
June 27, 2012

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An Introduction And Analysis Of The Siemens and Ferrostaal Scandals

German taxpayers and citizens all over Europe might be complaining that they are paying for the consequences of corruption in Greece with all the bailout money. Unfortunately German taxpayers do not know that the prosecutors in their country are investigating the German companies Siemens and Ferrostaal (which is a subsidiary of MAN AG) for promoting (and certainly supporting) corruption in Greece. Here is an article we discovered on the internet (the link is given at the bottom) which gives a pretty good explanation of who, what, where, and especially how.  What you will notice is that the author directly links the socialist PASOK party to both of these major scandals with plenty of evidence to support his theory.

An introduction To The Scandals Of Siemens and Ferrostaal

In Greece itself, a parliamentary commission of inquiry (the Siemens Commission) is going through the motions of investigating which Greek politicians have been bribed by Siemens. It is an exercise in futility because existing Greek law (N. 2509/1997 as revised in 2001) makes it practically impossible to prosecute ministers and even members of parliament for crimes committed while in office. This peculiar law, which has drawn the ire of the European Court of Human Rights, of Transparency International, and others, was promulgated in 1997 by the Socialist Party (PASOK). It was adopted after a prior conservative government had prosecuted for corruption four Socialist ministers and a Socialist prime minister (Andreas Papandreou) over the 1989–92 period.

Those found guilty during these prosecutions were promptly given parliamentary pardon as soon as the Socialists regained majority in 1993. Taking no chances, the Socialists proceeded to pass the law that virtually immunizes corruption and which remains in force to date.

Corruption in Greece became endemic after 1981, the year when Greece joined the European  Community (later European Union) and elected its first-ever Socialist government. Between then and now, scores of major corruption scandals (some count over 150) broke out in the Greek press. Only a tiny handful, however, perhaps numbering no more than five, were tried in the courts. Of these, three were terminated by parliamentary vote, one resulted in a not guilty verdict, and the fifth in a guilty verdict that triggered an almost instantaneous parliamentary pardon.

(Watch videos after reading each section of the articles, so that you can get a better understanding of both cases)

The former Gen. Sec. Of the Greek Defense Ministry makes startling 
revelations about the order on the German submarines

Most cases involve Greek and European Union interests

Most corruption scandals throughout this era involved collusion between Greek officials and European Union interests. The most notorious of these are of course the Siemens and Ferrostaal scandals that have attracted the interest of German law, and both involve bribery of Greek officials for the purpose of securing contracts by German companies with the Greek government. The Siemens case entails a large number of briberies going back twenty-four years. In the Ferrostaal case, the briberies helped lubricate the sale of defective submarines to the Greek Navy.

The most interesting bribery case is that of the general manager of the Public Power  Corporation

in 1986. The gentleman in question was accused of receiving 500 million drachmas (equivalent of about €350,000 [ECU] at the time) from an Italian construction company contracted to build a hydroelectric dam. When then-Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou (father of the current Prime Minister) was informed, he made a joke of it saying that he had no problem if an official “makes a little gift to himself,” provided that the amounts not be outrageously high.

This phrase—“makes a little gift to himself”— became the official green light for generalized corruption among government officials at all levels in the 1980s. That was the decade when the culture of corruption was institutionalized in Greece. And it all started with Greece’s membership in the European Community in 1981.

With EC membership, Greece became entitled to European Regional Integration funds—the so-called Delors Package I—and, more importantly, to new sources of borrowing from abroad. Prior to 1981, Greece’s public debt was €8.5 billion or 22.8 percent of GDP; ten years after entry to the EC it was €48 billion or 71 percent of GDP.

The corruption of that decade was all about politicians distributing these new found grants and loans to
favorite beneficiaries, both individuals and companies. Much of the Delors Package I money was spent  in the form of subsidies to farmers and to state-owned enterprises for the express purpose of building a stable political constituency that backed European integration. Ironically, PASOK, the party that implemented this program of building pro-European constituencies through bribes, had come to power campaigning against membership in the EC!

