
December 26, 2012

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AHEPA Gives More Than US 150,000 In Humanitarian Aid to Greece

More than 150,000 dollars have been raised by the Greek-American AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) organisation as part of its humanitarian campaign against poverty in crisis-stricken Greece. On the occasion of the Christmas, the group offered another 20.000 dollars to the Church of Greece "Apostoli" mission, an Athens food bank charity, to support its rations.

John Grossomanides, AHEPA president, said "the need is great all-year around, but is especially felt during the holidays." He urged Greek-Americans to donate in the effort to alleviate Greeks in need.

Each 10,000-dollar donation prepares about 500 food packages, each of which contains dry food and goods that will last a family of four about 20 days, while some packages are tailored to a family's specific needs.

In addition, since April 2012, the AHEPA family (AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope) has donated 93,500 dollars toward the humanitarian campaign, which included a 5,000-dollar October 2012 donation to help secure a shipping container filled with more than 650,000 dollars worth of medical and surgical supplies by the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC).
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