
December 13, 2012

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New Lists Of Tax Evaders With Accounts In Luxembourg and Lichtenstein Now Being Probed

Tax (Photo credit: 401(K) 2012)
There is no end to the lists of tax evaders. Greece's elite has removed its money from Greece and this is becoming more and more apparent everyday! Following the much-talked about "Lagarde List" containing tens of hundreds of names of alleged tax evaders, several other lists we can't remember the names of, two more lists were reported to be in the hands of the Finance Ministry presently and believe it or not another one is also expected. Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras told reporters that the two lists, currently in the hands of the Greek Financial Crimes Unit (SDOE) for investigation, contain the names of bank account holders in Luxembourg and Lichtenstein. He also revealed that the Ministry got hold of these lists via Germany.

SDOE is now checking whether or not the deposits in these accounts was taxed before leaving Greece.

And if that wasn't enough, Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem told his parliament that he too had informed Greek authorities about hundreds of Greek yachts anchored in the ports in the Netherlands.
    Dutch tax authorities will provide details of hundreds of Greek yachts anchored in ports in the Netherlands, Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem told parliament Wednesday, in the latest effort to boost tax income there.
    The comments came as the Dutch parliament debated its support for the next tranche of international aid to the debt-plagued EU member, where tax evasion has been a hot topic since the euro zone crisis erupted.
    Dijsselbloem said he “immediately looked into this” after it was raised by members of the parliamentary opposition. “We informed the Greek authorities about this so they can levy taxes.”
    “This kind of information is critical to enable the Greeks to impose taxes,” he said. No financial details of the yachts were revealed by the minister (Reuters)
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