some local residents -or anti-Hellenes- who are centralized here. What is really sets us off with this particular issue is the fact that the Greek state pays for these festivals, that basically only do one thing and that is to bring together anti-Hellenes and FYROManians against Greek interests and present it as good-will relations.

And we ask.. can a group of Greek citizens enter FYROM and begin dancing and singing and screaming out the words "Macedonia is Greek"? We here at hellasfrappe do not think so, because it would not be the politically correct thing to do of course, or It would probably cause a diplomatic rift between both countries and lastly extremists would probably grasp the opportunity to literally cause chaos.

So for God's sake... why should Greek citizens be accepting of this in their own country?

And what's more... why shouldn't demonstrate over it?

Standing up for the truth and being a patriot against a nation that has continually and systimatically provoked our national sentiment with falsifications, provocations as well as our level of patience as a peoples has nothing to do with nationalism, it is a common duty and simple common sense.

Friends, what we do today as Hellenes, will determine our tomorrow as a nation. Hellasfrappe does not politically support Golden Dawn, but we are damn glad that they marched in Florina to oppose this event, which is degrading -to say the least- to our national pride.  Bravo to them and to all the participants.

And if you think we are exaggerating about all of this... then watch this news clip from MEGA channel which was recorded in 2008 about this festival, and listen to how sarcastic wanna-be Greeks are about the protest marches that were occurring in the city at the time the FYROManians flooded the town. TOTALLY DISGUSTING.

Survey Complete For Greek-Bulgarian Gas Pipeline

Greece's Environment, Energy and Climate Change ministry on Monday gave the green light for the construction of a natural gas pipeline by approving the environmental survey of the project. The 180-km pipeline will link the Greek city of Komotini with the Bulgarian city of Stara Zagora and will have a transportation capability of 3.0 billion cubic metres of gas annually, with an option of rising 5.0 billion. A metric station will be built in Komotini. The project will be build by Interconnector Greece Bulgaria (ICGB) company, comprising of IGI Poseidon (a joint venture by DEPA and Italy's Edison) and Bulgarian Energy Holding. Construction of the Greek-Bulgarian pipeline is considered of strategic importance for the country and the wider region as will enable gas supplies to Bulgaria and Romania from third sources beyond Russia's Gazprom which is currently the main supplier of the Balkans. The ministry report said that construction of the pipeline will have limited environmental consequences in the region, short-term and reversible. (AMNA)
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Soros - Papandreou - And The Determination To Divide And Conquer the Greeks

This next article is a republication which was taken from Runnymede Institute and first printed on June 4, 2011. Nonetheless... it is a great piece that should be read by all.

There are opportunists and the there’s the Papandreou clan. George, the grandfather, was a man who broke moulds, a trailblazer to some but mostly a traitor to anyone with a desire for the Greek people’s self-determination. Proximity to power apparently whet his appetite to the point where he broke with sacred tradition by marrying the daughter of a rich Polish Jew, an open supporter of Turkey’s ambition against Greece.

This was a step too far for Orthodox Christians but it was kept from the public until he was fully enfranchised with the elite and “dug in like a tick” as they say in Texas. With the backing of British soldiers and the returning king, he fully supported the murder of hundreds in Athens as partisan forces were on the verge of completing their victory to take back the capitol for themselves. There is not a shadow of a doubt Papandreou’s installation to power came from the barrel of the gun alone.

Security brigades composed of former Nazi collaborators and monarchists were formed to root out the ‘communist menace’, mostly exhausted veterans who wanted nothing but to be left in peace. The country was destroyed, there was widespread famine due to the forced ‘war loan‘ exacted by the Nazis and the king wanted nothing less than absolute power, which eventually led to a bloody civil war. At every turn, the desire to enslave them became more and more insidious.

