
December 26, 2012

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Christmas Message by Greek PM And Political Leaders

"Greece will do just fine", was the Christmas message voiced by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, describing 2013 as a tough year. However, if all Greeks work together, the country will be "lifted up" again, said the premier.

The priorities set by the government are social cohesion and fighting unemployment hitting the younger ages, while investments will be the tool to turn around the country's economy and create new jobs, Samaras stressed.

From Buenos Aires, main opposition radical left SYRIZA party leader Alexis Tsipras noted in his Christmas message that "Greece and its people have in the past been through even tougher days than the current harsh conditions, but have always survived." Tsipras, currently on tour of South American countries, added that "cultural tradition and solidarity will be the weapons that will help us out of the hardships, and 2013 will be a more optimistic year."

DHMAR party leader Fotis Kouvelis, in his own Christmas message to Greek people, described the coming period as "hopeful", saying that a social protection netting must be developed to care for all those citizens living under the poverty line. (AMNA)
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