Growth of the Public Sector

The growth of the public debt during that decade went to finance a rapidly rising trade deficit as imports from Europe grew rapidly. Foreign importers would bribe Greek officials to secure import or service  contracts for telecom equipment, combat aircraft, missile systems, grains, construction equipment, and  so on. From cases that have been exposed by investigative journalists, bribes appear to have been  about 10 percent of the cost of contracts on average.

Since these contracts were financed by the borrowing of the Greek state, it is fair to assume that 10  percent of Greek public debt represents the cost to foreign contractors of bribing Greek officials.

Another 10 percent is the cost of bribing popular constituencies to be pro-European.

Conservatives Attempted To Expose The Corruption, But Were Toppled

When conservatives returned to government in 1990,some (but not all) of them tried to expose and reverse this tsunami of corruption—only to discover that it was too late. They brought indictments against the Prime Minister and against senior ministers (of finance, national defense, industry and justice) only to be kicked out of office before the trials ended.

When the Socialists returned to power in 1993, the culprits either got away with light sentences or were pardoned. Then they changed the law to make prosecutions virtually impossible. The Socialists’ return to power in 1993 was a few months after Greece had signed the Maastricht Treaty and the European Community had become the European Union on the road to introducing the single currency, the euro.

Prior to the Maastricht Treaty, Greece’s public debt was €62.7 billion or 75.4 percent of GDP. When Greece entered the euro under the Socialists in 2002, the public debt was €183.6 billion or 117.7 percent of GDP. This disastrous fiscal outcome of the post-Maastricht years was the result of policies first tested in the previous decade: loans to finance trade deficits and bribes to officials arranging the loans. From Maastricht in 1992 to the euro in 2002, the trade deficit doubled from €10.5 billion (12 percent of GDP) to €21.5 billion (13 percent of GDP). But from the euro in 2002 to 2009, the trade deficit more that tripled in absolute size to €65 billion and more than doubled as a share of GDP to 27 percent.

The greatest corruption scandals involving foreign exporters bribing Greek government officials  (Siemens and Ferrostaal), which have now resulted in official investigations in both Germany and Greece—occurred during this last post-Maastricht, post-euro period.

The Socialists proceeded to pass the law that virtually immunizes corruption.

The International Economy Spring 2010....

Postwar Greece was not a particularly deficit-prone country up until its fateful entry into the European Community in 1981. In the post-war period to the 1960s, the country managed to reconstruct itself from the ravages of a particularly destructive Nazi occupation and subsequent civil war, also managing to pay all its pre- and post-war foreign debts. Through the 1970s, its governments believed in maintaining balanced budgets and its public debt was around 20 percent of GDP. This was during a time when the rest of Europe was pursuing growing budget deficits and building huge public debts.

All of that changed when Greece joined Europe in 1981. That year’s elections did not merely see the  ascent, for the first time ever, of Socialists to power. It saw the wholesale replacement of the country’s traditional governing elite—not only politicians but also bankers, business leaders, and academics—  with a new, hungry, nouveau riche crowd rising to power by acting as middlemen between Greek society and the Europeanist social engineers of Brussels.

Wholesale corruption in Greece was introduced by that same European Experiment that we are  constantly invited to consider as a noble undertaking. Marketing hyperbole aside, the European Experiment was nothing but the construction of a captive market for the prodigious export engine of  Germany and its satellite economies in the North.

To date, over half of Germany’s export surplus comes from the European South. In the case of Greece, the cumulative trade deficits from 1981 to date add up to the €235 billion or about 80 percent of
the current Greek public debt.

Another 10 percent of this debt was probably incurred by the bribes to Greek officials used to generate the import transactions that led to the trade deficits, and the remaining 10 percent by corrupt political constituencies for accepting this arrangement.

When German taxpayers are righteously indignant at having to bail out Greece’s creditors with their hard earned euros, they should consider that their hard-earned euros of yesteryear financed corruption in Greece for the purpose of creating a massive Greek trade deficit.

That trade deficit was in turn financed by German and other European banks at handsome, risk-weighted rates of return. It is these banks’ loans to Greece that the German taxpayers are now being forced to bail out with their hard earned euros—not Greece.