But even Stalin knew the Greeks didn’t give a fig which flag was flown as long as they could return to the peaceful side of their culture;
“The Russian people will always be grateful to the Greeks for delaying the German army long enough for winter to set in, thereby giving us the precious time we needed to prepare. We will never forget!”
That was enough to draw in America to fill the void left by the dying British Empire, with the Marshall Plan providing the velvet glove that hid the iron fist. Repression on the pretext of bringing democracy to the land that invented it and knew full well it could only deteriorate into a tyranny didn’t bother the puffed up victors. Americans made a mint out of Europe’s troubles and they found reliable partners at all levels of the Greek political class, new leaders entered the scene promising Hope and Change.

Most vocal and the one with the deepest pockets appeared to be Papandreou, then pretending to represent the common man, etc. Meddling in the Balkans took a new turn for the world powers vying to master the place nobody had ever managed to hold for a fortnight past their victory parade. Political distractions in Greece provided the backdrop to cover a looting spree that knew no bounds with the Papandreou scions at the head of the Aegean pig trough.

As long as common people could be suppressed at just above subsistence, political promises of good times to come were forestalled until Andreas Papandreou could successfully take the reins of power. Forming his own political party PASOK, (how could he afford it?) he shepherded Greece into all the usual globalist organisations encircling mankind and served as Prime Minister during the transformation period leading up to Goldman Sachs’ cooking the books for entry into the Euro under the tenure of PM Simitis.

Keeping the population off balance just long enough to fully implement the hidden agenda of the political class left little doubt among Greeks the Papandreou’s are fully paid-up members of the mysterious club of the few. Complaints were kept to themselves and they tried again and again at the ballot box to no avail, every politician seemed to be in on something nefarious and unlawful at the very least.

In a pretend argument about a referendum of the Lisbon Treaty, George Papandreou who’d served as Education Minister in charge of dumbing-down and de-Christianisation replaced Simitis as head of PASOK. The New Democracy Greek Neo-Con Party came to power and looked the other way as the country was flooded with illegal migrants, giving George a platform to reform as he promised Hope and Change when he was finally elected Prime Minister in 2009. The masters of deception have but one template and everyone, everywhere fell for it. But Greece has some very unique problems!

As far back as 1988, when US television reported that a former soviet country calling itself by the Greek name Macedonia was trying to air commercials advertising their fine beaches and waterfront, which Skopje doesn’t have, the attempt to split the country in half has been a reality. The Open Society Institute of George Soros fame went as far as to endorse the naming of their only airport Alexander the Great and suggested people shouldn’t be so upset. The BBC and mainstream media liked it!

Passions flared, hotel owners in Thessaloniki pointed out their hotels from the aerial shots and young men rushed forward and volunteered to cross the border to crush the pretenders. The sheer audacity of the lie was only rivalled by utter silence in certain political quarters. PASOK treated the matter as an intellectual property issue rather than infringement on the honour of the Greeks. The Soros connection and his NGO’s assistance with everything including textbooks to indoctrinate the children of Skopje in their manufactured past could only spell trouble in future, real bang bang trouble.

The Papandreou’s squaked a little and then played Greek heartstrings to perfection. Andreas had already assisted supposed political opponents with legislation to enlarge the civil service in future, far beyond the breaking point of the country’s budget. The free-lunch came from unknown sources but the beneficiaries were simply glad that Andreas was on side, sucker taxpayers were on the hook for the debt in the long run.

No matter which side of the political divide they’ve been on, the Papandreou minions kept their hands in the public kitty as a rule. With genuine military threats to the north and east, the only budget they couldn’t plunder was in the Defence Department. As calls from the ECB and IMF to pay up odious debt that’s not owed get louder, it looks as though they can finally wreck the one institution that’s so far been untouchable.

Should this actually come to pass, every sheep rustler in the Balkans will rush over the border to steal what they can in competition with the 3 million plus illegal migrants already in place to foment planned chaos. Quite clever but whose plan is it anyway?

It’s now alleged that on his first day in office, George the Younger pulled off the scam of the new century, it supposedly paid off 27 billion Euros to himself and his cronies. Accidents as we’ve pointed out do not happen in politics, especially the kind that invite a noose. (Read about the scam of the century by clicking here)

Was the Papandreou family involved in the scam of the century? 
Watch the video... and find out.  

