
December 3, 2012

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PROVOCATION - FYROManian Film "A Name is A Name" Shows Greeks As Tormentors

Sometimes, even we here at HellasFrappe secretly hope -in complete delusion of course- that some kind of miracle will surface on the issue concerning FYROM! Every once in a while we hear of a new provocation, and yet we see no action on the part of the Greek government, nor from our Greek Diaspora leaders in Washington, Brussels and the United Nations. Good neighborly relations with FYROM is key, but how can Greece strengthen its relations with a country which is obviously working deviously to continue degrading it? In fact it is becoming more and more difficult to even tolerate their provocations now, since they not only have over-stepped their bounds with our patience but they are also literally spitting on our "filotimo" as a people.

The latest provocation is in the form of a movie. The film is titled “A Name is a Name” and it revolves around a guy named Nick Stoyan. As seen in the trailer -which incidentally will make your blood boil- he is a US marine on R&R from Kosovo, who apparently discovers that being a American in Greece is one thing, but being an American from FYROM in Greece (as the movie states) is a totally different story. A simple twist of fate turns this Slav's dreams of visiting his fathers birthplace Greece into what they describe to be is a nightmare. They show him being tormented by the wicked and vicious Greeks (LOL) while the camera strategically and cleverly focuses on the tattoos on his chest which show flags of US and FYROM in complete harmony.

(Got to suck up to the Americans...)

Friends, aside from the numerous falsifications made against our history, the theft of the Vergina Sun which is now displayed on their flag, the maps that show their country extending until the Thermaiko Gulf in Thessaloniki, the Slavs of FYROM now want to portray Greeks as racists, and brutal dictators.

We say bring it on...

We have had it up to HERE!!!

We expect the Greek Diaspora to act on this latest provocation, spread awareness both in social circles and their communities and when the movie is screened in their cities, to protest accordingly.

Den pame katholoy kala re paidia... ELEOS pia

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