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The Miracles At The Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Trooditissa On Cyprus

The Trooditissa Monastery in Cyprus is located on the southern slopes of the Troödos Mountains and is an orthodox monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It was founded in 990, but the current building dates back to 1731. It is built at an altitude of 1,500m (4566 feet) and the closest village is Plátres. The icon in the monastery is devoted to the Virgin Mary and it is claimed that it was painted by the Apostle Luke.

The Monastery, a secret mountain cave and a miraculous icon of the Virgin are Trooditissa’s are one of the reasons Orthodox pilgrims journey here in droves!

The history of the Monastery dates to the 8th century A.D. During the iconoclastic period the icon was brought to the island by a monk from Asia Minor who also brought a further 70 icons of the Virgin with him that were dedicated to the Evangelist Luke. After 25 years of service at the Monastery of St. Nicholas of the Cats (in Lemasol), the monk decided to move to the inner part of the island and he took the historic icon with him to the "Cave of Trooditissa" where he took refuge along with another monk for the rest of his life.

About 200 years later, or specifically in 990 AD, the cave was discovered by the Christians who were living on the island, and along with that the holy icon as well.

One story claims that it was found by a shepherd who lost his goat and while trying to locate it he witnessed a bright light coming out from the rocks high on the mountain. When he returned to the village and began to talk about his experience, everyone was amazed and so the villagers decided to inform the authorities at the Cypriot Church about it.

The Church suggested that an investigative delegation be set up. And thus a representative from the Orthodox Church was appointed to accompany a group of explorers up the mountain to find out what this light was all about. And when they arrived at the site, they discovered a secret cave with the icon of the Virgin Mary,

This is why the Church decided to construct a Monastery at this location.

Another story says that while the construction was going on an invisible force was preventing water to get to the workers who needed for their construction materials. Locals say that every time they attempted to carry the water up the mountain in clay pots, the pots would somehow fall and shatter in hundreds of pieces. After days of this strange phenonmenon, a clay pot which fell off the shoulders of one worker was discovered inside the western part of the cave. The workers could not explain how it got there, or how it managed not to break, but were even more dismayed when they saw that it was sitting on the bank of an unknown water spring that was in the cave. So they decided to use this water instead, and wouldn't you know it... they never dropped one pot! The construction was finally completed and then the icon of the Virgin Mary of Trooditissa which was found inside the cave was enthroned in the church, where it remains till the present day.

Another story says that years after the building was completed a Lebanese Minister by the name of John, decided to visit the Monstery with his wife. He was an Orthodox Christian from Beirut and as tradition states he kissed the icon and made a plea to the Virgin Mary to help him and his wife to have a child. He vowed that if they were blessed with a child, then they would bring their child to the Monastery and make him into a monk. A short while later, his wife gave birth to a baby boy who was baptized at the church of Trooditissa. When the boy came of age, he joined the ranks of the other monks at the Monastery.

Several years later though, his parents returned to the Monastery in order to bring him back home and this is where yet another miracle occurred. The monks at the Monastery advised the parents that backing out of their vow would only bring them suffering but parents will be parents and the couple insisted that they allow their son to come back to Lebanon with them.

As they debated whether he should be released or not, a sudden noise rumbled and a huge rock unglued itself from the wall of the church and began hurling its way towards the boy. And then suddenly a huge rock fell off the wall of the building and those present said that the miraculous icon of the Virgin moved from its position and it was seen sheltering the young boy from harm. In fact, the impact of the stone left a smaller piece in the icon which can still be viewed to the present day.

Obviously after this, the young boy decided to remain at the Monastery and later in life he became a monk and remained there until his death.

Whether there is any truth to any of these stories is not important, what is important is that this icon is a a priceless and historic treasure that till this day attracts the worship of many believers and the Monastery is a site that every traveler to Cyprus should visit.

Crooks Attempt To Dismantle ENTIRE BRIDGE To Sell Metal On Black Market

As outrageous as this next story may sound it is 100 percent true! Authorities in Kilkis arrested two men, construction workers by trade, for attempting to dismantle an entire metal bridge used by the Greek railway company with the intention of banking on the metal.