Whether a careless functionary left a ‘t’ uncrossed or forgot to dot an ‘i’ is up for debate but devout Greeks believe it’s divine intervention. If things in Athens get any more surreal, that may turn out to be the only logical hypothesis but the sign says otherwise.

Today, the protester occupied Greek Ministry of Finance has a gigantic banner draped on it’s face that wasn’t printed up on somebody’s Lexmark at home, it was provided by unknown benefactors and looks as though it sat in a warehouse for quite some time before it’s use. A revived Communist Party has been putting on concerts and the trade unions call for general strikes but as yet, no one has crossed the threshold at Syntagma to drag out the politicians kicking and screaming all the way to the gallows.

The predetermined nature of the crisis enveloping Europe has led some intrepid Greeks to pose the 400 billion Euro question, asking whether any of George’s Polish cousins are employed at Goldman Sachs. So far it’s only verbal but they’re now validating the assertion that this crisis will only end when the last banker is strangled with the entrails of the last politician. In such a plausible eventuality, his name won’t be Papandreou because as quiet as it’s kept, George would be the first to swing!

source -

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Bill Clinton to Visit Athens This Week

Former US President Bill Clinton is apparently expected to come to Greece this week in an effort with Diaspora leaders to reverse the negative image of Greece internationally as the country struggles through a fifth year of recession.The humanistic campaign wants to gain international interest and highlight Greece as being a worthwhile investment opportunity. For this Clinton will meet with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and participate in a closed meeting with Greek-American leaders on July 22 to examine how the initiative can work and then he will also meet with his "friend" former PM George Papandreou.

Editor's Note - If the meeting is so innocent... and only wants to promote humanitarian NGO's  who only want the best for Greece, then why a "closed meeting" with American businessmen? Why not a public meeting with Greek citizens? Secondly... why meet with George Papandreou? He is not heading the PASOK party -Venizelos is- and he almost did not even make it into parliament. And then they ask us not to believe in conspiracy theories. Both the Clintons and the Papandreou family has close ties to Evelyn Rothschild, the Lazard Bank, George Sorros, and Stiglitz, Just simply goodle their names... and you will be surprised at how much they are all connected. Now... should we be suspicious... or should we just look at it as an innocent visit... Tick tock tick tock

Greece Set To Train Bulgarian Pilots

Bulgarian Air Force pilots will receive part of their flight training in the F-16 or in any other western type of fighter that Bulgaria will soon acquire in Greece by Greek trainers of the Hellenic Air Force. The HAF will also provide training in the organization of the logistics and in support issues in generally.

The Greek Deputy Defense Minister Dimitris Elefsiniotis discussed this issue with the political leadership of the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense during his visit in Sofia where he took part in the NATO conference on “smart defense”.

Mr. Elefsiniotis agreed with his counterpart and the Chief of the Bulgarian Air Force, that by September all proposals should be completed (requirements, costs, schedules, commitments, etc.) based on preliminary work that has already been concluded by the Hellenic Air Force.

A part of the factory maintenance of the new Bulgarian fighter is also been discussed to be conducted by the Hellenic Aerospace Industry (HAI).

In addition, the technical agreement for the assumption by the Hellenic Air Force of the air policing of the airspace of Bulgaria – in the context of NATO – in emergency situations, such as in cases of hijackings etc is at the final stage. This issue was also part of the collaboration between Mr. Elefsiniotis and the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense during the visit. (source smarkos)

Israeli Navy to stage drills in coordination with Greece

The Israeli Navy is set to hold exercises using live ammunition off Greece’s Aegean island of Milos on July 18 with the cooperation of – but no participation from – the Greek military, Greek media have reported.

Only Israeli warships will be involved in the shooting exercise, while coordination and monitoring will be performed by radar located on nearby Mt. Parnitha. No information was available about the type or number of ships Israel will use during the military exercises.

A NAVTEX, or navigational telex, has already been issued to ships and airplanes in the area regarding the exercises which will be using live fire.

Turkey had been a close ally of Israel, but the countries’ relations hit rock-bottom after Israel stormed a Turkish-led aid flotilla to Gaza two years ago, killing nine Turkish activists. (source submarinersworld)
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