When witnesses realized that the two men (44 and 48 years old) were attempting to dismantle the bridge with the use of a crane they contacted authorities right away and the two construction workers were arrested on the spot.

The bridge, which is located near the Mikra Dassos village in Kilkis, is 17x5 meters in size and weighs nearly 15 tonnes. It is basically used as a railway line for Greek Railway Company (OSE).

This outrageous incident is not unique in nature, just a few days ago a group of unknown assailaints apparently erased an entire bridge that hovers over the Strymon river near the Greek-Bulgarian border!

Where the incidents related? No one knows.

Also, similar thefts have been made in many parts of Northern Greece. The "Copper Gang" is known to strike -or have a preference- in electricity transformers, and this rat pack of criminals has dismantled a great number of these transformers for their iron and copper parts which they then sell on the black market.

Article in Greek can be found on express
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Triantafyllopoulos Interviews Golden Dawn's Kassidiaris On "Kitrinos Typos" (VIDEO)

Golden Dawn spokesman Elias Kassidiaris was recently interviewed on Maki Triantafyllopoulos' "Kitronos Typos" -Yellow Press- show which is broadcasted on EXTRA Channel on Monday nights. Asked to comment on the incident on the ANT1 television channel, Kassidiaris said that he felt he was set up, and that the Greek media used this incident to harm the popularity of his party. Unfortunately Triantafyllopoulos interpreted Kassidiaris' every word in the only way he sees fit (or through the eyes of a leftist), and it was clear that he sided with Liana Kanelli and SYRIZA's Mrs. Dourou against Kassidiaris. In our opinion Makis Triantafyllopoulos was not successful in doing so, because Kassidiaris is well trained as a political spokesman to not fall into lingo-traps with everything he says.

Editor's note - Journalists should just be asking questions, they shouldn't over analyze the person they are interviewing so as to direct public opinion away from what was said to what they think the person interviewed wanted to say.This does not show objectivity. Then again when was the Greek media ever objective about anything it reported?

Significant Decline In Tourism Revenue And Bookings

Greece's tourism industry is experiencing one its worst seasons to date. The industry suffered a massive decline in the first five months of 2012, so much so that tourist arrivals have dropped almost 50 percent in various areas around the country while some of the hardest hit areas include Athens, the northern Aegean islands and the Peloponnese.

According to a report by the Institute for Tourism Research and Forecasts for Greece's Hotel Chamber,  the sector's indicators declined further in April and May relative to the first quarter of the year. It noted that the biggest decline was in tourist arrivals to the islands of the northern Aegean (or some 50 percent) and the Peloponnese (approximately 40 percent). Luckily the reduction was smaller for hotels on the island of Crete (10 percent).

The report stressed that political uncertainty, especially after the May 6 elections affected the overall results, which will see the tourism revenues decline because there is not enough time for the climate to improve. Foreign tourists have also been affected by negative press speculating Greece's exit from the euro, with the greatest fall in advance bookings in the Pelopponese, central Greece, Attica and the Cyclades islands. The reduction in these areas is around 40 percent, while northern Greece and Thessaly show reductions of 25 percent, Crete 20 percent and the Dodecanese islands 15 percent.

It was also announced that bookings fell by at least 10 percent in 2012 and revenue by 15-20 percent, with hotels in Athens hardest hit. It is also suspected that the sharp fall in domestic tourism was another major factor for this decline.

Bomb Attack At Microsoft Offices In Athens (VIDEO REPORT)

The Greek headquarters of Microsoft in Maroussi (Athens) fell victim to a terrorist attack early Wednesday morning, Athens news reports said. According to SKAI television the incident occured in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Gunmen apparently rammed a stolen van packed with three inflammable gas canisters and five cans of gasoline into the ground floor where the companyt is located. Police reports said that two men, holding pistols and a machine gun threatened security guards as the attack occurred. On its part, Microsoft said it would shut its office in the city while it assessed the damage and Greece's anti-terrorism unit carried out a full investigation. A spokesman for the company told a SKAI news show that workers were advised to take the next few days off.

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